COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 - on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference
No, it is not just another big All-Saints day gathering, even if its deeper roots pretty much resembles a meeting of the dead. 30.000 modern “witches and spell masters” meet for another one of those “altruistic” conferences that supposedly will rescue the world. I guess the world could already start breathing better if all those attendees would not fly in on their carbon spewing broomsticks. The world would not just breathe better – the world would even be better off without any of these conspiring events – since again, it will be another one of those meetings that are “oh so very important for the planet”, that again will happen behind closed doors. Isn’t it already sufficient enough that all the expenses of these events are paid by taxpayers? The public should at least be able to listen in on their oh so important decisions. …

Death on the Set

Death on the Set

Death on the Set
The incident has already passed by some days, but in case you missed it, on 21 Oct. the American actor, Alec Baldwin, accidentally killed one person with a prop gun and injured another. The tragic moment happened on a movie set in New Mexico and gives testimony for situations that the perpetrator sometimes does not have an obvious motive or intent to commit a crime, but time calls for the fulfillment of the content and the perpetrator is drawn into the incident, having no choice to resist nor to abstain. The tragic incident is a very descriptive example that time is the ultimate director of what is about to unfold – merely using players as parts and arranging them into their place at the fitting moment. The sinister part to it is – that not everyone can fill that role – since perpetrator, victim and place have an intricate connection and have to “meet” at the fitting moment and place. According to several …

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? - free content
Looking into the matter we first would have to ask ourselves: what makes us believe that we are experiencing a rapid change in climate? Clearly, the constant news, backed by images of forest fires, drought, increasing storm activity, depleted reservoirs and dying species have their impact on everyone’s mind and subsequently will mould your opinions about the matter. Since most of the news channels that massage our minds daily are either outlets with pure corporate agendas or in some countries outright government controlled and financed, a real “reality check” will be hard to come by. Before dwelling a bit deeper into the matter – I’d like the reader to ask themselves, if they think that it is plausible that some of the weather we experienced might not be sheer coincidence. It is a fact that part of the weather we experience these days is to a degree man ‘made’ or should we say manipulated. Even if you like to be on the sceptical side, there is meanwhile ample proof that man is altering local weather or entire weather patterns – and that not just for some years – decades (!). Since the middle of last century, the entire complex of weather manipulation is deeply rooted …

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the
The official Himachal tourism website calls this part of northern India the “Land of the Gods”. This part of the Indian subcontinent seems to be very mountainous since it is already a part of the Himalayas. Steep, rocky valleys with snow capped mountains and colorful temples seem to be its hallmark. On July 25 this year the area got its somber moment of fame. Eight tourists and their driver died in a rock slide that damaged and destroyed houses and a bridge. Normally news like that would not get the amount of attention, but in this case much of this incident has been caught on camera. In particular the spectacular collapse of the bridge, which is sadly enough very likely the reason why the tragic accident got international coverage, and not the loss of the nine souls. …

“INSPIRED” – free content

“INSPIRED” – free content

This week I received an email with a link to a short Youtube video – “David Icke On WHO They Are and WHAT They Really Want”. Somehow the name sounded familiar and even if I have never explored his ideas nor read any of his books, nor meanwhile share many points of his view it might be worth watching the clip. The short excerpt below the video description reads: “David Icke speaks on the true agenda of the cult, who they are, what they want and why 2030 is an important year. He also tells us exactly how we can stop them.” What particularly lured me to watch the video was that it is connected to AI and technological singularity. Mr. Icke is clearly picking up a subject that is close to my heart and is reflected in articles I write. His video is obviously taking a different approach of explaining the same process …