Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?

Has science inadvertently confirmed how astrology works?
Inspired by a podcast with Dr. Amit Goswami, I wrote in 2022 a set of articles about quantum physics and how the quantum world can be found in the zodiac. The case I was then trying to make is that much of what quantum physics is trying to find and prove can already be derived from an in depth knowledge of the zodiac. A couple of weeks ago I came across a copy of the book – “A New Science of Heaven” by Robert Temple. The book has been quite an inspiring read for me. I believe that Robert Temple inadvertently wrote the first book that could be the scientific blueprint of how astrology works and influences life on earth. The book is based on …

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome
… at least according to the German author Heiko Schoening. For people that are not familiar with him, here is what AI wants you to know about his persona. “Heiko Schöning is a German doctor and entrepreneur. He is the head of a group known by the German acronym ACU2020 and has been involved in various organizations and projects. He was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London in September 2020 while addressing a crowd at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Heiko Schöning is also the co-founder of a startup and has been involved in various projects, including MedCooling, a company that focuses on cooling solutions. Additionally, he has been involved in the World Doctors Alliance, an organization that has questioned the veracity of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
What Brave AI is “weirdly” enough …

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World
Through reading about the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, one finds out fairly quickly that Hades and Plouton are identical. The ancient Greek god of the underworld is known as the “unseen one”, fitting the trades of the eighth house in an astrological chart. The eighth house, being the last developmental step of the timely progression, before the Gestalt is revealed in Hs.7, is certainly still hidden from the eye of an observer, before timely content gets recognizable, therefore Hades is correctly named as the unseen one. The Greek myths are about the progression of how …

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”

The “Light of Life”
The book of Genesis opens the story of creation on the first day with; “Let there be light,” and “there was light.” Since it happened on the first day of the six day creation story we just can surmise that light is at the base of everything. One could get the impression that everything else is just built on or is a consequence of it. Meaning light is one, or perhaps the main building block of life, or of the world around us. Just about a month ago Astrum, a youtube contributor, posted a video about nine experiments with light that will certainly amaze everyone that has watched it (see link below). The quite stunning findings are dealing in parts with  quantum theories as well the physics of light. For me the video revived similar thoughts and observations …

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud - the founder of psychoanalysis
With Freud we have the third psychologist chart “on the astrological chaise-lounge” to examine what these three psychologists might have in common and where they differ. You might have already spotted a quite stunning commonality between Jung and Freud, at least from the chart’s point of view. Both have their Suns in Hs.7 – the house of consciousness, which seems to be appropriate for their field of interest, the interest of consciousness and subsequently the unconscious. …

C.G. Jung – founder of the analytical psychology movement

C.G. Jung – founder of the analytical psychology movement

C.G. Jung - founder of the analytical psychology movement
After last week’s article I thought it might be worthwhile looking at a couple of charts from the field of psychology. Aside from psychology pioneers like Wilhelm Wundt and Adolf Adler, I like to examine the more known representatives of the profession, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. As already mentioned in the last article, it was not just a coincidence that the start of the formation of this new field of study of mind and behavior developed parallel to the industrial revolution. For that reason all these names enter the stage of history at about the same time. A commonly held misconception is that Jung was a …



…the appearance does not include being. The appearance is only a form of an execution of hierarchical higher content. Against common perception, the appearance is subservient to a higher process. It is not independent nor does it possess properties that it finds within. Consequently, the appearance is only a process, namely of the execution of the appearance, which is fed its content from …



The German word Gestalt is frequently appearing on this site. I’m very much aware of the fact that it can not be understood properly in English, since the language of the ‘Angles’, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to the area of Great Britain, had obviously dropped or lost the word, when they migrated to Britain. Looking a bit further into the matter it could be that the ‘Angles’ migrated and left central Europe before the word was even used in the German language. Weirdly enough most English interpretations point out either a conclusion of some sort …

Artificial Fertilizer – Blessing or Curse

Artificial Fertilizer – Blessing or Curse

Artificial Fertilizer - Blessing or Curse
In light of the present and expected further increasing shortages of commodities including fertilizer the subject seems to be interesting enough to have a closer look. Over the last two centuries, many attempts have been made to artificially produce a substance that can create an abundance of agricultural commodities. One of the most groundbreaking inventions in that context was made by a chemist Fritz Haber in cooperation with Carl Bosch. “In 1905 Haber reached an objective long sought by chemists—that of fixing nitrogen from air. Atmospheric …



WATER - MEMORY - part 2
As Luc Montagnier in the second documentary states – the reason for the “scientific” establishment to deny the proven facts is sheer economics since the outcome does not promise profits and recurring clients, if applied medically it possibly would actually allow healing and not a constant revolving cycle of highly profitable chemo based drugs that only allow short term betterment. The confirmation that water is able to remember and store emotional and image related information is sheer incredible. In order to do it water does not change its chemical …



WATER - memory - part 1
The present discussions about climate “change”, lost arable land, lack of drinking water and vanishing biodiversity, diminishing wetlands, atmospheric rivers, polluted rivers and streams, contaminated oceans and “dust bowl” weather conditions, …. all share one common denominator – WATER or lack thereof. It is obvious that the indispensable substance making up 70% of our body is not just important to us alone. Our environment also needs the unique liquid as an essential building block, and the lack of it creates outcomes that are perceived as unfavorable for the environment and humans alike. To no surprise religions, cults and myths have centered …

Fentanyl – the origins of a potent and silent killer

Fentanyl – the origins of a potent and silent killer

Fentanyl - the origins of a potent and silent killer
Who has not heard about the serial killer that silently infiltrates our communities? In Canada every day 11 people and in the US 41 die of opioid substance abuse. According to the WHO about 269 million people (or 5.3% of the global population aged 15-64 years) used drugs at least once in 2018. Among them, about 58 million people used opioids. About 35.6 million people suffered from drug use disorders in 2018 Worldwide, about 0.5 million deaths are attributable to drug use. More than 70% of these deaths are related to opioids. The biggest consumer of prescribed opioids is the US. All those numbers seemed to get drowned in the present Covid media frenzy that is loud, overpowering and heavily politicized. As an example here in Western Canada in B.C., the number of Fentanyl deaths for last year is about 1.5 times higher than Covid related deaths. I know in other parts of the world these numbers are not that one sided but the problem of artificial opioid use is not something that can be ignored. If you read and hear about the recently proposed countermeasures that Health authorities are coming up, one can only wonder – do these officials really know what they are dealing with? To get a better picture of that crisis from my end of the chart – I started searching for an adequate date or time when one of the many opioids were introduced to the market. …

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 – free content

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 – free content

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 - free content” - part 3 of 3
The New Year has started and you will find many predictions about how this new year is going to unfold and what to expect. Be it political or financial forecasts; some news channels even come up with annual predictions for weather; and others pretending to be more sophisticated will even try to decipher the front page of the Economist (I don’t even know if the prestigious paper will have one of their “famous” drawings on the front cover this year). Clearly, forecasts draw crowds and for that very reason many will even turn to a website like this one. Most are searching only for an affirmation of what they already thought or sensed. The start of a new calendar year does not represent any astrological significance. A blanketed approach by putting 12 Zodiac signs under one umbrella and to check ….

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020 - free content” - part 3 of 3
At the beginning of this year I already wrote about the conjunction of 2020. As written in January – charts based on the conjunction of the planets Saturn/Jupiter are used as mini epochal charts that span for about 20 years. This year’s case is remarkable because the conjunction falls on the day of the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere and what astronomers point out, it will be one of the closest conjunctions in hundreds of years. If the theory holds, a chart of this moment can be the base for calculating constellations and content of time that might be surfacing to different points over the next two decades. Over the course of the next year I will look into some of those charts for the different political hemispheres around the world, we will see how they differ, and what content of time will come up in the respective areas; how it will affect or distinguish these regions. I have chosen charts of the most influential capitals, which will be part of this series of articles. You might have read that some astrology inclined people claim this to be the start of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. The conjunction is right in Aquarius and certainly would look like it holds some sort of renewing aspect, but from my end I cannot see that the dawn of the “Golden Age” has arrived or is about to start anytime soon. There are many indicators …

666 – THE BEAST OF THE SEA – part 1 of 3

666 – THE BEAST OF THE SEA – part 1 of 3

666 - THE BEAST OF THE SEA - part 1 of 3
These days the triple number draws quite some attention; is frequently cited and referred to; often taken out of context and if you read up on the source (Revelation 13:1-18) you do not get much of an idea about what you are really dealing with. Clearly there are some passages in the biblical text that can be easily transferred to present days, and comprehended with our modern mind. One of the most quoted ones seems to be – “… the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name …. .” The other parts of the Revelation do not offer such a quick comprehension and for that reason this particular section seems to be the one that went mainstream. If you look it up you will find ancient historical connections, roulette and connections to lottery, as well as individuals connected or deciphered by the number. One name that comes up, with great likelihood connected to the number, is Aleister Crowley, whose chart we will examine in part 3. …

Covid 19 response – Sweden the pariah or a role model? – free content

Covid 19 response – Sweden the pariah or a role model? – free content

Covid 19 response - Sweden the pariah or a role model?
…. There seems to be only one country that did not get lured into the media frenziness, nor were they corrupted by higher powers and industry influencers. The shining star that seems to have mastered the “corona health crisis” is SWEDEN. Why does the mainstream media especially here in North America deliberately ignore the success story? And why don’t governments change course and adopt the Swedish recipe on how to deal with the flu? Especially if their own “educated” fix is obviously not helping the situation, actually to the contrary dragging it out to an unknown date in the distant future – for a vaccine with a most likely very questionable efficacy. …..

The WHO – an organization that cares about your health ? – free content

The WHO – an organization that cares about your health ? – free content

The WHO - an organization that cares about your health?
As a sub organization of the United Nations, the World Health Agency (WHO) was established in April 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. The main objective of the organization, according to its constitution, is the “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health”. Since the mid nineteen hundreds there have been quite a number of predecessors and organizations attempting to streamline international quarantining efforts. In 1948 the WHO absorbed most of those organizations and combined them all under one new roof. In light of this year’s Coronavirus the question that has been coming up: Is the organization still fulfilling its mandate, and does it really serve the world community in its initially intended way? Mounting controversies and scandals …