Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries - The Conqueror of Space
Like every year, at this time of late winter we will soon be nearing the spring equinox. Winter is usually ushered out when Aries starts its reign. The point is not just on a regular calendar of significance, even from an astrological point of view it is certainly a very noteworthy point on the 360 degree dial of the chronological sequence of the twelve star signs. When the Sun enters the star sign Aries, winter ends in the northern hemisphere. Spring is about to start and like in the phenomenological world, Aries, or for that matter Hs.1, kickstarts the progression and development of the Gestalt. Aries not only starts it, he gives it …

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time - part 2
… not just by sheer coincidence that one of the most important days of the Christian faith is located from a zodiacal point of view very close to the day of the “gate of time,” which falls on the 21 of December. The alleged birth day of Jesus is apparently a couple of days away from that zodiacal point. With numerous calendar changes over the millenia it is very likely that the date is rather falling into the described identical zodiacal timeframe. From a Greek mythological-as well as an astrological and a Christian point of view, this moment is perceived as the moment that …

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time
In previous articles I have already given a rough outline of the progression of the development of time and its major developmental steps towards the formation of what we commonly perceive as the present. If you have astrological knowledge, or might have read some of my articles you by now know about the relevance of the MC (Medium Colie) of an astrological chart. The midday point of a chart. It is the point of the chart when the Sun has reached its highest point of the day from the perspective of the place the chart is based on. It certainly is not just graphically the most elevated point of the zodiacal circle – it is astrologically the point of the chart, where the third and fourth quadrant connect, it is the point where fourth quadrant content is passed on / transmitted from Capricorn to Sagittarius (clockwise movement). That conjunction is called the …

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC - part 2
… Here is a mundane, structural chart, with the spring solstice point at the AC, which enables us to understand the progression of creation on a step-by-step basis. Clearly, a chart will never look like this. House sizes change, planets are added and the Zodiac is rotating, all of which creates different cusps for each house. Additionally, the angle between the main axles (AC-DC and IC-MC) is different for every chart (due to its geographic location), which creates different house and quadrant sizes….

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC - part 1
…Passed on over millennia, older than all existing religions, the Zodiac has survived the many tides of history. It tells us the evolution of the Gestalt, the mythos, that is described in a pictorial language of expression. It is an exact step-by-step breakdown of the evolutionary stages of the Gestalt of the present – leading from the realms of the nameless, the eternal truth, the unconscious to the conscious, which to a degree all beings and every moment are subjected to. It is a continuous and seamless flow of the potential of time that constitutes and shapes the quality of time – every single moment. Creation did not just happen once, it is happening every minute, every second, every moment, it is a continuum. Every fraction of a second is subjected to this miraculous (holy) emergence of “timely” content. Be it the creation of the world …

Ted Bundy – a serial killers chart

Ted Bundy – a serial killers chart

Ted Bundy - a serial killers chart
Surprisingly, I just recently learnt about the name and the North American persona of this obviously very well known serial killer. Reading about his life I got to know that it is quite possible that he killed his first victim when he was just a teenager, and it is assumed that this was just the beginning of a cold blooded killing spree over his short lifetime, which would leave more than thirty women dead. Apparently his childhood years were troubled as he grew up without his biological father and some sources even muse that his maternal grandfather might have been his father. The fact that his mother had three more children after him did not help him to be social and open to the rest of his family, so it isn’t surprising that he is regularly described as a loner that was not liked by his classmates either. More surprising is that in his later adult years he must have developed a certain charm that enabled him to convince his prospective victims to trust him in their last moments of their lives. It is reported that one of the methods he used to get his victims to his car was pretending to have an injury, meaning one of his extremities was in a cast and the victims were offering him assistance to get back to his vehicle …

From Potential to Actuality

From Potential to Actuality

From Potential to Actuality
… What happens if no one actually develops awareness nor achieves consciousness? Well, actuality will lack the potential that time has endowed into the moment, or in other words, if we deny the potential to come into our awareness and consciousness the world will gradually lack basic content and expressions of life. Since presently an increasing number of the world’s population chooses rather to be “informed,” by others, mainly big media, instead of achieving “self attained” consciousness, and their awareness process is mainly indoctrinated by accepting very selfish economic life motives …

Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics - what astrology already knew for millennia - part 3
… it is quite amusing for me to see how in general physicists try to decipher the quality of time from just an atomic-level point of view. They will have to come up with a lot of new systems, measuring tools and devices to explain the quality of time and find the potential of a moment. A system that does exactly that has already been found millennia ago, it is very old, can be as confusing and difficult as quantum physics, but it works. It is Astrology and it can certainly offer a very precise explanation to the many questions the quantum crowd is after and will have a hard time to explain in any other way. …

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis – part 2

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis – part 2

Quantum Physics - the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis - part 2
…Quantum physicists were able to observe that kind of movement of subatomic particles because the above described progression that manifests in the movement from Aries to Taurus – energetic potential is materializing (Hs.1 to Hs.2). Here is the point that Dr. Goswami describes as the domain of manifestation or manifested reality. Dr. Goswami, likely unknowing about the twelfth house (Pices), described a level of possibility – everything is possible – or the state of nothingness – which he nicely word-dissected as “no thingness” – no material state. Dr. Goswami unintentionally and/or subconsciously has described the “origin process” that happens between Pisces and Aquarius. What is so fascinating about it is that physicists can not observe it, but have to admit that it happens and exists. Amit explains it even better when he says that a material object can not be changed from possibility to actuality (“concreteness”) with material interaction – “no material interaction can ever change a possibility with particle interaction” – non material interaction. Clearly, something is to be communicated in order to get it into reality, or is later or simultaneously recognized by our consciousness. At the beginning the physicists think about objects …

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis – the first quadrant – part 1

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis – the first quadrant – part 1

Quantum Physics - the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis - the first quadrant - part 1
Since the late 1920’s an increasing number of physicists have opened a new chapter of physics. At the beginning of the quest were theorists like Einstein and Heisenberg that have opened the doors to an entire new world and perspective of science. The more you listen to contemporary presenters of this school of thought you’ll find that there is suddenly not much of a common consensus between scientists anymore. Since Quantum Physics does not offer much of the usual scientific formula tool case anymore. All of a sudden opinions and findings differ. You suddenly can witness factual and stats-based scientists starting to philosophize about certain outcomes and coming to vague and very speculative and contrary outcomes. It seems like the formula based school of physics has at some point hit a wall since some of the phenomena that have been observed do not fit and can not be explained with the formulas of their traditional schools. Scientist morphing into “philosophist”. …

“The day after pill”

“The day after pill”

Almost three decades after “the pill” was approved, the FDA allowed another pill to enter the pharmaceutical product arena – the “morning after pill”, which is outright an abortion pill. Reliable numbers of how many pills are sold worldwide are hard to come by, but according to a New York Times article from the about 850.000 annual in-clinc-abortions in the US about 40% (2017) are meanwhile medically induced. In more legislated countries these pills have to be administered by health care professionals; whereas in many other countries, e.g. Mexico, these drugs are apparently even sold over the counter. The company Roussel-Uclaf that developed the Mifegyne (mifepristone) in the 1980 was a subsidiary of the Hoechst AG, the former infamous IG-Farben. Despite being part of the list of the WHO essential medicines, “the pill” had strong political …

Astrology 101 – THE REGULATIVES

Astrology 101 – THE REGULATIVES

Astrology 101 - THE REGULATIVES
….. A horoscope could almost be seen as a schedule, it’s laid out the course of experiences that an individual will pass over in a certain period of time. Life offers quite a bandwidth of how to experience constellations and the chart gives us an indication on what level and when the experience is or will be taking place. Experiences can be of personal, physical, emotional, spiritual, or even communal nature. It is quite common that individuals, in an attempt to avoid the sometimes previously sensed potential of emotional toll or pain, which might arise from a constellation, and try to “opt out”. Meaning, the constellation is compensated and will be unfulfilled – not lived. As a consequence …..

Do daily horoscopes really work? | Why daily horoscope is a time waste

Do daily horoscopes really work? | Why daily horoscope is a time waste

Why DAILY HOROSCOPES are a WASTE OF TIMESurveys report that about 30% of the population is checking their daily horoscope, some even state up to 60%. I can see a third of the population being drawn to this subject, two thirds seem exaggerated, but who really knows. For myself, I’ve never felt attracted by the daily short phrased offerings of fortune telling. I give them credit for filling a highly entertaining niche on different media platforms and, to some degree, even acknowledge their shallow value of helping to reflect on oneself. I guess most of the readers are aware of the odds of these daily or weekly zodiac garnished listicles, but still feel drawn to them. The attraction to those tidbits of perceived connection to the universe seems to be unwavering, the astro-market place is ….



“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” —George Larimer. Questions in a consultation often turn around money. I guess it is one topic that the wealthy and the less fortunate commonly and equally share. With the present economic downturn it might be worth reflecting on this for a moment. Money itself can be categorized as a purely imaginary construct (Pluto) and is astrologically not represented by a specific constellation. I categorize money as a concept or belief system. It is, in a way, diametrical to life, since it soaks up life and to some degree “stores” it. The one who holds the money ….

PLUTO’s (Scorpio’s) DARK SIDE

PLUTO’s (Scorpio’s) DARK SIDE

PLUTO's (Scorpio's) dark side It is hard to escape the word INFORMATION these days. The word, as we all know, is not a new addition to the English language. It is derived from the Latin verb “informare” (to inform), to “give form to the mind”, to “discipline”.It is omnipresent in our daily lives, words like: information age, information technology, information systems, information management, information architecture, …. the list goes on and on. The word is hip and perceived to be trendy and sophisticated. Even different media outlets jump on the “information” bandwagon, trying to differentiate themselves from their competitors by claiming that they do the best job of “in-form-ing” you…..

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart –- Horoscope / chart with transiting planets -short clip – free content

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart –- Horoscope / chart with transiting planets -short clip – free content

The first clip – “the moving zodiac” – was created to demonstrate how the zodiac rotates in a 24 hour period. In principle, this clip is similar, but this time there is a historic chart in the center (planets are stagnant and not moving) and on the outer ring there are transiting planets that are moving. I sequenced around 300 […]

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

The short clip is supposed to give you a visual understanding of the multitude of combinations in between the two principal axes (AC and MC) that the zodiac generates each day. This clip was created by combining 140 charts (every 10 minutes one chart).   What you see unfolding is a sped up rotation spanning a 24 hour period. You will […]