Astrology 101 – how to read a chart –- Horoscope / chart with transiting planets -short clip – free content

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart –- Horoscope / chart with transiting planets -short clip – free content

The first clip – “the moving zodiac” – was created to demonstrate how the zodiac rotates in a 24 hour period. In principle, this clip is similar, but this time there is a historic chart in the center (planets are stagnant and not moving) and on the outer ring there are transiting planets that are moving. I sequenced around 300 […]

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

The short clip is supposed to give you a visual understanding of the multitude of combinations in between the two principal axes (AC and MC) that the zodiac generates each day. This clip was created by combining 140 charts (every 10 minutes one chart).   What you see unfolding is a sped up rotation spanning a 24 hour period. You will […]