Trump almost assassinated

Trump almost assassinated

Trump almost assassinated
Again it is Trump in the news and though since the rest of the world is writing about the incident it might be fitting to comment on what had happened yesterday since I had an article about him some weeks ago pointing out a possible assassination. Even if the regular mainstream media first just reported him falling on stage – he clearly escaped just by the width of a finger, an attempt to kill him, so close that his left ear got wounded by the bullet. The timeframe …

The life choking AGENDA 21

The life choking AGENDA 21

The life choking AGENDA 21
According to chaGPT, “Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development. It was adopted in 1992 by 178 governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The full title is “Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development.” It certainly is one of the main pillars the present omnipresent news story of carbon caused climate change is built on. What ChatGPT certainly does not tell us is that Agenda 21 sets the “non-binding” groundwork for an ideology that Klaus Schwab from the WEF once revealed in his famous statement – “in 2030 you will …

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?
Donald Trump is always good for the news business, be it for the legacy media companies as the scapegoat or the alternative side of the news business as the savior. News about Trump always sells. Last week the former president definitely made newsworthy history again. Being the first former US president to become a felon is certainly something new, which does not necessarily mean that his democratic counterpart is legally less questionable. It is obviously what it takes these days to be elected to the highest positions of power – almost like in the last days of Rome. Despite all the legal headwinds he is seemingly following the recipe that even bad news is good publicity. It is hard to fathom …

Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 - The Online Harms Act - Canada
On February 26 the Canadian government, the Liberal Party of Canada with Leader Justin Trudeau introduced in the House of Commons a bill to establish a new responsibility regime for social media operators and direct content distributors in Canada. The aim is to focus on online harms and the protection of users, particularly children. The bill certainly does way more than just that – it falls in line with the (already on this website portrayed) Europe’s digital service act – the same “spirits” seem to be international. It even caught the attention of Matt Taibbi, who wrote in a article  – “The purview of the Online Harms Act extends far beyond speech …

The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US
It is very unlikely that you will not find a media outlet at this time of the year that is not surmising about how this new year, 2024, will unfold and what it holds in store. Be it financial analysts, political observers, weather/climate gurus, doomsday forecasters, all kinds of journalists, nearly everybody that has some rank or title is trying to get to the top of the augural podium. The desire to know the future is certainly not new, nor is the business with it. One might remember the Roman augurs, who were priests and officials in the classical Roman world, who’s role was to study and observe events within a sacred space – templum – to then interpret the will of the gods. Their main focus was on birds, what kind …

Argentina – Milei and now ?

Argentina – Milei and now ?

Argentina - Milei and now ?
A historic event does not just happen, it needs a fitting player, a conducive environment, and clearly the potential of the quality of time that offers the needed timely ingredients. It just so happened in Argentina that obviously some “stars aligned” fittingly for Javier Milei to win the presidential election in Argentina. 
Most of the international mainstream media has meanwhile already shunned and branded him as “far-right.” Clearly from a view of W-organizations worshiping countries of the West and their propaganda prompting outlets, everything and everyone that is just the slightest right to their at the core quite obvious socialist-communist agenda is already branded “far-right.” What really makes him so dangerous for the establishment of the West is a promise to get rid of the Argentine Central Bank …

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US
The last year has not been a particularly good year for the US. Not that we could have expected any other since last year’s chart already foretold many of the timely currents that brought certain phenomena to life. The analysis from last year’s chart on this website foretold the many things that did occur or which future groundwork has been laid in the past twelve months. Once certain pointed out constellations prove to become a phenomenon I will put a link at the end of the article and let the news article or commentary do the work. The prediction of last year’s (2022-2023) aequinoctium for the US has to be proven quite accurate and since basically all the points of the article got “checked off” I like to take a moment to regress on certain points and comment on the accuracy myself. The chart revealed that the territory of the US will be challenged with …

“If it quacks like a duck ….” – German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia

“If it quacks like a duck ….” – German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia

“If it quacks like a duck ….” - German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”. Annalena Bearbock is certainly not known for her wit and smartness, in fact many wonder why she ever ended up in the top job as Germany’s foreign minister in the first place. Last week she certainly trumped her many political gaffes with calling the “help Ukraine” efforts openly a war. How dare you name what all the German “allies,” or should we say puppet masters, call a humanitarian and democratic aid package a war. Clearly Mrs. Baerbock spoiled the soup of deception that is stirred by western MSM daily that all the billions of potential future taxpayer funds are well “invested” in tanks, air defense systems and military equipment to save humanity. How can military equipment be an investment and yield anything other …

The Minsk “Deceit” – free content

The Minsk “Deceit” – free content

The Minsk “Deceit” - free content
In early December 2022 the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, revealed that two meetings in 2014/15 that achieved the Minsk agreements were only a stalling tactic to allow the West to militarize Ukraine as an anti-Russian proxy, all so that Ukraine could be fortified for a future potential war with Russia. Looking back, this kind of almost contractual betrayal is nothing new in the world of geopolitical chess, but what is so astounding is that Merkel’s “confession” was not front and center of international news last year. The deliberate doing and political maneuver clearly paint a dire picture of European politics – one, Germany sadly being the executing puppet for the West (Nato expansion politics) and second, the still ongoing proxy war could have been avoided, or should we say was deliberately seeded by the West, the present unusual high monetary involvement of European …

Movie – My Son Hunter

Movie – My Son Hunter

Movie - My Son Hunter
It certainly is a movie that did not get the usual Hollywood fanfare when it premiered a month ago. It might be that it was not produced by any of the famous production companies or is it possible that the subject of the movie does not fit the general political mind set of the Beverly Hills crowd? The movie does not lack the usual Hollywood ingredients, like sex, drugs, crime and lots of money for a successful movie. It is actually most likely in many parts closer to the truth than many of the other successful Hollywood creations, so not all fiction like many other successful contenders. Certainly many of the already publicly known facts about the Bidens are strung together by filling the gaps with fictional content, but again nothing new or abnormal for Hollywood scriptwriters and movie directors. But for the curious, who wants to see the movie right now, four weeks after it premiered, be prepared – you will have a hard time finding a platform or place where you can watch this initially crowdfunded movie….

NATO – free content

NATO – free content

NATO - free content
Depending on the region and which conflict between countries you follow, it is with high likelihood that one organisation seems to be coming up frequently: the intergovernmental military alliance of 30 countries – NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was signed in Washington 04.04.1949 and “constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party”. NATO, originally was set up as a defence treaty only, meanwhile it has morphed into an organisation that has even conducted war-type “peacekeeping” missions in various parts of the world, e.g. Afghanistan. Aside from the very questionable motive and reasoning for entering a conflict in a part of the world that has no economic or political significance for Europe, and as a result losing their sons and billions of dollars in military spending: the question arises what is the real motive behind this supranational military power …

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“... the Queen” - Great Conjunction of 2020 - outlook for Great Britain - part 2
Getting a bit more into detail of the Great Conjunction for Great Britain, one question that clearly comes up is the question of the succession of the Queen. Queen Elizabeth II. has served her country and many Commonwealth countries as one of the longest monarchs ever. She is just about two years away from being the longest reigning monarch. Seven decades of being the Head of State Queen Elizabeth II. certainly has made it difficult to find anybody out there that still remembers her father as King. Her dynasty goes back to the year of 827 and without being a historian I believe I can say it is most likely the longest dynasty ever reigning a country or for that matter in its later part most of the world. Clearly, Great Britain’s fortunes of the past have a strong connection to the political influence and power of the House of Windsor. It is hard to imagine much of the last century without the presence of THE QUEEN. Statesmen as well as entertainers …

G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 - Summit in St.Ives, Britain - free content
The political “leaders” of the club of the rich have met again. This time the main points on the agenda of the illustrious group covered: leading global recovery from Covid 19, while strengthening resilience against future pandemics; promoting prosperity by championing free and fair trade; tackling climate change and preserving the planet’s biodiversity; and championing shared values. To give the entire meeting a more inclusive shine and appearance, political representatives from other countries – like Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa were invited. Like with so many of these kinds of meetings – the public coffers have to pay the exorbitant cost of these meetings – but their participation is left to the interpretations of the very likely weeks before honed statements of their press conferences. The discussed matters and decisions affect all of us and are clearly of public interest, but are still crafted and decided behind closed doors. In days of modern communication would it be a great deal to make those kinds of meetings public, via the internet, to prove their true public intent. Nonetheless, the scripted outcome and beforehand designed media statements are certainly …

Rockets over a Holy Place – part 2

Rockets over a Holy Place – part 2

Rockets over a Holy Place - part 2
In the last article, “Rockets over a Holy Place,” I made the case that the just bygone tension between Gaza and Israel was connected to a transiting Mars over the AC of the present annual horoscope for the State of Israel. Since the horoscope not just contains that described content of time, it might well be worth taking a deeper look into the present active chart to find up the not so distant future holds for the Holy Land. …

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content
It started around May 7 clashes between Jewish groups and Muslim worshippers broke out at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. The area around the mosque is considered one of Islam’s most sacred sites — an area also revered by Jews as the Temple Mount. It is most likely one of the most disputed pieces of property in the world. People around the world are meanwhile used to these kinds of headlines. This time the differences could not be settled peacefully and the rift has so far ended in rocket attacks and airstrikes destroying property on both sides of the Gaza/Israeli border. According to this week’s news, a brokered ceasefire by Egypt has put an end to the 11 day bloody and destructive dispute that killed over two hundred people and destroyed many buildings. Examining the present situation from an astrological point of view shows that the quality of time had all starry tools ready for deployment to instigate a military type of showdown between those two sides. …

French Generals warn of Civil War -free content

French Generals warn of Civil War -free content

French Generals warn of Civil War -free content
Over the last two weeks the international media, in a concerted effort, outright condemned the warning of some high-ranking French military brass that the country is heading for civil war. An open letter signed by 25 retired Generals warned “The hour is grave, France is in peril.” It is not the first time that a warning of this kind was expressed from active and retired military members, but this time it hit the international headlines. As a response, the French Defense Minister, Florence Parly, has vowed to punish soldiers that signed the open letter. We could call it damage control from the highest level. Nothing new these days – be it Covid, climate change, the denial of an unsolvable looming economic / monetary crisis, social unease – almost anything these days is getting stomped out by the overpowering streamlined private and government media, ridiculed, torched and just simply eliminated. The political behavior that is on display by many governments of perceived democratic countries is certainly nothing close to a democratic …

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before - free content
… Billions spent, uncounted hours of election coverage aired. As of Tuesday, the election has officially run its course, the electoral college has decided. Both political sides were reiterating their election platforms for months and weeks, over and over again not helping to heal and wanting to bridge the seemingly growing divide they so deliberately crafted before. Certainly, no possible outcome would have helped the divided nation. For all non subscribed readers of the website, who knew the outcome of the election way before – to be precise almost a year ago – when on the January 2nd of this year I wrote about chances of Trump’s reelection – “it appears that the constellation that favored him to make a move to the oval office comes up again in January 2021, so that could mean, that he will be moving again, but this time not in, rather out of it and to a new place… .” Makes you wonder all those billions (to be precise 14 billion equaling state budget of entire countries ….

A PRESIDENTTIAL PHOTO-OP gone wrong – or, did it ?

A PRESIDENTTIAL PHOTO-OP gone wrong – or, did it ?

A presidential photo-op gone wrong - or, did it ?

….The scene that aired nationwide and most likely around the world created an outrage in the Christian community, and delivered more ammunition to his opposition and their associated media. The image on its own is already quite telling: the scene of a president holding up a bible in front of a boarded up church, in which no entrance is possible, seems like an act of blasphemy. The chart (time of the photo op) has a Scorpio AC, clearly indicating that we are dealing with a deliberate action, not something spontaneous. This very plan is targeted to have an impact on the crowd …..

COVID 19 – an update

COVID 19 – an update

COVID-19  an update
… What has happened in the meantime on the virus “front”? It is now officially declared by many world governments a war. Lots has changed on the outside, but the core of the story is still unchanged. News networks are accounting in real time, displaying a meter for the number of infected and deceased, like it would be the stock market. Images of empty streets, vacant cities, and overcrowded hospitals are hammered into our common consciences to create maximum impact. If those images do not have the desired impact, pictures of refrigerated body bags in semis parked behind hospitals, should at least make you understand … yes, we are at war. You are told that you are at war. We all are at war – with an enemy we cannot even see. …..