
The Minsk “Deceit” – free content

In early December 2022 the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, revealed that two meetings in 2014/15 that achieved the Minsk agreements were only a stalling tactic to allow the West to militarize Ukraine as an anti-Russian proxy, all so that Ukraine could be fortified for a future potential war with Russia. Looking back, this kind of almost contractual betrayal is nothing new in the world of geopolitical chess, but what is so astounding is that Merkel’s “confession” was not front and center of international news last year. The deliberate doing and political maneuver clearly paint a dire picture of European politics – one, Germany sadly being the executing puppet for the West (Nato expansion politics) and second, the still ongoing proxy war could have been avoided, or should we say was deliberately seeded by the West, the present unusual high monetary involvement of European and North American Nato members give testimony to that.

Anyways, all that is no big surprise, since in August of last year, way before Mrs. Merkel’s public “confession,” I pointed out that the chart of the Russian invasion is based on some form of treason. Just as a recap here is an excerpt of the in August 2022 published in zeitdiagnosis.com article:

“ … Pluto right at the cusp of the house is a clear giveaway that the entire destructive action is not created from within, a program or plan is forming, handling and directing the process. The root of the issue – denied truth – is pushing to be resolved.

The wicked twist to the chart – the aforementioned Pluto, does in a wider sense relate to a degree to the MC as well – indicating that the entire operation is or could be viewed as a result of some form of treason; it is the same force that is shaping the process right now…”

I guess we can say time already foretold what was well hidden and deliberately planned. Western elites should stop pointing fingers at Russia, since much of what we witness these days is part of a plan, which does not necessarily have an origin in Moscow.

First Meeting of the Minsk Agreement in Milan

In light of all that might be worth looking into, here’s what more or less set the wheels in motion in the first place. To the right is the chart of the first of the Minsk talks meetings (or accord). The time of the first meeting in Milan, Italy apparently started shortly after 11pm, one report talks about 11:15pm. Certainly a very late start for a meeting of that caliber, but time chooses and the actors appear when they have to, even all seems to be a bit unusual. In this case the French President, the German chancellor and the Ukrainian President at that time came and sat together to create an agreement that, quite oddly, is even connected to the future day of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

Putting all that aside, let’s first have a look at what the quality of time has in store and is offering to get into actuality. The Cancer AC, with Moon in Hs.2 – the moment is clearly about questions of home / homeland – Hs.2 gives it even the idea of demarcation in a very real way. Since Moon is aspected with a Jupiter from Hs.6 – they were talking about a notion of the conditions thereof. All quite fitting at least from my perspective. Similar content gets affirmed by the Virgo Hs.4. And again the Sun in Hs.4, reiterating the questions about patria.

Quite a telling constellation – the Sun is in conjunction with Venus-Mercury, the annihilated territory – can’t get better than that. The MC, determinative and subsequently the unintended and accomplished content of the chart already reveals at the end, what is really achieved with all the late night talk and worthless paper produced – treachery. Putin should have saved his time coming to Milan – the meeting was the beginning of deceit of larger proportions.

Now comes an even more compelling find, the chart of the meeting is connected with the start of the Russian invasion – the planet cluster of Sun-Venus-Mercury is aspected with the first day of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. It is simply amazing how a handful of influential people have to meet at a certain place, at a certain time to enable a certain kind of content of time, which then at a later point is even correlated on a timescale with the original moment and all the secrecy around, it can not hide its true content of time visible through a chart of the beginning of their by now even officially confirmed deceitful intentions.

Copyright 2023 by Dirk Heinicke