“Sustainability”? – free content

“Sustainability”? – free content

“Sustainability”? - free content
It seems that hardly any action, product, article or broadcast these days can be perceived as credible if it does not contain the new buzz word. Be it financial, environmental, socio critical or even just down to municipal-political news – the word is omnipresent. Every move we make or consider has to be sustainable in order to pass the judgment of being worth it. Sustainable is the new gold standard for the as of a yet not implemented social credit score. To avoid being perceived as reckless, wasteful or mind you, “not social”, citizens and companies alike are increasingly becoming entangled and woven into the spell to claim their actions and behavior as being sustainable. It is the universal ecological “woke serum” for industry, finance and politics in order to foster the perception of being a good steward of this world and society. The …

A Peaceful Christmas – free content

A Peaceful Christmas – free content

A Peaceful Christmas - free content
As Ernest Hemmingway once said (1946) “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” Quite fitting to the present assault, which is by authorities declared as a war against a virus, that the world populace has to endure right now. To get a bit of an idea and details of the evil spirited conspirators behind this chemical and psychological warfare and how it is conducted you might want to listen to an interview that meanwhile is banned on numerous social media platforms. It even happened to me, before being able to access the interview, that a governmental info page of Health …..

Day of “Independence” – an island morphs into a Republic

Day of “Independence” – an island morphs into a Republic

Day of “Independence” - an island morphs into a Republic
On the last day of November this year the small nation of Barbados freed itself from the last shackles of foreign governance. Almost half a millenia had to go by to cut the last tie to the last country claiming ownership over this Caribbean island and its people. In the sixties Barbados commenced the first step in gaining independence. 55 years later to the day, the last tie was cut in the form of constituting a Republic and saying goodbye for good to the Queen as head of State. The celebration received worldwide news coverage since it fits the present narrative – get rid of foreign political interference and strive for self governance. It is an unstoppable trend, that I already outlined in an earlier article about the Queen, the British crown and their future without Elizabeth II. The Prince of Wales, excused of being jet lagged, nodding off at the ceremony gave the fitting visual testimony of the vanishing influence and power …

Mandating Covid vaccination – a historical recurrence – free content

Mandating Covid vaccination – a historical recurrence – free content

Mandating Covid vaccination - a historical recurrence - free content
The Covid story and narrative is a sticky one and does not seem to go simply away. If you have read the Grand Conjunction articles on this website you will know why the virus constellation has not left the ether of present news and will most likely stay with us for a longer time. Meanwhile, over the last 20 months, governments have bent the interpretation of basic human rights to impose draconian laws on their populace in order to be at war with a virus. The majority has seemingly not yet keyed into the loss of their basic rights and does not even seem to be remotely concerned about it. Actually, they are being convinced that they are doing the “right” thing, which, on the flipside, has changed the tone towards the non-jabbed portion of the population. Many, including the medical establishment, truly believe that they are at war with a virus and who does not follow the call to arms, meaning getting an injection of some sort, is automatically not fighting their war and subsequently their enemy. …

Hurricane Katrina’s connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes – 2

Hurricane Katrina’s connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes – 2

Hurricane Katrina's connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes - part 2
…so remarkable about that is, that to the same day of the encounter with the Pluto of the Katrina Hurricane chart – 44 tornados and 122 severe wind reports were recorded – almost like an invisible connection to the first mother of events (Katrina) called the evil spirit of the winds for another showdown with Louisianians. The entire complex gets even more stunning. Shy of a partial degree, but still exact enough, since the center of Katrina was most likely slightly of the city center of New Orleans (which is the base of my calculations), the encounter with Jupiter of the chart turns out to be – na, I believe you can guess it – Hurricane Ida. So, both severe weather phenomena, five and sixteen years after Katrina, are already embedded in the chart of the day of one of the most devastating hurricanes that have thus far hit the Gulf Coast of the US. …

Hurricane Katrina’s connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes

Hurricane Katrina’s connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes

Hurricane Katrina's connection to Hurricane Ida and to a swarm of tornadoes - free content
Every year the Gulf Coast of the United States gets visited by unwanted visitors that leave a destructive and deadly path behind them. They all have one thing in common, sharing the same family name, which comes from the Taino Native American word, hurucane, meaning evil spirit of the wind. Images of the path of destruction and the resulting floods of the visited terrain usually make headlines around the world, which are lately being used to sell technological climate change remedies. On 29 August 2005, one of those unwanted “evil spirits of the winds” took aim at New Orleans. Categorized as a 5 Atlantic hurricane, Katrina submerged about 80% of the Big Easy, killed 1800 people, displaced over 1 million people and left an unprecedented damage of $125 billion. Katrina certainly made history as one of the most devastating hurricanes ever. This year, Katrina was remembered since one of its relatives, hurricane Ida, “paid a visit” to the Gulf region and hit the vicinity of New Orleans as a category 4 Atlantic hurricane. Fortunately, the destruction was not anywhere comparable to the catastrophic proportions of Katrina, but what got me interested was that it hit the metropolitan area of New Orleans exactly to the day – just sixteen years later on 29 August 2021. …

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference
… Presently, much of the global weather activity is altered to a degree. With this kind of background the recent proclaimed global crisis can be in parts perceived as intended/planned or a result of geoengineering gone wrong. No matter how – we have very likely already reached a level in which we can not say with certainty what the weather/climate over the last decades really looks like. … Like with so many of these projects the first date and time of operation is nowhere to be found, so I had to follow a different lead. Reading about HAARP, one name that seems to be connected with the operation and inventions is the American physicist: Bernard J. Eastlund …

The tallest Ghost Tower – or how a chart could have saved Billions – free content

The tallest Ghost Tower – or how a chart could have saved Billions – free content

The tallest Ghost Tower - or how a chart could have saved Billions - free content
The Chinese tycoon Pan Sutong decided in the early 2000 to build the tallest skyscraper in Tianjin, China. His holding Goldin Group bought a sizable land for development on the outskirts of the city. To increase profit of the development the terrain around the almost 600 meter high apartment and commercial tower was designed to cater to the ultra rich. Mansions and a race horse track were planned to attract the super rich, but like many times in the world of property development – following the old wisdom – “build it and they will come” did not substanicalize for the developer. The contrary happened – the centerpiece of the development is now known worldwide as the tallest ghost scraper, meaning it never got finished nor did the development create any profit for the Goldin Group. It did not take minutes to figure out that the moment of the start of the building project already displays a “content of time” that is now on public display – a modern ruin …

COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 - on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference
No, it is not just another big All-Saints day gathering, even if its deeper roots pretty much resembles a meeting of the dead. 30.000 modern “witches and spell masters” meet for another one of those “altruistic” conferences that supposedly will rescue the world. I guess the world could already start breathing better if all those attendees would not fly in on their carbon spewing broomsticks. The world would not just breathe better – the world would even be better off without any of these conspiring events – since again, it will be another one of those meetings that are “oh so very important for the planet”, that again will happen behind closed doors. Isn’t it already sufficient enough that all the expenses of these events are paid by taxpayers? The public should at least be able to listen in on their oh so important decisions. …

Death on the Set

Death on the Set

Death on the Set
The incident has already passed by some days, but in case you missed it, on 21 Oct. the American actor, Alec Baldwin, accidentally killed one person with a prop gun and injured another. The tragic moment happened on a movie set in New Mexico and gives testimony for situations that the perpetrator sometimes does not have an obvious motive or intent to commit a crime, but time calls for the fulfillment of the content and the perpetrator is drawn into the incident, having no choice to resist nor to abstain. The tragic incident is a very descriptive example that time is the ultimate director of what is about to unfold – merely using players as parts and arranging them into their place at the fitting moment. The sinister part to it is – that not everyone can fill that role – since perpetrator, victim and place have an intricate connection and have to “meet” at the fitting moment and place. According to several …

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? - free content
Looking into the matter we first would have to ask ourselves: what makes us believe that we are experiencing a rapid change in climate? Clearly, the constant news, backed by images of forest fires, drought, increasing storm activity, depleted reservoirs and dying species have their impact on everyone’s mind and subsequently will mould your opinions about the matter. Since most of the news channels that massage our minds daily are either outlets with pure corporate agendas or in some countries outright government controlled and financed, a real “reality check” will be hard to come by. Before dwelling a bit deeper into the matter – I’d like the reader to ask themselves, if they think that it is plausible that some of the weather we experienced might not be sheer coincidence. It is a fact that part of the weather we experience these days is to a degree man ‘made’ or should we say manipulated. Even if you like to be on the sceptical side, there is meanwhile ample proof that man is altering local weather or entire weather patterns – and that not just for some years – decades (!). Since the middle of last century, the entire complex of weather manipulation is deeply rooted …

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the
The official Himachal tourism website calls this part of northern India the “Land of the Gods”. This part of the Indian subcontinent seems to be very mountainous since it is already a part of the Himalayas. Steep, rocky valleys with snow capped mountains and colorful temples seem to be its hallmark. On July 25 this year the area got its somber moment of fame. Eight tourists and their driver died in a rock slide that damaged and destroyed houses and a bridge. Normally news like that would not get the amount of attention, but in this case much of this incident has been caught on camera. In particular the spectacular collapse of the bridge, which is sadly enough very likely the reason why the tragic accident got international coverage, and not the loss of the nine souls. …

“INSPIRED” – free content

“INSPIRED” – free content

This week I received an email with a link to a short Youtube video – “David Icke On WHO They Are and WHAT They Really Want”. Somehow the name sounded familiar and even if I have never explored his ideas nor read any of his books, nor meanwhile share many points of his view it might be worth watching the clip. The short excerpt below the video description reads: “David Icke speaks on the true agenda of the cult, who they are, what they want and why 2030 is an important year. He also tells us exactly how we can stop them.” What particularly lured me to watch the video was that it is connected to AI and technological singularity. Mr. Icke is clearly picking up a subject that is close to my heart and is reflected in articles I write. His video is obviously taking a different approach of explaining the same process …

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 - “Advance Australia fair …”
Lately, quite concerning news is coming from the land down under. Not that the northern hemisphere is short of stories of the same development, but it’s almost as though that in the land of Emus and Kangaroos things are seemingly getting out of hand. Dragonian Covid measures have apparently transformed the country into a place where it is not uncommon to see tanks and military enforcing Covid curfews – the curfew has been expanded to a national curfew prohibiting travel in and out of Australia and as an Australian you can not even return home. Meanwhile, protests have turned violent and as countermeasures the government has introduced laws that clearly have more the signature of a totalitarian system rather than an open (minded) democratic, free moving society. Not helping the situation were comments made by the New South Wales chief medical officer, Dr. Kerry Grant, calling the measures a “New World Order” …

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“... the Queen” - Great Conjunction of 2020 - outlook for Great Britain - part 2
Getting a bit more into detail of the Great Conjunction for Great Britain, one question that clearly comes up is the question of the succession of the Queen. Queen Elizabeth II. has served her country and many Commonwealth countries as one of the longest monarchs ever. She is just about two years away from being the longest reigning monarch. Seven decades of being the Head of State Queen Elizabeth II. certainly has made it difficult to find anybody out there that still remembers her father as King. Her dynasty goes back to the year of 827 and without being a historian I believe I can say it is most likely the longest dynasty ever reigning a country or for that matter in its later part most of the world. Clearly, Great Britain’s fortunes of the past have a strong connection to the political influence and power of the House of Windsor. It is hard to imagine much of the last century without the presence of THE QUEEN. Statesmen as well as entertainers …

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 - The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content
Countless articles, commentaries and theories have been written and reported since that tragic and memorable day. The events that happened, that eleventh day of September, in the Big Apple have for over two decades nurtured many theories and perspectives of what really did happen and who might have orchestrated the attacks. Setting all conspiracy aside – up to this day the public has not yet gotten the answers from officials about some very legit questions, just to state some of them: WTC Building #7, which sustained only superficial and light damage from the collapse of the two towers, but fell in complete conformity like a controlled demolition, or how about the video footage that something other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon …

IVERMECTIN – and its astrological connection to COVID – part 2

IVERMECTIN – and its astrological connection to COVID – part 2

IVERMECTIN - and its astrological connection to COVID - part 2
…. So much as to the prelude to the examination of the chart of the drug in question, which was approved by the FDA in November 1996. Before we look into the details, it has to be understood that this is the day chart of the approval of the drug Ivermectin by the FDA – it is not necessarily the chart of the drug, but still gives us a good indication of its “time qualities”. For that matter I have to play devil’s advocate since drugs in general interfere with the …

IVERMECTIN – and it’s “timely” connection to COVID – free content  – part 1

IVERMECTIN – and it’s “timely” connection to COVID – free content  – part 1

IVERMECTIN - and it's
People that are sceptical about the Covid measures taken by many countries have found some solace in a podcast that aired 22.06.2021. Joe Rogan interviewed Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory. Some well known people in the medical profession, who were brave enough to give testimony in public. One of them, Dr.Kory, was even previously invited to Congress to talk about Covid. Unfortunately, like so many times before, the many accredited voices that take a more questionable stand towards the official Covid narrative are shut down. In Dr.Kory’s case, even his medical testimony is no longer accessible on Youtube or online. Shut down – vanished from the digital world. Obviously, the expressed opinion of a highly respected medical specialist was not to the liking of some people (or the industry) and “had to be removed.” …

Turmoil in Afghanistan – The start of a greater collapse? – free content

Turmoil in Afghanistan – The start of a greater collapse? – free content

Turmoil in Afghanistan - The start of a greater collapse? - free content
Damage control all over western MSM – how to sell one of the biggest political foreign policy failures of Western Allies to their populace. After the run and flight of the all so “altruistic minded organizations” – like Nato, uncounted NGO’s and 15000 security contractor companies – the country has been left in shatters. Chaotic scenes of people trying to board planes to leave the country that was just taken back by the Taliban are dominating the news. After close to twenty years of Western countries trying to get a hold of one of the key countries of central Asia, the Americans, as the leading force, have abandoned their “democracy exporting mission.” Just some stats to make the sheer madness of the right-from-the-start unattainable operation more vivid. 2 trillion dollars spent, equating to about 300 million daily. More than 20.000 allied soldiers …

“God save the …” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain

“God save the …” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain

“God save the ...” - Great Conjunction of 2020 - outlook for Great Britain
In the sequence of articles about the Great Conjunction of 2020 I examine the differences between countries around the world and how they are differently aspected and affected by a seemingly identical horoscope – only difference – according to its geographic location the houses and main axles indicate different outcomes for every region. In this segment I will examine the Great Conjunction of last year and what it could mean for Britain for the next two decades. Compared to the previously examined chart of the Great Conjunction for Canada of last year it becomes quite obvious that the two planets building the Great Conjunction …