CBC radio
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first radio broadcast. On May 20,1920 the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada broadcasted the first Canadian radio program. Within 10 years the number of radio sets in Canada increased from a few thousand to nearly 300.000. This trend and opportunity of mass programming on an unknown scale did not go by unnoticed from the Canadian political establishment. The only trouble was most of the radio stations were based south of the border, out of their political reach and influence. As a counterweight to the American content, which dominated the Canadina skies, the government in 1929 decided to get involved in radio business. Almost seven years later, on November 2nd, 1936, the state owned, managed and financed CBC radio was established. It would eventually cover most of the airspace of the second biggest landmass on earth. The Crown cooperation was established with the clear intention of broadcasting and “programming” Canadian …

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FREE CONTENT - FUEL DOCK EXPLOSIONIt is something we almost do weekly and don’t waste too much thought on: fueling our vehicles with highly flammable substances. Rarely do we think about what could go wrong. It did not make national news, but the Times Colonist, our local newspaper, reported on the story offering the exact time and some details. In the afternoon on Sunday May 10th, someone had just finished to fuel their recreational vessel and shortly after …..

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

Covid-19 - a forensic astrological search - conclusion…. The time quality (combination of place and time) only allowed the virus to originate from the greater area of Wuhan. The outlined connections to the past allow the thought that the phenomena of the virus is connected to the Chinese past more than to any other place at that time. Wuhan offered just the right “environment”. The Covid-19 virus displays “time properties” (see first Wuhan chart, Jupiter aspect) that enabled it to affect many people around the world. …