Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?
Inspired by a podcast with Dr. Amit Goswami, I wrote in 2022 a set of articles about quantum physics and how the quantum world can be found in the zodiac. The case I was then trying to make is that much of what quantum physics is trying to find and prove can already be derived from an in depth knowledge of the zodiac. A couple of weeks ago I came across a copy of the book – “A New Science of Heaven” by Robert Temple. The book has been quite an inspiring read for me. I believe that Robert Temple inadvertently wrote the first book that could be the scientific blueprint of how astrology works and influences life on earth. The book is based on …

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?
Donald Trump is always good for the news business, be it for the legacy media companies as the scapegoat or the alternative side of the news business as the savior. News about Trump always sells. Last week the former president definitely made newsworthy history again. Being the first former US president to become a felon is certainly something new, which does not necessarily mean that his democratic counterpart is legally less questionable. It is obviously what it takes these days to be elected to the highest positions of power – almost like in the last days of Rome. Despite all the legal headwinds he is seemingly following the recipe that even bad news is good publicity. It is hard to fathom …

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World
Through reading about the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, one finds out fairly quickly that Hades and Plouton are identical. The ancient Greek god of the underworld is known as the “unseen one”, fitting the trades of the eighth house in an astrological chart. The eighth house, being the last developmental step of the timely progression, before the Gestalt is revealed in Hs.7, is certainly still hidden from the eye of an observer, before timely content gets recognizable, therefore Hades is correctly named as the unseen one. The Greek myths are about the progression of how …

Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster - part 2
… Every moment holds its “timely” potential or, as the quantum physicist would call it, its potentiality, which is waiting to be “realized”. Much of  potentiality is never “realized”, but once the right players and pieces fall into place, events unfold. As already hinted towards in the “Light of Life” article, a similar observation can be made with light as well, be it the birth of a living creature or the occurrence of an event, all are entangled and connected to bigger rhythmic, recurring phenomena that happened before them and can be found in a chart (- see Covid articles)…

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571
For some weeks now Netflix offers a very well made cinematographic historic reappraisal of this tragic flight. The movie is not just well made, it touches with impressive detail on the different characters involved, the plight and how the event and the months after in starvation and drama evolved until the survivors were found. Relevant times and dates are very well documented. The precision of the relevant charts demonstrate and explain in their planetary way the event in the most stunning way and are truly a testament of how the quality of time has future outcomes embedded in it. Known as the “Andes Flight disaster” this historic flight took place in the early seventies, when a plane on its way from Montevideo UY to Santiago de Chile crashed on an icefield in the Andes. On one hand the crash was understandably perceived as a disaster, on the other it was called a miracle. From the initial 45 people onboard 14 survived a 72 day ordeal in subzero terrain at an altitude of close to 4000 m before they were rescued. The disaster made worldwide headlines because of the cannibalism …

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders - part 1
It was not just the 2024 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that inspired me to kick off a sequence of articles about cult leaders, but I have to admit that it would be fitting. The official theme of this year’s meeting – “Rebuilding Trust” – already opens questions about the state of this organization, how our world is presently governed, manipulated and exploited. A cult easily comes to mind, when one listens in and watches what gets spoonfed to us by the circus legacy media about the meeting of the 60 heads of state and 2800 international “leaders”. According to vocabulary.com “cult” is defined as a system of religious beliefs and rituals, followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices, a religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox, extremist, or false, followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader, an interest ….

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”
The book of Genesis opens the story of creation on the first day with; “Let there be light,” and “there was light.” Since it happened on the first day of the six day creation story we just can surmise that light is at the base of everything. One could get the impression that everything else is just built on or is a consequence of it. Meaning light is one, or perhaps the main building block of life, or of the world around us. Just about a month ago Astrum, a youtube contributor, posted a video about nine experiments with light that will certainly amaze everyone that has watched it (see link below). The quite stunning findings are dealing in parts with  quantum theories as well the physics of light. For me the video revived similar thoughts and observations …

The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US
It is very unlikely that you will not find a media outlet at this time of the year that is not surmising about how this new year, 2024, will unfold and what it holds in store. Be it financial analysts, political observers, weather/climate gurus, doomsday forecasters, all kinds of journalists, nearly everybody that has some rank or title is trying to get to the top of the augural podium. The desire to know the future is certainly not new, nor is the business with it. One might remember the Roman augurs, who were priests and officials in the classical Roman world, who’s role was to study and observe events within a sacred space – templum – to then interpret the will of the gods. Their main focus was on birds, what kind …

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time - part 2
… not just by sheer coincidence that one of the most important days of the Christian faith is located from a zodiacal point of view very close to the day of the “gate of time,” which falls on the 21 of December. The alleged birth day of Jesus is apparently a couple of days away from that zodiacal point. With numerous calendar changes over the millenia it is very likely that the date is rather falling into the described identical zodiacal timeframe. From a Greek mythological-as well as an astrological and a Christian point of view, this moment is perceived as the moment that …

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time
In previous articles I have already given a rough outline of the progression of the development of time and its major developmental steps towards the formation of what we commonly perceive as the present. If you have astrological knowledge, or might have read some of my articles you by now know about the relevance of the MC (Medium Colie) of an astrological chart. The midday point of a chart. It is the point of the chart when the Sun has reached its highest point of the day from the perspective of the place the chart is based on. It certainly is not just graphically the most elevated point of the zodiacal circle – it is astrologically the point of the chart, where the third and fourth quadrant connect, it is the point where fourth quadrant content is passed on / transmitted from Capricorn to Sagittarius (clockwise movement). That conjunction is called the …

Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk - why he is the richest man
Who hasn’t heard of Elon Reeve Musk? The South African born entrepreneur has accumulated so much wealth (presently 233 billion dollars) with his multiple tech-enterprises that he is meanwhile the richest man in the world. Most likely people that know his name associate him with the Tesla automotive company that produces electric vehicles. His career and achievements are well documented. Who has an interest in listening to his ideas, there are multiple podcasts with him in which he makes no hiding of his persona nor his character. Some people describe him as an introvert, confrontational, sometimes erratic and if you believe some internet sources he even describes himself not just as a micro manager, he even believes he is a “nano” manager. Certainly with that kind of celebrity status the world is observing every movement, behaviour, word and taking note of any by societal standards that can be …

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore
It certainly is a date that most would not even recognize as historically important. Many up to today do not even realize the implications that arose from this White House decision, which would change everyday lives more than most other political decisions made over the last four decades. It almost does not matter where on the planet, rich or poor, it influenced every economic and financial development and transaction that followed after. It was so significant that it reaches even into our present days and very likely (way beyond) into the future. The argument could be made that the decision enabled a system that generated wealth and a standard of living never seen before. Others could argue that …

AIN Dubai – what is wrong

AIN Dubai – what is wrong

AIN Dubai - what is wrong
After exploring the chart of the Museum of the Future in Dubai I found another recent event that took place in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It is yet again a structure that is trying to chase worldwide attention. In this case, it is the biggest ferris wheel in the world. With 250 m (820 ft.) in height it certainly must be quite a structure; it is three times the size of the London Eye. Built with 9,000 tons of steel, almost 25% more steel than used in the Eiffel tower. The rim alone weighs as much as 16 Airbus 380s. The 48 cabins have a total capacity of 1,750 passengers. The most likely quite scenic and breathtaking ride would take close to 40 minutes to complete. The only caveat – months after the inaugural first spins, the operation of the wheel was halted …

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land - part 2
The chart of the congress can be viewed in, what we could consider, the birth chart of the State of Israel. In light of the recent developments in the “Holy Land” it is certainly worth having a closer look at it and seeing what quality of time the foundation of the State of Israel is made up of. Before we go into the details of the first Zionist congress chart, I’d like to mention the present military confrontation you can find at the point that I have marked with an arrow (with #1.). It is a point that mirrors over the …

War in the Holy Land

War in the Holy Land

War in the Holy Land
It is a sad affair, hardly a month goes by without the news reporting a new war or military confrontation somewhere in the world. Just this year alone, multiple countries in the Southern Sahel, then in Central Asia (Nagorno-Karabakh) and now (again) in the “Holy Land” itself, that is just counting the last couple of months, not even talking about still ongoing military confrontations in Ukraine and Syria. But it is not much of a surprise, if the, by more than half of the world population considered, “Holy Land” never seems to come to peace, how should the rest of the world find it? In May 2021 …

Pacemaker’s birthday

Pacemaker’s birthday

Pacemaker's birthday
For modern medicine October 8 is certainly a milestone day. It is the day when Dr. Senning in Solna, Sweden, cut open Mr. Larsson’s chest to implant a device that would from then on help to trigger the patient’s heart beat. Not just hours later the device failed and the only backup device had to be implanted instead. It would not be the only one exchange of device that Mr. Larsson would have to endure. And it would not have to be his last surgery. For his remaining lifetime of 43 years, Mr. Larsson had to have the device changed almost 30 times. The irony to all, with his device he outlived his surgeon and the engineer, Rune Elmquist, of the first pacemaker. It is estimated that by now about three million people worldwide live with this life prolonging technical device …

Museum of the Future – Dubai

Museum of the Future – Dubai

Museum of the Future - Dubai
Museums are usually places where you’d find articles of virtue of foregone times. Like themed cemeteries, where you can find a condensed display of relics of vanished cultural and technological streams. In short everything that ends up in a museum has generally written death on its forehead otherwise it would not end up in a museum. So how about a museum that is displaying the future. Quite ominous and somber at the same time wouldn’t you agree. How can we display something that has not even happened yet, nor do we even know if it ever will or will be something of significance? And, if it is on display does that mean it is already dead or obsolete? Sometimes history offers …

R. Oppenheimer – father of the atomic bomb

R. Oppenheimer – father of the atomic bomb

R. Oppenheimer - father of the atomic bomb
It is one of these moments again, when the “Quality of time” could not manifest itself in a better way. Living presently on the brink of a possible nuclear war, the western world, which was masterfully coerced into a proxy war, entertains (consumes images) itself with the latest Hollywood production that attempts to shine some light on the personas and reasoning behind the creation of the WWII (!!) first nuclear bomb. The movie develops as the usual story – good (and smart) against evil (not so smart) – and attempts to coerce the viewers into the understanding that evil can only be extinguished with even more evil. If movie goers do indeed stay right to the very last minute of the movie …

Lahaina – Inferno in Paradise 

Lahaina – Inferno in Paradise 

Lahaina - Inferno in Paradise
According to the Maui Fire Chief, Bradford Ventura, the fire that at the end of the day would have destroyed most of the town of Lahaina, Maui, had started around midnight the night before. Due to high winds in the area the fire spread with such high velocity that people were barely able to flee or unable to put any resistance against the rushing flames that eventually caused the entire town to burn down. By now, the monetary damage is already estimated at 5-6 billion dollars. The media has been fairly quick in finding the culprit of this disaster – climate change is to blame and possibly an imperfectly executed disaster response…

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud - the founder of psychoanalysis
With Freud we have the third psychologist chart “on the astrological chaise-lounge” to examine what these three psychologists might have in common and where they differ. You might have already spotted a quite stunning commonality between Jung and Freud, at least from the chart’s point of view. Both have their Suns in Hs.7 – the house of consciousness, which seems to be appropriate for their field of interest, the interest of consciousness and subsequently the unconscious. …