EU – no right to veto

EU – no right to veto
It does not take much to picture what this kind of message means for democracy in general. To come to a consensus in an apparently democratic body, it certainly does not speak for a more open, more faceted approach. And for a day that some media described as the ‘second most important day’ since the inception of the EU it was surprisingly quiet on the MSM front. Clearly clipping democratic principles and on top reducing the number of chairs of the European commission from 27 to 15 was certainly not executed to rescue some tax payer Euros. In short, the not by populace elected EU leadership gave itself more power and eliminated the potential of future high decibel levels of “unnecessary” pseudo democratic side noises. One could say they accomplished the next …

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore
It certainly is a date that most would not even recognize as historically important. Many up to today do not even realize the implications that arose from this White House decision, which would change everyday lives more than most other political decisions made over the last four decades. It almost does not matter where on the planet, rich or poor, it influenced every economic and financial development and transaction that followed after. It was so significant that it reaches even into our present days and very likely (way beyond) into the future. The argument could be made that the decision enabled a system that generated wealth and a standard of living never seen before. Others could argue that …

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land - part 2
The chart of the congress can be viewed in, what we could consider, the birth chart of the State of Israel. In light of the recent developments in the “Holy Land” it is certainly worth having a closer look at it and seeing what quality of time the foundation of the State of Israel is made up of. Before we go into the details of the first Zionist congress chart, I’d like to mention the present military confrontation you can find at the point that I have marked with an arrow (with #1.). It is a point that mirrors over the …

Lahaina – Inferno in Paradise 

Lahaina – Inferno in Paradise 

Lahaina - Inferno in Paradise
According to the Maui Fire Chief, Bradford Ventura, the fire that at the end of the day would have destroyed most of the town of Lahaina, Maui, had started around midnight the night before. Due to high winds in the area the fire spread with such high velocity that people were barely able to flee or unable to put any resistance against the rushing flames that eventually caused the entire town to burn down. By now, the monetary damage is already estimated at 5-6 billion dollars. The media has been fairly quick in finding the culprit of this disaster – climate change is to blame and possibly an imperfectly executed disaster response…



As one of a multiple dams system, choking the Dnipro River, the Kakhovka Dam was built in 1950 by the Soviet Union to generate power and facilitate water management for the region’s agricultural sector. The recent military confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces in the area of the dam got in the crosshairs of certain military strategists and was blown up on June 6. The released water flooded downstream settlements and farmland and it put the cooling system of one of the local nuclear power plants in peril. No matter which propaganda channel one gets their information from, the conclusion is always the same – “it was the other side” that deliberately destroyed the structure. From an astrological point …

The Bilderberg Meetings

The Bilderberg Meetings

The Bilderberg Meetings
The internationally held annual meetings are comprised of about 120 to 150 political and industry leaders. According to the official website, about ⅔ of the participants are coming from Europe, the other third from North America. Since its first meeting in 1954 in the Dutch Bilderberg Hotel, the group is commonly known as the Bilderbergers. Particularly in the last decade this group of highly influential people has been in the center of many conspiracy accusations, which have led to sizable demonstrations at the respective venues in past years. The organizers seem to be increasingly aware of the public pressure towards these kinds of meetings and try not to conceal the place of their next meeting. …

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech
Usually hardly anybody will remember the content of an outgoing president’s speech. Slightly different – the case of President Eisenhower’s farewell speech. His speech is still remembered up to this day, particularly certain passages in the painstakingly prepared and many times changed speech. And in light of the present international political fires the Biden administration seems to ignite all over the world right now, many do remember the man that has been called by his critics as a “do nothing president” and what he said when he left office. His actual “do nothing” legacy origins from his successful attempt to keep world peace in times of heightened international crises. In his outgoing speech on January 17, 1961 to the nation he warned about the danger of the military–industrial complex, which he describes as the relationship between a country’s military and the defence industry …

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine
Just lately the American crime drama series Narcos kindled my interest in the chart for the King of Cocaine: Pablo Escobar. The time of his birth was surprisingly easy to find, and the moment I had the chart calculated and drawn by my computer, the database showed the existence of a very similar matching chart, the one of another career criminal – Al Capone. The two do not need too much of an introduction of who they were and how they were able to amass fame and fortune. Both have quite some things in common. In their respective hemispheres, one in the US, the other in Columbia, Pablo and Capone were the most famous gangsters of their time; both were highly successful in their field of business, rapidly collecting unprecedented fortunes. Both have …

A Peaceful Christmas – free content

A Peaceful Christmas – free content

A Peaceful Christmas - free content
As Ernest Hemmingway once said (1946) “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” Quite fitting to the present assault, which is by authorities declared as a war against a virus, that the world populace has to endure right now. To get a bit of an idea and details of the evil spirited conspirators behind this chemical and psychological warfare and how it is conducted you might want to listen to an interview that meanwhile is banned on numerous social media platforms. It even happened to me, before being able to access the interview, that a governmental info page of Health …..

Day of “Independence” – an island morphs into a Republic

Day of “Independence” – an island morphs into a Republic

Day of “Independence” - an island morphs into a Republic
On the last day of November this year the small nation of Barbados freed itself from the last shackles of foreign governance. Almost half a millenia had to go by to cut the last tie to the last country claiming ownership over this Caribbean island and its people. In the sixties Barbados commenced the first step in gaining independence. 55 years later to the day, the last tie was cut in the form of constituting a Republic and saying goodbye for good to the Queen as head of State. The celebration received worldwide news coverage since it fits the present narrative – get rid of foreign political interference and strive for self governance. It is an unstoppable trend, that I already outlined in an earlier article about the Queen, the British crown and their future without Elizabeth II. The Prince of Wales, excused of being jet lagged, nodding off at the ceremony gave the fitting visual testimony of the vanishing influence and power …

Mandating Covid vaccination – a historical recurrence – free content

Mandating Covid vaccination – a historical recurrence – free content

Mandating Covid vaccination - a historical recurrence - free content
The Covid story and narrative is a sticky one and does not seem to go simply away. If you have read the Grand Conjunction articles on this website you will know why the virus constellation has not left the ether of present news and will most likely stay with us for a longer time. Meanwhile, over the last 20 months, governments have bent the interpretation of basic human rights to impose draconian laws on their populace in order to be at war with a virus. The majority has seemingly not yet keyed into the loss of their basic rights and does not even seem to be remotely concerned about it. Actually, they are being convinced that they are doing the “right” thing, which, on the flipside, has changed the tone towards the non-jabbed portion of the population. Many, including the medical establishment, truly believe that they are at war with a virus and who does not follow the call to arms, meaning getting an injection of some sort, is automatically not fighting their war and subsequently their enemy. …



….. Instead of resisting political temptations and a worldly (Q1.) desire for power, the Vatican could not agree on keeping with the principles and decided to split up. Herein lies the cause for the Western, the Roman Church, to develop and exhibit the ugly face seen through the turn of centuries, consuming and not nourishing the Holy Spirit anymore. The Church rather functionalized the divine spirit hindering it to come to life and/or even consuming it – and with that, the Church progressively developed into a more materialistic and political entity. By now it has morphed into an empty shell of executions of the form of appearances, it has lost its center and with that its access to its spiritual source….

Boeing 707 – the first flight and it’s possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions – free content

Boeing 707 – the first flight and it’s possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions – free content

Boeing 707 - first flight and it's possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions - free content
“Augury is the practice from ancient Roman religion of interpreting omens from the observed behavior of birds. When the individual, known as the augur, interpreted these signs, it is referred to as “taking the auspices”. ‘Auspices’ is from the Latin auspicium and auspex, literally “one who looks at birds.” Depending upon the birds, the auspices from the gods could be favorable or unfavorable (auspicious or inauspicious)” – Wikipedia. So, what would an ancient Roman have interpreted into the first flight of a metal build plane capable of carrying more than 100 people? Difficult to say, especially since the December day of the inaugural flight was so rainy that the flight only took 7 minutes before it had to return. Aside from that, the noise of the four-engine jet would have most likely scared every bird out of the sky; that, almost like an omen on its own, the metal plane then replaced the birds with its own appearance. A couple of weeks ago …

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic – free content

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic – free content

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic - free content
Did the news sources you trust and follow tell you about this very undiscerning part of the coronavirus story? In 2009, the WHO changed the definition for the influenza pandemic. Not to sway the readers opinion on that worldwide hot topic – to give you an idea, here is an excerpt directly from the WHO bulletin page. Even then the change was considered controversial and experienced a wide range of critique: “Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: ‘An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.’ However, on 4 May 2009, scarcely one month before the H1N1 pandemic was declared, the web page was altered ….



CBC radio
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first radio broadcast. On May 20,1920 the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada broadcasted the first Canadian radio program. Within 10 years the number of radio sets in Canada increased from a few thousand to nearly 300.000. This trend and opportunity of mass programming on an unknown scale did not go by unnoticed from the Canadian political establishment. The only trouble was most of the radio stations were based south of the border, out of their political reach and influence. As a counterweight to the American content, which dominated the Canadina skies, the government in 1929 decided to get involved in radio business. Almost seven years later, on November 2nd, 1936, the state owned, managed and financed CBC radio was established. It would eventually cover most of the airspace of the second biggest landmass on earth. The Crown cooperation was established with the clear intention of broadcasting and “programming” Canadian …

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

Covid-19 - a forensic astrological search - conclusion…. The time quality (combination of place and time) only allowed the virus to originate from the greater area of Wuhan. The outlined connections to the past allow the thought that the phenomena of the virus is connected to the Chinese past more than to any other place at that time. Wuhan offered just the right “environment”. The Covid-19 virus displays “time properties” (see first Wuhan chart, Jupiter aspect) that enabled it to affect many people around the world. …

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

Covid-19 - an astrological forensic search, part 1
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before” – Rahm Emanuel (former advisor to Barack Obama).
Particularly the US and China are trying to follow this kind of script right now. Each one of them is blaming the other for being the originator of the virus. The US is slowly ramping up its media power to persuade the public that China is the villain. That they were the ones concocting and brewing up the formula in their level 4 bio lab in Wuhan. And through some accident, the virus escaped the lab. The US president emphasizes that it is the “CHINA VIRUS”. As a consequence, multiple billion dollar lawsuits are being filed in US courts, all trying to sue China over the economic impact of the virus. China, on the other side, is keeping …..