My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 - free content
We can all agree that the year 2020 has not been short of newsworthy content. As expected and forecasted it turned out to be a year with a lot of changes, turns, and events. The mainstream media certainly made their “Trojan Horse” of this year’s news look unavoidable, omnipresent, and seemingly the only newsworthy event to report. The worldwide synchronized and orchestrated propaganda muted any other noteworthy development and content – so that real news were mainly only accessible through and noticed by alternative news sites, blogs, or through some social media websites. As an act of news cleansing those news were quickly discredited as outright “misinformation,” which in many cases did not diminish the interest in the matter. As a second step approach ….

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before - free content
… Billions spent, uncounted hours of election coverage aired. As of Tuesday, the election has officially run its course, the electoral college has decided. Both political sides were reiterating their election platforms for months and weeks, over and over again not helping to heal and wanting to bridge the seemingly growing divide they so deliberately crafted before. Certainly, no possible outcome would have helped the divided nation. For all non subscribed readers of the website, who knew the outcome of the election way before – to be precise almost a year ago – when on the January 2nd of this year I wrote about chances of Trump’s reelection – “it appears that the constellation that favored him to make a move to the oval office comes up again in January 2021, so that could mean, that he will be moving again, but this time not in, rather out of it and to a new place… .” Makes you wonder all those billions (to be precise 14 billion equaling state budget of entire countries ….

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020 - free content” - part 3 of 3
At the beginning of this year I already wrote about the conjunction of 2020. As written in January – charts based on the conjunction of the planets Saturn/Jupiter are used as mini epochal charts that span for about 20 years. This year’s case is remarkable because the conjunction falls on the day of the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere and what astronomers point out, it will be one of the closest conjunctions in hundreds of years. If the theory holds, a chart of this moment can be the base for calculating constellations and content of time that might be surfacing to different points over the next two decades. Over the course of the next year I will look into some of those charts for the different political hemispheres around the world, we will see how they differ, and what content of time will come up in the respective areas; how it will affect or distinguish these regions. I have chosen charts of the most influential capitals, which will be part of this series of articles. You might have read that some astrology inclined people claim this to be the start of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. The conjunction is right in Aquarius and certainly would look like it holds some sort of renewing aspect, but from my end I cannot see that the dawn of the “Golden Age” has arrived or is about to start anytime soon. There are many indicators …

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine - free content
About a week ago something happened in London that supposedly will change the world and will free it from the scourge that has plagued it for almost a year now. For readers that follow my articles, they by now know that the constellation of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto is, at least from my end, the presumed quality of time for the Coronavirus. And as you can clearly see in the London midday chart, the constellation is centered in Hs.12, meaning the content of time is sunken into the nonvisible. The content does not come to life – it is subdued – not “allowed” to be present and sits on a “scheduled” release for a later moment in time. Just not in the form of Covid – I could already tell you, when and how, but since it is …



….. The belief “Form rules matter” is screwed from the beginning and is only left for the simple minded – it is just despondent that the mainstream is following that narrative knowingly or totally oblivious to the matter. As mentioned earlier, it is of no coincidence that the industrial revolution and esotericism both appear and develop at the same time. Esotericism is the spiritual forerunner that enables the technological, scientific world – similar with the demise of the Western Church or Mr. Crowley – abandoning the fourth quadrant (the Causa Finalis) – and, praising and hoisting the visible, measurable world of the first quadrant (Causa Materialis) up to God-like levels will lead to the same outcome. The same “mechanics” apply, which seems to be the final push, to the climate change movement. Leading this world further to the brink of its, not just ecological, demise which it claims to be the savior for. Let’s just remember the parts in ….