Cult leader – part 4 – Bhagwan (Osho)

Cult leader – part 4 – Bhagwan (Osho)

Cult leader - part 4 - Bhagwan (Osho)
Who would not know or at least have seen an image of the bearded man in long robes that was known in his home country India as the “sex” and in the US as the “Rolls-Royce guru”. He certainly stirred up a lot of controversy over his lifetime and reached a worldwide audience and most likely had a huge influence on the 70’s movement. Compared to the previous cult leaders Rajneesh is distinctively different. He did not lead people into death or incited mass suicide. It was rather kind of the opposite. His devoted disciples that were known for their red robes followed him because he preached and advocated for self-determination. His teachings were a mixture of traditional eastern religious streams as well as even western philosophy. His ten commandments are stated by ….

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader - part 2 - Jim Jones and the economic socialism
When one researches the life of Jim Jones it does not take much reading to understand that he was a “quite unique” character. Growing up in a financially strapped household, with a mother/parents that did not seem to have cared much about her/their son even to a degree that neighbors felt compelled to care for young Jimmy, one quickly understands that his childhood certainly was not following the path of the average childhood. Wikipedia quoted Jones once saying about his childhood; “I was ready to kill by the end of the third grade. I mean, I was so aggressive and hostile, I was ready to kill. Nobody gave me …

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders – part 1

Cult Leaders - part 1
It was not just the 2024 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that inspired me to kick off a sequence of articles about cult leaders, but I have to admit that it would be fitting. The official theme of this year’s meeting – “Rebuilding Trust” – already opens questions about the state of this organization, how our world is presently governed, manipulated and exploited. A cult easily comes to mind, when one listens in and watches what gets spoonfed to us by the circus legacy media about the meeting of the 60 heads of state and 2800 international “leaders”. According to “cult” is defined as a system of religious beliefs and rituals, followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices, a religion or sect that is generally considered to be unorthodox, extremist, or false, followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader, an interest ….

Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk - why he is the richest man
Who hasn’t heard of Elon Reeve Musk? The South African born entrepreneur has accumulated so much wealth (presently 233 billion dollars) with his multiple tech-enterprises that he is meanwhile the richest man in the world. Most likely people that know his name associate him with the Tesla automotive company that produces electric vehicles. His career and achievements are well documented. Who has an interest in listening to his ideas, there are multiple podcasts with him in which he makes no hiding of his persona nor his character. Some people describe him as an introvert, confrontational, sometimes erratic and if you believe some internet sources he even describes himself not just as a micro manager, he even believes he is a “nano” manager. Certainly with that kind of celebrity status the world is observing every movement, behaviour, word and taking note of any by societal standards that can be …

R. Oppenheimer – father of the atomic bomb

R. Oppenheimer – father of the atomic bomb

R. Oppenheimer - father of the atomic bomb
It is one of these moments again, when the “Quality of time” could not manifest itself in a better way. Living presently on the brink of a possible nuclear war, the western world, which was masterfully coerced into a proxy war, entertains (consumes images) itself with the latest Hollywood production that attempts to shine some light on the personas and reasoning behind the creation of the WWII (!!) first nuclear bomb. The movie develops as the usual story – good (and smart) against evil (not so smart) – and attempts to coerce the viewers into the understanding that evil can only be extinguished with even more evil. If movie goers do indeed stay right to the very last minute of the movie …

From Psychologist to Cleric ? – Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

From Psychologist to Cleric ? – Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

From Psychologist to Cleric ? - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
I have listened to numerous hours of his podcast and interviews. Like many others of his listeners, I appreciate the combination of his perspective of the world, his psychological and general knowledge that he combines with an exploration of the mythological realm, which he can eloquently defend and explain, even in front of large audiences. For many Canadians he is known for criticizing the Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (Bill C-16), which was passed by the Canadian Parliament to introduce “gender identity and expression” as prohibited grounds for discrimination.[b] He claimed that the bill would make use of gender pronouns, “compelled speech”. He related his argument to a general critique of political correctness and identity politics. Almost overnight his outspoken critic made him …

Hugh Hefner – Playboy of the Century

Hugh Hefner – Playboy of the Century

Hugh Hefner - Playboy of the Century
“My mother was once asked if she was proud of me,” Hefner said, “She said she was proud, yes — but she would have been just as happy if I’d been a missionary.” Everyone laughed, what did Hefner tell her? “Mom,” he said. “I was.” I do not know if the above quote is authentic or not, but it certainly describes the Hugh Hefner chart to a good degree. I was inspired by a documentary that detailed the life of the publisher of the worldwide recognized and read men’s lifestyle and entertainment magazine. In 1953 Hef founded the magazine …

The two lives of Superman

The two lives of Superman

The two lives of Superman
Certainly many years have passed and with an increasing number of movies that premier annually consumers easily forget past successes and stars and the sometimes abrupt and occasionally tragic ends to their careers. One of the many is the superman role of Christopher Reeve, successful in many aspects to start with, but with a very tragic end. The first installment at the end of the 70’s, later to be a four part series of Superman movies, certainly drew many into the movie theater. The initial superman movie undoubtedly was a financial success at the box office. Americans always felt drawn to superhero stories and quite obviously loved this flying superhuman that was not just only superior to everything, he even displayed some human imperfections. Over the four episodes of superhero stories Christopher Reeve became worldwide …

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night
Who wouldn’t see a movie with one of the highest paid actresses of Hollywood? Angelina Jolie Voight has been cited as one of the most powerful and influential people in the American entertainment industry. Over the years she committed herself to many humanitarian efforts spanning from women’s rights, conservation to education. Her private life and obstacles attracted many times more attention than her movie roles; the same applied for myself as well since the first time I really paid attention to her was when she publicly announced that she had undergone surgery –  a double mastectomy to avoid her mothers fate of having breast cancer. The news stated that “the procedure was done as a preventative measure after testing positive for mutations …

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger - encountering Saturn
Luckily, Tiger Woods survived the single vehicle car accident. His fate was fortunately not similar to another sport legend, Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash early last year. As already laid out in my Kobe Bryant’s article, when these kinds of tragic accidents happen it is usually the compounding effect of some constellations that get charged up over time and then triggered (released) by transiting planets. As with many of those kinds of accidents, the pattern is similar. They all need some sort of initial priming, before the compensated energy that accumulated gets released (see – The Regulatives). One can already be born with …

Kobe Bryant – a tragic end to a stellar sports career

Kobe Bryant – a tragic end to a stellar sports career

Kobe Bryant – a tragic end to a stellar sports career
Earlier this year on January 26th, 2020 bad news emitted from Calabasas, California, where a sports star including one of his daughters died in a helicopter crash. The basketball world had just lost one of their great idols and players. Kobe Bryant, with just 41 years of age, had accomplished almost every achievable goal for an athlete. He had gathered numerous championships, an uncounted number of awards, and with all that he was well known, not just in the world of basketball. His fame even radiated beyond North American borders. Needless to say, the following days created worldwide mourning and an understanding that the world of basketball had lost one of their great sons. Even for people like me who never had followed basketball were paying attention and were drawn to the tragic event. Bryant’s birthday and time is widely available online. The stated time seems to match and confirm the tragic event that unfolded on that foggy January day in California. I only had to slightly adjust his time of birth to align dates and important milestones in Bryant’s life – to get a conclusive picture. ….