The WHO – an organization that cares about your health ? – free content

The WHO – an organization that cares about your health ? – free content

The WHO - an organization that cares about your health?
As a sub organization of the United Nations, the World Health Agency (WHO) was established in April 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. The main objective of the organization, according to its constitution, is the “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”. Since the mid nineteen hundreds there have been quite a number of predecessors and organizations attempting to streamline international quarantining efforts. In 1948 the WHO absorbed most of those organizations and combined them all under one new roof. In light of this year’s Coronavirus the question that has been coming up: Is the organization still fulfilling its mandate, and does it really serve the world community in its initially intended way? Mounting controversies and scandals …

Astrology 101 – THE REGULATIVES

Astrology 101 – THE REGULATIVES

Astrology 101 - THE REGULATIVES
….. A horoscope could almost be seen as a schedule, it’s laid out the course of experiences that an individual will pass over in a certain period of time. Life offers quite a bandwidth of how to experience constellations and the chart gives us an indication on what level and when the experience is or will be taking place. Experiences can be of personal, physical, emotional, spiritual, or even communal nature. It is quite common that individuals, in an attempt to avoid the sometimes previously sensed potential of emotional toll or pain, which might arise from a constellation, and try to “opt out”. Meaning, the constellation is compensated and will be unfulfilled – not lived. As a consequence …..

China – The Three Gorges Dam – a collapse of the world’s biggest dam on August 17, 2020 ?

China – The Three Gorges Dam – a collapse of the world’s biggest dam on August 17, 2020 ?

China - The Three Gorges Dam - a collapse of the world's biggest dam on August 17, 2020 ?
Over the last year there were already numerous articles written about the structural integrity of the world’s biggest hydroelectric dam. Many of them were viewed as western propaganda trying to discredit the Chinese regime. In the last couple of months there were suddenly more articles from different sources surfacing stating structural issues and a possible nearing collapse of the dam. Strong precipitation in June and early July of this year increased the water flow and pressure on the artificial man-made barrier and apparently the dam is even moving or in parts slightly shifting. A recently surfaced video – of unknown origin – simulating the collapse of the structure surely adds to the concern that something is possibly not right. The professional simulation even gives the collapse a date which is August 17 of this year. (A more commented version of the simulation you find here). I have previously written about the significance and the influence the dam has on China and its ruling Communist Party. A collapse of the dam would have devastating consequences for the Chinese heartland. Aside from killing and displacing millions, it would destroy entire cities, and create widespread contamination of agricultural grounds; in short, an unimaginable destruction of the Chinese heartland. The subsequent “flash” flood would impact and disrupt ….

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content

Don’t worry, it’s all just fake -free content
Is there anything left around us that is not fake? We seem to have turned almost everything into a fake something and most of us do not even seem to notice nor bother. Take our very own economy for instance – artificially propped up by computer created, virtual money – our currencies are not even printed anymore. Perceived wealth of cheap, easy credit feigns consumers and governments around the world into an unsustainable standard of living. ….