My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 - free content
We can all agree that the year 2020 has not been short of newsworthy content. As expected and forecasted it turned out to be a year with a lot of changes, turns, and events. The mainstream media certainly made their “Trojan Horse” of this year’s news look unavoidable, omnipresent, and seemingly the only newsworthy event to report. The worldwide synchronized and orchestrated propaganda muted any other noteworthy development and content – so that real news were mainly only accessible through and noticed by alternative news sites, blogs, or through some social media websites. As an act of news cleansing those news were quickly discredited as outright “misinformation,” which in many cases did not diminish the interest in the matter. As a second step approach ….

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before - free content
… Billions spent, uncounted hours of election coverage aired. As of Tuesday, the election has officially run its course, the electoral college has decided. Both political sides were reiterating their election platforms for months and weeks, over and over again not helping to heal and wanting to bridge the seemingly growing divide they so deliberately crafted before. Certainly, no possible outcome would have helped the divided nation. For all non subscribed readers of the website, who knew the outcome of the election way before – to be precise almost a year ago – when on the January 2nd of this year I wrote about chances of Trump’s reelection – “it appears that the constellation that favored him to make a move to the oval office comes up again in January 2021, so that could mean, that he will be moving again, but this time not in, rather out of it and to a new place… .” Makes you wonder all those billions (to be precise 14 billion equaling state budget of entire countries ….

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020 - free content” - part 3 of 3
At the beginning of this year I already wrote about the conjunction of 2020. As written in January – charts based on the conjunction of the planets Saturn/Jupiter are used as mini epochal charts that span for about 20 years. This year’s case is remarkable because the conjunction falls on the day of the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere and what astronomers point out, it will be one of the closest conjunctions in hundreds of years. If the theory holds, a chart of this moment can be the base for calculating constellations and content of time that might be surfacing to different points over the next two decades. Over the course of the next year I will look into some of those charts for the different political hemispheres around the world, we will see how they differ, and what content of time will come up in the respective areas; how it will affect or distinguish these regions. I have chosen charts of the most influential capitals, which will be part of this series of articles. You might have read that some astrology inclined people claim this to be the start of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. The conjunction is right in Aquarius and certainly would look like it holds some sort of renewing aspect, but from my end I cannot see that the dawn of the “Golden Age” has arrived or is about to start anytime soon. There are many indicators …

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine - free content
About a week ago something happened in London that supposedly will change the world and will free it from the scourge that has plagued it for almost a year now. For readers that follow my articles, they by now know that the constellation of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto is, at least from my end, the presumed quality of time for the Coronavirus. And as you can clearly see in the London midday chart, the constellation is centered in Hs.12, meaning the content of time is sunken into the nonvisible. The content does not come to life – it is subdued – not “allowed” to be present and sits on a “scheduled” release for a later moment in time. Just not in the form of Covid – I could already tell you, when and how, but since it is …



….. The belief “Form rules matter” is screwed from the beginning and is only left for the simple minded – it is just despondent that the mainstream is following that narrative knowingly or totally oblivious to the matter. As mentioned earlier, it is of no coincidence that the industrial revolution and esotericism both appear and develop at the same time. Esotericism is the spiritual forerunner that enables the technological, scientific world – similar with the demise of the Western Church or Mr. Crowley – abandoning the fourth quadrant (the Causa Finalis) – and, praising and hoisting the visible, measurable world of the first quadrant (Causa Materialis) up to God-like levels will lead to the same outcome. The same “mechanics” apply, which seems to be the final push, to the climate change movement. Leading this world further to the brink of its, not just ecological, demise which it claims to be the savior for. Let’s just remember the parts in ….

The Virus – a crisis made to last – free content

The Virus – a crisis made to last – free content

The Virus - a crisis made to last - free content
The latest numbers up, the death rate slightly mounting, countermeasures – rising, Covid fatigue – rising, number of people losing livelihoods – rising, and according to the WHO there will not be an end, even after the arrival of the vaccine. After 9/11, the virus is most likely the media story and the global spin of this fairly young century. It seems the world has turned crazy and the opted route of response and how to counter the virus to avoid a resulting health crisis has gone into overdrive. The main casualties in all this are: truth and basic human rights. Good luck if you try to get a balanced opinion on the matter. Anything that does not fit the official storyline is debunked as unscientific, not worthy of mentioning nor even discussing. Even worse, doctors, healthcare professionals, epidemiologists, and biologists who dare to speak against the health doctrine maintained by officials, governments and especially the media, are silenced, shunned, or muzzled (like all of us). We have reached a state where this system of “science” is slowly starting to give up on evidence and research based findings ….

MTV – the day the music died? – part 2

MTV – the day the music died? – part 2

MTV - the day the music died? - part 2
MTVs initial idea was to declare the radio dead and tell the consumers that TV is now the new medium and platform for music. As a war anthem MTV garnered their launch with a song from The Buggles – “Video killed the radio star” and showed the first space shuttle launch of the Columbia space shuttle. And then they even gave the radio people a subtle message about what to do, playing their second music video, Pat Benatar “You better run”. As we all know, it did not kill the radio, but MTV changed the music industry in a big way and clearly diverted the music radio fortune to the pockets of the parent company ViacomCBS. For the first two decades it seems that MTV got it all right – the described music industry was looking for an advertisement and presentation platform and the only audible radio was not good enough to transmit the visual messages that came now with the music. The colorful videos …..

MTV – The day the music died ? part 1 – free content

MTV – The day the music died ? part 1 – free content

MTV - The day the music died ? part 1 - free content
It is like with food – authentic music and real musicians hardly exist anymore. What has happened over the last hundred years and how it changed the way we listen, receive and perceive music is profound. It is like with food, not everything that looks like food is nourishing and has nutritional value. And food and music could almost be put at par in that sense. Industry has taken over – food is not prepared and cooked anymore, and music is no longer an actively lived expression of the soul. Even here the industrial impression can hardly be ignored – music these days, they say, is produced and someone that wants to be recognized in the music business needs a good “producer” and a skilled “sound engineer”. As such music developed into an industrial piece of consumer good. The North American music industry has developed into a ….



….. Instead of resisting political temptations and a worldly (Q1.) desire for power, the Vatican could not agree on keeping with the principles and decided to split up. Herein lies the cause for the Western, the Roman Church, to develop and exhibit the ugly face seen through the turn of centuries, consuming and not nourishing the Holy Spirit anymore. The Church rather functionalized the divine spirit hindering it to come to life and/or even consuming it – and with that, the Church progressively developed into a more materialistic and political entity. By now it has morphed into an empty shell of executions of the form of appearances, it has lost its center and with that its access to its spiritual source….

QAnon – free content

QAnon – free content

QAnon - free content
QAnon – an internet phenomenon which has gone viral and political. Inspired by a radio documentary on CBC about QAnon, I was wondering if there would be a day and time of the first online posting. The various internet sources seem to agree the first day something was posted with the connection to the – up to this day still anonymous – source of “information”, was 28.10.2017 on 4chan, an image board website. After that, the pseudonymous alias and its augural notices and announcements made the rounds on the internet and in some cases have reached cult like levels. The content of the announcement was usually of political nature and many of them are leaning towards the Trump administration with an idea of cleaning up the Deep State and with the Clintons. Depending on the content of those short-scripted messages, readers were making assumptions ….

666 – THE BEAST OF THE SEA – part 1 of 3

666 – THE BEAST OF THE SEA – part 1 of 3

666 - THE BEAST OF THE SEA - part 1 of 3
These days the triple number draws quite some attention; is frequently cited and referred to; often taken out of context and if you read up on the source (Revelation 13:1-18) you do not get much of an idea about what you are really dealing with. Clearly there are some passages in the biblical text that can be easily transferred to present days, and comprehended with our modern mind. One of the most quoted ones seems to be – “… the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name …. .” The other parts of the Revelation do not offer such a quick comprehension and for that reason this particular section seems to be the one that went mainstream. If you look it up you will find ancient historical connections, roulette and connections to lottery, as well as individuals connected or deciphered by the number. One name that comes up, with great likelihood connected to the number, is Aleister Crowley, whose chart we will examine in part 3. …

Boeing 707 – the first flight and it’s possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions – free content

Boeing 707 – the first flight and it’s possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions – free content

Boeing 707 - first flight and it's possible connection to the MAX-8 and Covid-travel restrictions - free content
“Augury is the practice from ancient Roman religion of interpreting omens from the observed behavior of birds. When the individual, known as the augur, interpreted these signs, it is referred to as “taking the auspices”. ‘Auspices’ is from the Latin auspicium and auspex, literally “one who looks at birds.” Depending upon the birds, the auspices from the gods could be favorable or unfavorable (auspicious or inauspicious)” – Wikipedia. So, what would an ancient Roman have interpreted into the first flight of a metal build plane capable of carrying more than 100 people? Difficult to say, especially since the December day of the inaugural flight was so rainy that the flight only took 7 minutes before it had to return. Aside from that, the noise of the four-engine jet would have most likely scared every bird out of the sky; that, almost like an omen on its own, the metal plane then replaced the birds with its own appearance. A couple of weeks ago …

Google – the “googoled” (1 with 100 zeroes) armed octopus of the internet

Google – the “googoled” (1 with 100 zeroes) armed octopus of the internet

Google - the “googoled” (1 with 100 zeroes) armed octopus of the internet
No words need to be spent to introduce the worldwide known internet platform and most visited website in the world. It is that well known and recognized, that the company name already found its way into the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb. You could call it a marketing dream come true. In its 22 years of existence it is dominating the online world and there are many that try to rival the search portal, but I guess at that point Google with a 86% market share comfortably owns the crown of being the internet go-to place. By now the company has made many household fixtures like maps, telephone directories, newspapers, now obsolete and has surely sent many encyclopedia publishers close to bankruptcy. And, as if knowing almost any question asked around the world is not enough, the company was even able to “sell a gift” to the trusting consumer – Google Nest – a so called echo device – the omnipresent ears of Silicon Valley ….

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic – free content

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic – free content

In 2009 the WHO changed the definition of an influenza pandemic - free content
Did the news sources you trust and follow tell you about this very undiscerning part of the coronavirus story? In 2009, the WHO changed the definition for the influenza pandemic. Not to sway the readers opinion on that worldwide hot topic – to give you an idea, here is an excerpt directly from the WHO bulletin page. Even then the change was considered controversial and experienced a wide range of critique: “Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: ‘An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.’ However, on 4 May 2009, scarcely one month before the H1N1 pandemic was declared, the web page was altered ….

When will those masks disappear ? – free content

When will those masks disappear ? – free content

When will those masks disappear ? - free content
If a European or North American travelled to the more densely populated centers of Asia they were sure to receive one free souvenir: The image connected with the lasting memory of people wearing masks on public transport and in public places. An expression of appearance we in the Western world were and possibly are not yet accustomed to. One can argue that the inhabitants of those bustling Asian centers wear masks to protect them from contaminated air or air transmitted diseases. Superficially, that argument makes possibly sense. But the actual cause of the phenomena is much more profound than the very trivial environmental or health argument. It goes way deeper into the process that is at the base of that development: an ever-increasing penetration of ….

EVENT 201 – October 18, 2019 – a global pandemic exercise – free content

EVENT 201 – October 18, 2019 – a global pandemic exercise – free content

EVENT 201 - October 18, 2019 - a global pandemic exercise - free content
A couple of days ago, a reader had sent me the link to a website of an event that took place way before the world was even talking about the Coronavirus. The event website – describes a come together of 15 global business, government, and public health players as following: ….. Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will ….

007 – James Bond what powers the longest running film series – “No time to die”

007 – James Bond what powers the longest running film series – “No time to die”

007 - James Bond what powers the longest running film series -
… According to the author himself, he wanted to give the protagonist “the dullest and plainest sounding name he could think of – JAMES BOND”. It turned out, what has been perceived as dull and boring in the sixties, still has a lot of story fire power left, even sixty years later. The James Bond series with 24 movies is the longest running film series ever and is worth up to 7.04 billion now – the sixth highest grossing series ever produced. By the sounds of it, the British EON Production Ltd. that has been exclusively producing all of the agent stories over the decades, a new James Bond movie, number 25, “No time to die”, will premiere November 12, 2020 in London – Covid permitting. By now, the latest trailer can already be viewed online, and it would not surprise me if theaters are already taking reservations. The British agent series is still a hot entertainment commodity. Like the many 007 before this movie, it too will surely be a success. It seems that for a story that always develops and ends pretty much like the one before, the action and suspense filled, almost superhero like, plot is always able to pull in a new generation of fans. It seems 007 is not just a chameleon that can camouflage himself into any society and survive, his creators were even able to manage and design his appeal to such a degree that the multigenerational fans never got bored of watching a make-over of the previous one. So, what powers this almost seemingly never-ending villain chasing and government killer storyline? …

Covid 19 response – Sweden the pariah or a role model? – free content

Covid 19 response – Sweden the pariah or a role model? – free content

Covid 19 response - Sweden the pariah or a role model?
…. There seems to be only one country that did not get lured into the media frenziness, nor were they corrupted by higher powers and industry influencers. The shining star that seems to have mastered the “corona health crisis” is SWEDEN. Why does the mainstream media especially here in North America deliberately ignore the success story? And why don’t governments change course and adopt the Swedish recipe on how to deal with the flu? Especially if their own “educated” fix is obviously not helping the situation, actually to the contrary dragging it out to an unknown date in the distant future – for a vaccine with a most likely very questionable efficacy. …..

“The Distinguished Citizen” – an Argentinian Movie – free content

“The Distinguished Citizen” – an Argentinian Movie – free content

“The Distinguished Citizen” - an Argentinian Movie - free content
In Venice on September 8th, 2016 the Argentinian Movie “El Ciudadano Ilustre”, with the English title “The Distinguished Citizen” premiered. It was widely positively reviewed, won numerous movie awards, and was emphatically received by a worldwide audience (a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes still up to today). The, as a dark satirical comedy described, movie has been added to a North American streaming service and with that an even greater viewership can now enjoy this, I believe, quite refreshing South American movie production. Film critique Benjamin Russel from Americas Quarterly writes “ … at the heart of The Distinguished Citizen are questions about the nature of creativity, ownership of art, and the vagrancy of truth. ….

The NYSE – when will the music stop ?

The NYSE – when will the music stop ?

The NYSE - when will the music stop ?
Presently, the New York based Stock exchange is up to this day still the conductor of the international monetary orchestra. Undoubtedly, the world economy has been moving for well over a hundred years to the tunes the New York exchange emits. Much of what defines America and its economic success over the last century has had its origin here at the “Wall Street band shell”. Many people who became interested in astrology have tried their luck in predicting the course of the Wall Street generated indices. The idea is enticing and I guess anybody who attained some astrological knowledge had their try and temptation to find a formula to predict markets. The chart of the exchange is no big secret and can be found in almost any horoscope collection. It is most likely one of the most looked at and examined charts in the world. The present state of the stock market is for many a conundrum – inflated, seemingly ever rising stock prices paint a quite different picture to what “main street” America is currently experiencing. Unprecedented high unemployment rates, a collapsing consumer appetite, lack of money, and skyrocketing debt levels on all fronts (private, corporate and government) make it hard to believe that the prices for shares reflect the economic state and reality. Last week, I believe Elon Musk was reported to be worth 100 billion. Some analysts are forecasting a second crash this year, others believe the prices are only a part of a “melt-up,” instead of a threatened meltdown. In April I already published my interpretation of the market for late April, May, and June; and it basically unfolded as assumed. I still remember writing about it when the market was down – really down – with all the Covid news and nobody dared to believe that it would recover, and I wrote that it would mildly recover and stabilize by the end of May to the beginning of June. As we know by now, it even did better. So, I dare to give it another shot. In April, my prediction was that the NYSE had entered a value favoring Jupiter-Uranus phase starting around 24.04.2020. Like with all those phases, they are not necessarily a digital process, one day bad and the next day everything is good. The start date usually marks a turning point and then towards the middle of the phase ……