Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics - what astrology already knew for millennia - part 3
… it is quite amusing for me to see how in general physicists try to decipher the quality of time from just an atomic-level point of view. They will have to come up with a lot of new systems, measuring tools and devices to explain the quality of time and find the potential of a moment. A system that does exactly that has already been found millennia ago, it is very old, can be as confusing and difficult as quantum physics, but it works. It is Astrology and it can certainly offer a very precise explanation to the many questions the quantum crowd is after and will have a hard time to explain in any other way. …

Celine encountering Uranus

Celine encountering Uranus

Celine encountering Uranus
Aside from reporting about the newly released documentary about Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, tabloid media was busy this week, reporting the announcement of the Canadian music icon, Celine Dion. Celine told the public that she has been diagnosed with SPS or stiff person syndrome. Certainly, those who live in North America have heard her distinct voice many times on air and TV. Particularly for Canadians she is known for her involvement in charities and for receiving the order of Canada in 2013. Celine is certainly a Canadian poster “child”, that embodies artistic success and knows quite well how to market herself. The news of her being diagnosed with a very debilitating health condition that will likely impact her professional life drew my attention. It certainly is not destiny’s cannibalism that draws me to her latest story, it is rather …

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis – part 2

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis – part 2

Quantum Physics - the scientific quest beyond the Causa Materialis - part 2
…Quantum physicists were able to observe that kind of movement of subatomic particles because the above described progression that manifests in the movement from Aries to Taurus – energetic potential is materializing (Hs.1 to Hs.2). Here is the point that Dr. Goswami describes as the domain of manifestation or manifested reality. Dr. Goswami, likely unknowing about the twelfth house (Pices), described a level of possibility – everything is possible – or the state of nothingness – which he nicely word-dissected as “no thingness” – no material state. Dr. Goswami unintentionally and/or subconsciously has described the “origin process” that happens between Pisces and Aquarius. What is so fascinating about it is that physicists can not observe it, but have to admit that it happens and exists. Amit explains it even better when he says that a material object can not be changed from possibility to actuality (“concreteness”) with material interaction – “no material interaction can ever change a possibility with particle interaction” – non material interaction. Clearly, something is to be communicated in order to get it into reality, or is later or simultaneously recognized by our consciousness. At the beginning the physicists think about objects …

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis – the first quadrant – part 1

Quantum Physics – the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis – the first quadrant – part 1

Quantum Physics - the scientific quest to look beyond the Causa Materialis - the first quadrant - part 1
Since the late 1920’s an increasing number of physicists have opened a new chapter of physics. At the beginning of the quest were theorists like Einstein and Heisenberg that have opened the doors to an entire new world and perspective of science. The more you listen to contemporary presenters of this school of thought you’ll find that there is suddenly not much of a common consensus between scientists anymore. Since Quantum Physics does not offer much of the usual scientific formula tool case anymore. All of a sudden opinions and findings differ. You suddenly can witness factual and stats-based scientists starting to philosophize about certain outcomes and coming to vague and very speculative and contrary outcomes. It seems like the formula based school of physics has at some point hit a wall since some of the phenomena that have been observed do not fit and can not be explained with the formulas of their traditional schools. Scientist morphing into “philosophist”. …

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech

The Military industrial-congressional-complex speech
Usually hardly anybody will remember the content of an outgoing president’s speech. Slightly different – the case of President Eisenhower’s farewell speech. His speech is still remembered up to this day, particularly certain passages in the painstakingly prepared and many times changed speech. And in light of the present international political fires the Biden administration seems to ignite all over the world right now, many do remember the man that has been called by his critics as a “do nothing president” and what he said when he left office. His actual “do nothing” legacy origins from his successful attempt to keep world peace in times of heightened international crises. In his outgoing speech on January 17, 1961 to the nation he warned about the danger of the military–industrial complex, which he describes as the relationship between a country’s military and the defence industry …



… more so if one realizes that the five permanent members of the security council coincide to be representatives of the five biggest arms producing countries. Not really a good starting point for an organization that is apparently all about peace and preventing war, fostering friendly relations among nations to achieve international cooperation and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. Most likely the UN “business” is very similar to its own health agency – the WHO – where the ties between big pharma and the executive got very apparent with the latest plandemic. The similarity could not be better chosen since …

The DSA – the end to free speech on the internet

The DSA – the end to free speech on the internet

The DSA - the end to free speech on the internet
“The Law is a noose the guilty use to hang the innocent.” – Marty Rubin. History has proven on many occasions that once the general interest by the populace in politics wanes, the corrupt take over, which then leads to the demise of the entire social organism. When in 1993 an unelected administrative organism took over the political caste in Europe the demise was already to be foreseen. Against the will of the majority of the European people, a group of highly clandestine organized individuals and groups, set up a pan European throne in order to cram down laws that would cripple and extinguish the multifaceted soul and source of the cradle of Western civilization. The administrative and bureaucratic cancer has meanwhile consumed the body of European identity …

In the eye of the storm – Hurricane Ian and the Nord Stream pipeline attack

In the eye of the storm – Hurricane Ian and the Nord Stream pipeline attack

In the eye of the storm - Hurricane Ian and the Nord Stream pipeline attack
On Wednesday last week, September 28, hurricane Ian made landfall on the American Gulf Coast city of Fort Myers. It was certainly no surprise that one of these devastating storm systems made landfall somewhere at the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. Even if the MSM likes to put it in the playbook of global warming – the annual appearance of these kinds of destructive storm systems should be no surprise since on average about six hurricanes “visit” the Gulf of Mexico every year. As written in an earlier article about hurricanes, the Taino knew about these storms already thousands of years ago and called them “evil spirit of the winds”. We are talking about the Indeginous population of the area more than 3000-4000 years ago. These kinds of freak weather phenomena must have obviously always plagued this geographic area of the world. So, it is surprising when people, contrary to all common sense, settle in this part of the world, knowing that one day one of these storms will uproot their livelihoods. Right now, the media welcomes the destruction in order to fill and fuel the echochamber of the global warming crowd with more dire news. The message in short – see what you cause(d) and these people bear the brunt for your irresponsible world destroying behavior. The question why anyone would settle along the Gulf coast and ignore the knowledge that these kinds of storms were already here well before us and certainly will be here well after us – getting rid of your car or not, showering just once a week or putting solar panels on your roof, will not change that phenomenon. Talking about the phenomenon, even …

Movie – My Son Hunter

Movie – My Son Hunter

Movie - My Son Hunter
It certainly is a movie that did not get the usual Hollywood fanfare when it premiered a month ago. It might be that it was not produced by any of the famous production companies or is it possible that the subject of the movie does not fit the general political mind set of the Beverly Hills crowd? The movie does not lack the usual Hollywood ingredients, like sex, drugs, crime and lots of money for a successful movie. It is actually most likely in many parts closer to the truth than many of the other successful Hollywood creations, so not all fiction like many other successful contenders. Certainly many of the already publicly known facts about the Bidens are strung together by filling the gaps with fictional content, but again nothing new or abnormal for Hollywood scriptwriters and movie directors. But for the curious, who wants to see the movie right now, four weeks after it premiered, be prepared – you will have a hard time finding a platform or place where you can watch this initially crowdfunded movie….

The Global Virome Project

The Global Virome Project

The Global Virome Project
If you have not heard of the Global Virome Project until now, it’s about time to educate yourself about it. It’s not just that the names that are/were involved in the project that ring alarm bells for Covid conspiracy aficionados, it is once again an elite group of a chosen few – scientists, certainly “acclaimed specialists”, that find themselves worthy and ordained by industry and system, to play with our, and even worse, the planet’s life. If you look at the list of people steering and initiating the project it might not surprise that we can find names that are somehow very “weirdly” connected to the biolab in Wuhan. Do yourself the favor and do some research. I do not want to spoil the party, but about names like the Rockefeller foundation, Peter Daszak or Dr. Jennifer Gardy, the Deputy Director of Surveillance, Data, and Epidemiology within the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation just to name some of the participants. To get you started …

Laugh-O-gram – not really – 2

Laugh-O-gram – not really – 2

Laugh-O-gram - not really - part 2
Walt moved to Los Angeles, establishing a new company, the Disney Brothers Studios, which he was able to partially finance with the sale of some of his previous cartoons. In January 1926 the name was then changed to Walt Disney Studio. Over the following decades the studio produced many world renowned animated movies and short clips. Like Snow White, Cinderella or Ugly Duckling, many scripts of the big successes were actually just cinemagraphic instalments of European fairy tales; but the business model seems to have been successful. Despite some financial setbacks over the decades the Disney Corporation grew to be a fortune 500 company and still seems to be expanding …

Laugh-O-gram, not really – 1

Laugh-O-gram, not really – 1

Laugh-O-gram, not really - part 1
One of the most iconic American corporate success stories is very likely the one of the Walt Disney Company. What started out as an experimental garage based business trying to bring animations onto celluloid, developed into one of the most influential media companies worldwide grossing billions of profit annually. Meanwhile the media empire draws a lot of its revenue stream from its internationally located theme parks including hotels and even five cruise ships. Up to this day the company is still growing its market presence. In 2012 Disney swallowed up the Star Wars enterprise, most of the Century 21 holdings, ABC, ESPN, and the Marvel brand. It can not be denied that Disney is synonymous with modern entertainment, particularly for the young since it is very hard to find anything on screen for the younger age segment that is not in the hands of the Disney company or one of their …

Taiwan – just a question of when

Taiwan – just a question of when

Taiwan - just a question of when
Poking the Russian Bear to the East and poking the Asian Dragon to the West – you could call it a media stunt or just a big PR campaign for war, but certainly Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan heated up an old, decade-long smoldering contentious political issue in Asia. Recently the US seems to play an ambiguous international role. On one hand Uncle Sam promises allegiance to its Asian ally, on the other there are words and motions coming out of Washington that allow speculations that in the worst case scenario of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, the US would not engage in a war with China. Quite remarkable is even a present discussion in the US to possibly give Taiwan some sort of a Nato affiliation. Similar to the Ukrainian conflict – by getting NATO involved all, mainly European allies would be dragged into the conflict. It all seems to be straight out of the recipe book – how to start WWIII and weirdly orchestrated by the self proclaimed world “peacekeeper” itself…

Year of War – Ukraine

Year of War – Ukraine

Halsey - Star Martyrdom
In a previous article we looked at the day of the Russian invasion and how it is connected to previous historical events from an astrological perspective. An end to the proxy war is not expected to happen any time soon. The two biggest arms producers of the world found a “very suitable place” (the Granary of Europe) to get rid of their old weaponry and a good presentation and test platform for the latest weaponry. By donating encapsulated death to Ukraine some European countries have meanwhile already depleted their own ammunition stock by 30%, weakening their own future defense. As predicted on this site, when Biden took office, there is no doubt that the installment …

Halsey – Star Martyrdom

Halsey – Star Martyrdom

Halsey - Star Martyrdom
“I’m not just some fucking martyr who’s trying to make all of these lost, misfit kids feel better; I need them to help me feel normal too.” – Halsey – in a Rolling Stones magazine article. I didn’t even know who Halsey was when I read the quote, but that kind of quote is “too good” not to be looked at a bit closer. I’m certainly not in the age group listening to her music or one of her 32 million followers on Instagram. Searching for some songs of her on YouTube proved that she is internationally renowned for her music – some of her songs have been viewed more than ½ a billion times. If you start reading Ashley Nicolette Frangipane’s (her real name) bio you will easily find out that she is very open about her difficult youth as well as her many health issues. She does not make big secrets …

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason
As part two and the continuation of the first chart of the bomb explosion of the Guidestone monument we will have closer look at the chart of the day of the unveiling of the granite stone structure in Georgia. The chart should give us a general idea about the structure. Additionally, we should be able to find the day of the destruction. The origin of the financiers and initiators of the structure is up to this day unknown. According to a number of sources on the internet and to some people that were involved in the project, the person that came up with the idea and money was a man, who was using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian. “I am the originator of the Georgia Guidestones and the sole …

The Georgia Guidestones explosion – free content

The Georgia Guidestones explosion – free content

The Georgia Guidestones explosion - free content
The people that funded, as well as the people that destroyed the “American Stonehenge” will most likely be unknown for a long time. The worldwide recognized, iconic stone structure was severely damaged by a bomb early on Wednesday morning and weirdly right after, of whatever was left of the structure, demolished. The almost immediate cleanup may surprise people that are familiar with the structure. Wouldn’t be a bomb usually be an act of terrorism and grant at least some hours of forensic research. Certainly, the decision to demolish the site will fuel even more speculations about the structure, for instance who financed it or what was the purpose and meaning of the engraved messages. To some degree, it seems that either someone wanted to get rid of what they once initiated or on the other side – someone just wanted to send a message to the initiator(s) of the structure. …

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night
Who wouldn’t see a movie with one of the highest paid actresses of Hollywood? Angelina Jolie Voight has been cited as one of the most powerful and influential people in the American entertainment industry. Over the years she committed herself to many humanitarian efforts spanning from women’s rights, conservation to education. Her private life and obstacles attracted many times more attention than her movie roles; the same applied for myself as well since the first time I really paid attention to her was when she publicly announced that she had undergone surgery –  a double mastectomy to avoid her mothers fate of having breast cancer. The news stated that “the procedure was done as a preventative measure after testing positive for mutations …

United States – forecast for 2022 and early 2023 – free content

United States – forecast for 2022 and early 2023 – free content

United States - forecast for 2022 and early 2023 - free content
Recession, inflation, bankruptcy, ballooning deficit, possible sovereign default, farmers that will grow less amidst a shortage of fertilizer and high fuel costs – the present economic news are filled with these words that spell “doom and gloom” over a once prosperous nation. The question: does the annual chart of the US hold and match the same kind of content? I thought it might be worth having a closer look into what time does “hold in store” for the Nation of the Stars and Stripes until spring 2023. To get an idea what potential time has staged to be brought to life for the territory of the United States – I had a closer look at this year’s aquinotial chart. The chart proves itself to be a significant one since …

“The day after pill”

“The day after pill”

Almost three decades after “the pill” was approved, the FDA allowed another pill to enter the pharmaceutical product arena – the “morning after pill”, which is outright an abortion pill. Reliable numbers of how many pills are sold worldwide are hard to come by, but according to a New York Times article from the about 850.000 annual in-clinc-abortions in the US about 40% (2017) are meanwhile medically induced. In more legislated countries these pills have to be administered by health care professionals; whereas in many other countries, e.g. Mexico, these drugs are apparently even sold over the counter. The company Roussel-Uclaf that developed the Mifegyne (mifepristone) in the 1980 was a subsidiary of the Hoechst AG, the former infamous IG-Farben. Despite being part of the list of the WHO essential medicines, “the pill” had strong political …