Astrology 101

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart –- Horoscope / chart with transiting planets -short clip – free content

The first clip – “the moving zodiac” – was created to demonstrate how the zodiac rotates in a 24 hour period. In principle, this clip is similar, but this time there is a historic chart in the center (planets are stagnant and not moving) and on the outer ring there are transiting planets that are moving. I sequenced around 300 daily positions together to get this movement.

Horoscope with transiting planets

The inner stagnant part is in this case the over 200 year “old” horoscope of the French Revolution. The planets that you can see circling around the chart are the same planets just from a different time period, in this case May 2020 to March 2021. You can see the Sun (circle with the dot) starting at around the “four o’clock” position and moving in a counter clock direction. It is easy to watch how the Sun transitions through the different star signs. You can also notice some fast moving planets – like the Moon, Mercury and Venus – and some very slow moving ones – like Neptun. Neptune is around the 6 o’clock position on the outer circle, and has hardly moved for the past 10 months. Some planets seem to move back and forth which is a result of the geocentric perspective.

Even if you have never read or created any charts, you can probably guess that over the course of those 10 months a multitude of constellations built up and then dissipated again. Since this is a historic chart, you can now pinpoint certain constellations and find out at what point in time they will occur. You can also see if they still have some connection to the present. Each chart can be dealt with in a quite similar way.

Interpreting the constellations and their positions is when the astrological part starts. Depending on their “belief” or scholars, the outcome can be quite different and contradictory.

If you are interested to see this technique applied – read

Copyright Dirk Heinicke 2021. All rights reserved.