Trump almost assassinated

Trump almost assassinated

Trump almost assassinated
Again it is Trump in the news and though since the rest of the world is writing about the incident it might be fitting to comment on what had happened yesterday since I had an article about him some weeks ago pointing out a possible assassination. Even if the regular mainstream media first just reported him falling on stage – he clearly escaped just by the width of a finger, an attempt to kill him, so close that his left ear got wounded by the bullet. The timeframe …

The life choking AGENDA 21

The life choking AGENDA 21

The life choking AGENDA 21
According to chaGPT, “Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development. It was adopted in 1992 by 178 governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The full title is “Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development.” It certainly is one of the main pillars the present omnipresent news story of carbon caused climate change is built on. What ChatGPT certainly does not tell us is that Agenda 21 sets the “non-binding” groundwork for an ideology that Klaus Schwab from the WEF once revealed in his famous statement – “in 2030 you will …

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?
Inspired by a podcast with Dr. Amit Goswami, I wrote in 2022 a set of articles about quantum physics and how the quantum world can be found in the zodiac. The case I was then trying to make is that much of what quantum physics is trying to find and prove can already be derived from an in depth knowledge of the zodiac. A couple of weeks ago I came across a copy of the book – “A New Science of Heaven” by Robert Temple. The book has been quite an inspiring read for me. I believe that Robert Temple inadvertently wrote the first book that could be the scientific blueprint of how astrology works and influences life on earth. The book is based on …

Cult leader – part 4 – Bhagwan (Osho)

Cult leader – part 4 – Bhagwan (Osho)

Cult leader - part 4 - Bhagwan (Osho)
Who would not know or at least have seen an image of the bearded man in long robes that was known in his home country India as the “sex” and in the US as the “Rolls-Royce guru”. He certainly stirred up a lot of controversy over his lifetime and reached a worldwide audience and most likely had a huge influence on the 70’s movement. Compared to the previous cult leaders Rajneesh is distinctively different. He did not lead people into death or incited mass suicide. It was rather kind of the opposite. His devoted disciples that were known for their red robes followed him because he preached and advocated for self-determination. His teachings were a mixture of traditional eastern religious streams as well as even western philosophy. His ten commandments are stated by ….

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?

Will Trump win the November election?
Donald Trump is always good for the news business, be it for the legacy media companies as the scapegoat or the alternative side of the news business as the savior. News about Trump always sells. Last week the former president definitely made newsworthy history again. Being the first former US president to become a felon is certainly something new, which does not necessarily mean that his democratic counterpart is legally less questionable. It is obviously what it takes these days to be elected to the highest positions of power – almost like in the last days of Rome. Despite all the legal headwinds he is seemingly following the recipe that even bad news is good publicity. It is hard to fathom …

Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 - The Online Harms Act - Canada
On February 26 the Canadian government, the Liberal Party of Canada with Leader Justin Trudeau introduced in the House of Commons a bill to establish a new responsibility regime for social media operators and direct content distributors in Canada. The aim is to focus on online harms and the protection of users, particularly children. The bill certainly does way more than just that – it falls in line with the (already on this website portrayed) Europe’s digital service act – the same “spirits” seem to be international. It even caught the attention of Matt Taibbi, who wrote in a article  – “The purview of the Online Harms Act extends far beyond speech …

The “Green” Movement

The “Green” Movement

The first time that a political movement was tagged with the word “Green” was in Germany in the mid seventies. The founding souls of this meanwhile worldwide mainstream political movement, sought to oppose industrial development and the destructive impact on the environment caused by it. The crowd that gathered did not differ in its convictions much from other similar movements that sprung up at about the same time frame all around the world. People from all walks of life gathered to stand up against industrial pollution and destruction of soil, air and water. What in those days united people in Germany were mainly concerns about planned or already existing nuclear power plants. Skipping some decades ahead, the political offspring of that initial movement is now …

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome
… at least according to the German author Heiko Schoening. For people that are not familiar with him, here is what AI wants you to know about his persona. “Heiko Schöning is a German doctor and entrepreneur. He is the head of a group known by the German acronym ACU2020 and has been involved in various organizations and projects. He was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London in September 2020 while addressing a crowd at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Heiko Schöning is also the co-founder of a startup and has been involved in various projects, including MedCooling, a company that focuses on cooling solutions. Additionally, he has been involved in the World Doctors Alliance, an organization that has questioned the veracity of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
What Brave AI is “weirdly” enough …

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge
No story over the last weeks did get more news attention than the total collapse of the Baltimore bridge. The bridge’s sudden collapse was caused by a container freighter that crashed into the southwest supporting pier of the main truss section of the bridge shortly after midnight. The economic impact of the downed bridge, whose debris is now blocking the entrance to the Baltimore harbor creates a considerable economic impact for the entire eastern seaboard of the US. With some key industries, like fertilizer, car imports or other flammable goods being affected and the sheer unexplainable nature of the collision, caused by highly trained ship personnel, the surfacing of a multitude of conspiracy theories does not surprise. Let’s just explore …

Cult Leader – part 3 – Marshall Applewhite

Cult Leader – part 3 – Marshall Applewhite

Cult Leader - part 3 - Marshall Applewhite
Marhall Applewhite is another self proclaimed prophet that drew quite a crowd of devote followers and especially international media attention. Marshall created a cult that drew its main language and script from science fiction, there is a Youtube video even showing him in a “Spok” like attire. To no surprise he, as well as his followers, were believers in UFOs and some hair-raising theories about him being the reincarnated Jesus, who had come with his father to lead the chosen ones to a higher level. Behavioral dogmas of the cult included, to no surprise, uniformity and a total repression of any sort of sexual life. Marshall would make his followers …

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World
Through reading about the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, one finds out fairly quickly that Hades and Plouton are identical. The ancient Greek god of the underworld is known as the “unseen one”, fitting the trades of the eighth house in an astrological chart. The eighth house, being the last developmental step of the timely progression, before the Gestalt is revealed in Hs.7, is certainly still hidden from the eye of an observer, before timely content gets recognizable, therefore Hades is correctly named as the unseen one. The Greek myths are about the progression of how …

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries - The Conqueror of Space
Like every year, at this time of late winter we will soon be nearing the spring equinox. Winter is usually ushered out when Aries starts its reign. The point is not just on a regular calendar of significance, even from an astrological point of view it is certainly a very noteworthy point on the 360 degree dial of the chronological sequence of the twelve star signs. When the Sun enters the star sign Aries, winter ends in the northern hemisphere. Spring is about to start and like in the phenomenological world, Aries, or for that matter Hs.1, kickstarts the progression and development of the Gestalt. Aries not only starts it, he gives it …

Ryugyong Hotel

Ryugyong Hotel

Ryugyong Hotel
The Ryugyong Hotel is just another example of a mega construction project gone “wrong”. Like with other numerous examples of failed iconic building projects portrayed on this website, who’s future demise could have been foretold astrologically even before they were started, it serves as a nice example how the quality of time always will come to light at the end. Not any different with this intended Mega hotel with its over 3000 planned hotel rooms and its 300 meters in height. The hotel certainly was thought to be a shining star for the communist regime of Pyongyang. It should have been a showcase project for its economic might. But the ruine like state of the unfinished building, which by the way meanwhile has been airbrushed out of many skyline photos of the city, …

Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster - part 2
… Every moment holds its “timely” potential or, as the quantum physicist would call it, its potentiality, which is waiting to be “realized”. Much of  potentiality is never “realized”, but once the right players and pieces fall into place, events unfold. As already hinted towards in the “Light of Life” article, a similar observation can be made with light as well, be it the birth of a living creature or the occurrence of an event, all are entangled and connected to bigger rhythmic, recurring phenomena that happened before them and can be found in a chart (- see Covid articles)…

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571
For some weeks now Netflix offers a very well made cinematographic historic reappraisal of this tragic flight. The movie is not just well made, it touches with impressive detail on the different characters involved, the plight and how the event and the months after in starvation and drama evolved until the survivors were found. Relevant times and dates are very well documented. The precision of the relevant charts demonstrate and explain in their planetary way the event in the most stunning way and are truly a testament of how the quality of time has future outcomes embedded in it. Known as the “Andes Flight disaster” this historic flight took place in the early seventies, when a plane on its way from Montevideo UY to Santiago de Chile crashed on an icefield in the Andes. On one hand the crash was understandably perceived as a disaster, on the other it was called a miracle. From the initial 45 people onboard 14 survived a 72 day ordeal in subzero terrain at an altitude of close to 4000 m before they were rescued. The disaster made worldwide headlines because of the cannibalism …

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader - part 2 - Jim Jones and the economic socialism
When one researches the life of Jim Jones it does not take much reading to understand that he was a “quite unique” character. Growing up in a financially strapped household, with a mother/parents that did not seem to have cared much about her/their son even to a degree that neighbors felt compelled to care for young Jimmy, one quickly understands that his childhood certainly was not following the path of the average childhood. Wikipedia quoted Jones once saying about his childhood; “I was ready to kill by the end of the third grade. I mean, I was so aggressive and hostile, I was ready to kill. Nobody gave me …

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders - part 1
It was not just the 2024 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that inspired me to kick off a sequence of articles about cult leaders, but I have to admit that it would be fitting. The official theme of this year’s meeting – “Rebuilding Trust” – already opens questions about the state of this organization, how our world is presently governed, manipulated and exploited. A cult easily comes to mind, when one listens in and watches what gets spoonfed to us by the circus legacy media about the meeting of the 60 heads of state and 2800 international “leaders”. According to “cult” is defined as a system of religious beliefs and rituals, followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices, a religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox, extremist, or false, followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader, an interest ….

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”
The book of Genesis opens the story of creation on the first day with; “Let there be light,” and “there was light.” Since it happened on the first day of the six day creation story we just can surmise that light is at the base of everything. One could get the impression that everything else is just built on or is a consequence of it. Meaning light is one, or perhaps the main building block of life, or of the world around us. Just about a month ago Astrum, a youtube contributor, posted a video about nine experiments with light that will certainly amaze everyone that has watched it (see link below). The quite stunning findings are dealing in parts with  quantum theories as well the physics of light. For me the video revived similar thoughts and observations …

“The Boss” – Bruce Springsteen

“The Boss” – Bruce Springsteen

“The Boss” - Bruce Springsteen
It would be hard to find someone in North America that has not heard of Bruce Springsteen, the famous rock singer, songwriter and guitarist. His musical career meanwhile spans more than six decades in which he has been writing and composing mainstream rock music with poetic and socially conscious lyrics. Most of his fame can be attributed to his focus around blue collar life issues in North America in his songs. Shows and appearances with the Obama presidential campaign have transformed him meanwhile into almost a democratic royalty. A bit contrary to the political message of his songs is his personal wealth, which is apparently estimated at about 650 million dollars. Bruce is an entertainer powerhouse and is known to occasionally even perform for almost four hours at his concerts. Last year that kind of stellar performance endurance experienced a dent. Due to health related issues “the Boss” had to cancel future concerts and performances. Peptic ulcer disease was stated as the reason for the cancellation ….