Astrology 101

The Gate into Time

In previous articles I have already given a rough outline of the progression of the development of time and its major developmental steps towards the formation of what we commonly perceive as the present. If you have astrological knowledge, or might have read some of my articles you by now know about the relevance of the MC (Medium Colie) of an astrological chart. 

The midday point of a chart. It is the point of the chart when the Sun has reached its highest point of the day from the perspective of the place the chart is based on. It certainly is not just graphically the most elevated point of the zodiacal circle – it is astrologically the point of the chart, where the third and fourth quadrant connect, it is the point where fourth quadrant content is passed on / transmitted from Capricorn to Sagittarius (clockwise movement). 

That conjunction is called the Medium Colie or midheaven point and is as well known to be the “Gate of Time” of a chart. It is here where fourth quadrant content gets transferred and progresses into the third quadrant of the chart – leaving the realm of the transcendental, the invisible of the fourth quadrant to the realm of the encounter in the third quadrant. The MC/IC axle is the “barrier of time.” The content of Q.1 and Q.4 have both to be understood as to be “before” time, whereas the content of Q.3 and Q.2 are “in” time – so to speak in the present. 

The ancient Greek knew about it. Their mythology, how it is structured and garnished with the fitting supernatural forces, which they refer to as gods, is testimony to it and gives in some parts detailed descriptions how the “quality of time” develops and forms. The Greek mythological stories with their multitude of Gods and Goddesses of the Greek pantheon can be seen as a roadmap of how the different realms of energetic currents reveal, manifest themselves and how they interact with each other. The Gods and Goddesses of these myths can be viewed as placeholders, almost “personifications” of zodiacal content. Their relationships and connections reveal the inner workings of numerous astrological constellations and content. 

Despite the pantheon having “only” twelve primordial (which by the way does match the number of houses of chart) Gods, one can easily lose sight of who is related to whom, who was first and who created who. Sometimes one can get the impression that entwined relationships inbetween Gods and Godesses are bordering incestious behaviour, at least from a human moral perspective. 
If the reader does not get too confused and overly judgemental by the Gods’ sometimes quite immoral behavior and mating preferences one can get very good clues about how the inner relationship between houses and their corresponding star signs and planets work. The Greek pantheon and the description of the involved players (Gods) explain in detail how the process of the becoming of the Gestalt is actually structured and who has to interact with whom to attain a certain outcome.

Since we are right now in the season of Sagittarius and soon approaching the MC of a mundan chart – 0 degree Capricorn (December 21) – winter solstice – it might be a fitting moment to examine the Capricorn (Saturn) – Sagittarius (Jupiter) join a bit closer. 

It is not much of a secret that planet Jupiter is associated with Zeus. Zeus is described as the king of Gods, the chief of the Gods, the father of the skies, who resides on Olympus (the highest mountain/place of Greece), which gives a graphic reference and tribute to his elevated position. The ancient Greeks gave even more detail about his sphere of influence. Their myths tell us that Zeus as well assigns roles to the other gods, so it seems that Zeus is not just at the helm of the entire group of gods, he even influences them and we get to know – as proof of his powerful position – all gods, even the ones that are not direct descendants, address him as father and rise in his presence. According to Homer Iliad 8.22-29 the Greek even knew that “nothing comes to fulfillment without Zeus.”

So how does the image we get from the Greek gods match any astrological content ? What can be established so far is that Zeus’s planet is known to be Jupiter. Which already tells us that we are dealing with Hs.9 content or in a wider understanding anything that is connected to Sagittarius and/or its planet Jupiter. 

As laid out at the beginning – Hs.9 is the first house that follows the completed development of the fourth quadrant (movement starting at the AC – the potential of the moment of time – of the chart and progresses in clockwise movement through Q4. – from Hs.12 to 11. to 10. – towards the MC). 
Capricorn (or Hs.10), which determines what kind of content is to be released to the present, passes on what has “crystallized” in the originating process of the fourth quadrant. Since the fourth quadrant is known to be the transcendental part of a chart, we are dealing with content that does not yet exist nor is visible or can be sensed. It is “divine” content that has not crossed the threshold of time yet, but is absolutely determinative for whatever the later outcome will be. 

Once Q.4 content is released by Capricorn (Hs.10) and passed through the “gate of time” – “gets life” – that content is received by Sagittarius, whose job it is to put the, from Q.4 received content (pieces) together, gather or call up the necessary intermediaries (in Greek terms, the other Gods) and aim for the fulfillment of the transcendental content that Sagittarius has been handed from the heavens. 
Sagittarius is, so to speak, the first of all star signs that receives the “transcendental message” and has to “organize” and execute the appearance or release of heavenly content so it can in later stages develop into the present. For that reason the Greeks said that Zeus/Jupiter is the most powerful of the Gods, since all other gods (star signs and planets) receive orders from him. It is expressed in the ancient text by telling us that all the other gods rise in his presence, meaning that they respect him as superior and act upon his presence and orders.

Despite being perceived as the most powerful god / deity the myth tells us that even Zeus, despite his elevated position and power, has to negotiate with the other gods (planets). We can just imagine if one has to negotiate,  what that means for the result. It certainly will lead to deviations from the original heavenly message (Q.4). Meaning that from here on there is a good chance that the original heavenly (Q.4) message will get altered or changed. Meaning that true content from Q.4 does not get executed as it was laid out in the fourth quadrant originally. The result will be that the present will in parts or most of the time, lack “original” divine content. 

From a perspective of a mortal individual the zodiacal developmental stage, that is expressed by Sagittarius (Hs.9) and its planet Jupiter, is certainly a very powerful one. It influences all worldly concerns and, according to the myth, sets the environment for it. For that reason Zeus is known for influencing the sphere of human culture and all kinds of natural processes. 
It is not completely clear to what degree Zeus has even power of command over the Moerae – the three goddess sisters of fate – Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos – who usually supersede …. – see part 2 next week –

Copyright 2023 by Dirk Heinicke