COVID – The Actual Virus Lives On

COVID – The Actual Virus Lives On

COVID - The Actual Virus Lives On
In early 2020 I wrote numerous articles about Covid. One was a four part series of articles “Covid greetings from the past” trying to get to the origin of the virus. The set of articles used historic charts that are anchored in the annual chart of the appearance of the virus. All of them stem from key Chinese historical events that, after examination, have proven to have intricate timely connections between each other and are also connected to the time of the appearance of the virus. In light of recent political events the drawn conclusion from these articles is more fitting than it seemed in the early days before a worldwide madness ensued. Going back to the articles I find much of it has proven to be correct, even if some might find the origin as a quite absurd connection, yet the drawn conclusions still prove to be accurate…

“INSPIRED” – free content

“INSPIRED” – free content

This week I received an email with a link to a short Youtube video – “David Icke On WHO They Are and WHAT They Really Want”. Somehow the name sounded familiar and even if I have never explored his ideas nor read any of his books, nor meanwhile share many points of his view it might be worth watching the clip. The short excerpt below the video description reads: “David Icke speaks on the true agenda of the cult, who they are, what they want and why 2030 is an important year. He also tells us exactly how we can stop them.” What particularly lured me to watch the video was that it is connected to AI and technological singularity. Mr. Icke is clearly picking up a subject that is close to my heart and is reflected in articles I write. His video is obviously taking a different approach of explaining the same process …

The Social Trap -free content

The Social Trap -free content

The Social Trap - free content
The old saying “Socialize losses and privatize profits” still fits the present day narrative; actually, it even seems to be applied to all sorts of fields. Starting at the top with large entities like entire countries and their respective political orientation right down to small local business projects there is hardly any new enterprise or organization that can risk escaping the narrative of “sharing”. There are hardly any startups these days that can afford not to advertise its “beneficial social aspect or value” without risking losing social media brownie points and putting the potential future of their venture in peril. Some company descriptions sound almost out a communist manifesto rather than a well calculated, for profit orientated business. Be assured, profit or a gain of power is certainly the well calculated driver. The phenomena is not isolated to just one part of the world; like its cause, it is international and does not stop at borders. The made promises will not lead to the land of plenty, which is getting to be very obvious lately. The benefits almost seem to be reserved only for a handful of …

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 – free content

My Top 10 contenders of neglected News by MSM of 2020 - free content
We can all agree that the year 2020 has not been short of newsworthy content. As expected and forecasted it turned out to be a year with a lot of changes, turns, and events. The mainstream media certainly made their “Trojan Horse” of this year’s news look unavoidable, omnipresent, and seemingly the only newsworthy event to report. The worldwide synchronized and orchestrated propaganda muted any other noteworthy development and content – so that real news were mainly only accessible through and noticed by alternative news sites, blogs, or through some social media websites. As an act of news cleansing those news were quickly discredited as outright “misinformation,” which in many cases did not diminish the interest in the matter. As a second step approach ….

The Virus – a crisis made to last – free content

The Virus – a crisis made to last – free content

The Virus - a crisis made to last - free content
The latest numbers up, the death rate slightly mounting, countermeasures – rising, Covid fatigue – rising, number of people losing livelihoods – rising, and according to the WHO there will not be an end, even after the arrival of the vaccine. After 9/11, the virus is most likely the media story and the global spin of this fairly young century. It seems the world has turned crazy and the opted route of response and how to counter the virus to avoid a resulting health crisis has gone into overdrive. The main casualties in all this are: truth and basic human rights. Good luck if you try to get a balanced opinion on the matter. Anything that does not fit the official storyline is debunked as unscientific, not worthy of mentioning nor even discussing. Even worse, doctors, healthcare professionals, epidemiologists, and biologists who dare to speak against the health doctrine maintained by officials, governments and especially the media, are silenced, shunned, or muzzled (like all of us). We have reached a state where this system of “science” is slowly starting to give up on evidence and research based findings ….

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content
Is there anything left around us that is not fake? We seem to have turned almost everything into a fake something and most of us do not even seem to notice nor bother. Take our very own economy for instance – artificially propped up by computer created, virtual money – our currencies are not even printed anymore. Perceived wealth of cheap, easy credit feigns consumers and governments around the world into an unsustainable standard of living. ….

TOO MANY CASKETS – free content

TOO MANY CASKETS – free content

TOO MANY CASKETS - free content
Last week, I heard first hand from the owner of a local funeral home that at the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, many funeral services ordered way over their average demand, coffins and caskets. Once hospitals cancelled all scheduled surgeries and treatments, to have space and beds for potential Covid patients, it appeared that the number of casket sales (equates deaths) collapsed to almost half (!!!) – despite the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. ….