Laugh-O-gram – not really – 2

Laugh-O-gram – not really – 2

Laugh-O-gram - not really - part 2
Walt moved to Los Angeles, establishing a new company, the Disney Brothers Studios, which he was able to partially finance with the sale of some of his previous cartoons. In January 1926 the name was then changed to Walt Disney Studio. Over the following decades the studio produced many world renowned animated movies and short clips. Like Snow White, Cinderella or Ugly Duckling, many scripts of the big successes were actually just cinemagraphic instalments of European fairy tales; but the business model seems to have been successful. Despite some financial setbacks over the decades the Disney Corporation grew to be a fortune 500 company and still seems to be expanding …

Taiwan – just a question of when

Taiwan – just a question of when

Taiwan - just a question of when
Poking the Russian Bear to the East and poking the Asian Dragon to the West – you could call it a media stunt or just a big PR campaign for war, but certainly Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan heated up an old, decade-long smoldering contentious political issue in Asia. Recently the US seems to play an ambiguous international role. On one hand Uncle Sam promises allegiance to its Asian ally, on the other there are words and motions coming out of Washington that allow speculations that in the worst case scenario of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, the US would not engage in a war with China. Quite remarkable is even a present discussion in the US to possibly give Taiwan some sort of a Nato affiliation. Similar to the Ukrainian conflict – by getting NATO involved all, mainly European allies would be dragged into the conflict. It all seems to be straight out of the recipe book – how to start WWIII and weirdly orchestrated by the self proclaimed world “peacekeeper” itself…

Year of War – Ukraine

Year of War – Ukraine

Halsey - Star Martyrdom
In a previous article we looked at the day of the Russian invasion and how it is connected to previous historical events from an astrological perspective. An end to the proxy war is not expected to happen any time soon. The two biggest arms producers of the world found a “very suitable place” (the Granary of Europe) to get rid of their old weaponry and a good presentation and test platform for the latest weaponry. By donating encapsulated death to Ukraine some European countries have meanwhile already depleted their own ammunition stock by 30%, weakening their own future defense. As predicted on this site, when Biden took office, there is no doubt that the installment …

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason

The Guidestones and the Age of Reason
As part two and the continuation of the first chart of the bomb explosion of the Guidestone monument we will have closer look at the chart of the day of the unveiling of the granite stone structure in Georgia. The chart should give us a general idea about the structure. Additionally, we should be able to find the day of the destruction. The origin of the financiers and initiators of the structure is up to this day unknown. According to a number of sources on the internet and to some people that were involved in the project, the person that came up with the idea and money was a man, who was using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian. “I am the originator of the Georgia Guidestones and the sole …

The Georgia Guidestones explosion – free content

The Georgia Guidestones explosion – free content

The Georgia Guidestones explosion - free content
The people that funded, as well as the people that destroyed the “American Stonehenge” will most likely be unknown for a long time. The worldwide recognized, iconic stone structure was severely damaged by a bomb early on Wednesday morning and weirdly right after, of whatever was left of the structure, demolished. The almost immediate cleanup may surprise people that are familiar with the structure. Wouldn’t be a bomb usually be an act of terrorism and grant at least some hours of forensic research. Certainly, the decision to demolish the site will fuel even more speculations about the structure, for instance who financed it or what was the purpose and meaning of the engraved messages. To some degree, it seems that either someone wanted to get rid of what they once initiated or on the other side – someone just wanted to send a message to the initiator(s) of the structure. …

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night

Angelina Jolie, the double horned mistress of the night
Who wouldn’t see a movie with one of the highest paid actresses of Hollywood? Angelina Jolie Voight has been cited as one of the most powerful and influential people in the American entertainment industry. Over the years she committed herself to many humanitarian efforts spanning from women’s rights, conservation to education. Her private life and obstacles attracted many times more attention than her movie roles; the same applied for myself as well since the first time I really paid attention to her was when she publicly announced that she had undergone surgery –  a double mastectomy to avoid her mothers fate of having breast cancer. The news stated that “the procedure was done as a preventative measure after testing positive for mutations …

United States – forecast for 2022 and early 2023 – free content

United States – forecast for 2022 and early 2023 – free content

United States - forecast for 2022 and early 2023 - free content
Recession, inflation, bankruptcy, ballooning deficit, possible sovereign default, farmers that will grow less amidst a shortage of fertilizer and high fuel costs – the present economic news are filled with these words that spell “doom and gloom” over a once prosperous nation. The question: does the annual chart of the US hold and match the same kind of content? I thought it might be worth having a closer look into what time does “hold in store” for the Nation of the Stars and Stripes until spring 2023. To get an idea what potential time has staged to be brought to life for the territory of the United States – I had a closer look at this year’s aquinotial chart. The chart proves itself to be a significant one since …

“The day after pill”

“The day after pill”

Almost three decades after “the pill” was approved, the FDA allowed another pill to enter the pharmaceutical product arena – the “morning after pill”, which is outright an abortion pill. Reliable numbers of how many pills are sold worldwide are hard to come by, but according to a New York Times article from the about 850.000 annual in-clinc-abortions in the US about 40% (2017) are meanwhile medically induced. In more legislated countries these pills have to be administered by health care professionals; whereas in many other countries, e.g. Mexico, these drugs are apparently even sold over the counter. The company Roussel-Uclaf that developed the Mifegyne (mifepristone) in the 1980 was a subsidiary of the Hoechst AG, the former infamous IG-Farben. Despite being part of the list of the WHO essential medicines, “the pill” had strong political …

“THE PILL” – free content

“THE PILL” – free content

Apparently, an internal leak in the US supreme court has rekindled the discussion about abortion and abortion rights – and weirdly enough that not just in the United States, even here, north of the 49th parrallel the topic quickly made headlines and political parties quickly had to reiterate their position on the question of the legality of abortion. The entire story about a leak sounds too well timed ahead of midterm elections to not be just coincidental. The abortion discussion washing up again on the shores of all sorts of media platforms certainly helps to solidify the present governments on both sides of the border, since both reigning parties do not really enjoy huge popularity right now. So, a little help to exploit an old and well experienced subject to try to boost popularity and create some uncomfortable discussions for the conservative opposition could be the reason for the “leak”. …

Artificial Fertilizer – Blessing or Curse

Artificial Fertilizer – Blessing or Curse

Artificial Fertilizer - Blessing or Curse
In light of the present and expected further increasing shortages of commodities including fertilizer the subject seems to be interesting enough to have a closer look. Over the last two centuries, many attempts have been made to artificially produce a substance that can create an abundance of agricultural commodities. One of the most groundbreaking inventions in that context was made by a chemist Fritz Haber in cooperation with Carl Bosch. “In 1905 Haber reached an objective long sought by chemists—that of fixing nitrogen from air. Atmospheric …

NATO – free content

NATO – free content

NATO - free content
Depending on the region and which conflict between countries you follow, it is with high likelihood that one organisation seems to be coming up frequently: the intergovernmental military alliance of 30 countries – NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was signed in Washington 04.04.1949 and “constitutes a system of collective security, whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party”. NATO, originally was set up as a defence treaty only, meanwhile it has morphed into an organisation that has even conducted war-type “peacekeeping” missions in various parts of the world, e.g. Afghanistan. Aside from the very questionable motive and reasoning for entering a conflict in a part of the world that has no economic or political significance for Europe, and as a result losing their sons and billions of dollars in military spending: the question arises what is the real motive behind this supranational military power …



Over the past week Hollywood mourned the loss of one of their biggest stars to the condition of Aphasia. According to wikipedia he is one of the highest grossing actors – the movies he has starred in have grossed over 5 billion US dollars. Bruce Willis, internationally well known for his action roles over the last three plus decades, has announced that he is going to retire from acting due to the severity of the condition of aphasia that he was diagnosed with in March of this year. Aphasia is a condition that affects the ability to communicate. It is estimated that about 1 million people in the US are diagnosed with it. It can affect your speech …

The New Russian Ruble – or how to Play Three Dimensional War Chess

The New Russian Ruble – or how to Play Three Dimensional War Chess

The New Russian Ruble - or how to Play Three Dimensional War Chess
On Wednesday March 23, 2022, the Bank of Russia announced a fixed price of 5’000 rubles per gram of gold. In a sense this decision pegs the Ruble to the price of gold. The formal explanation is to curb and stabilize the Russian currency in the present times of turmoil. It fits the “Grandmaster” scheme of Putin, who, in the future, demands to be paid in the Russian Ruble for commodities. Meaning, indirectly his decision could be the start of a reintroduction of a form of gold standard to the world of currencies. Clearly the opposite to the present “King of Currencies” – the US-dollar. A game plan/strategy the Russians obviously were following for years, since they and their allies (the Chinese) were buying a lot of physical gold (when gold was cheap). Currently the Russian Bank holds more than 2’300 physical tons, whereas the US reports to hold …

SAMSUNG – and the three stars

SAMSUNG – and the three stars

SAMSUNG - and the three stars
It is hard to know if Mr. Lee Byung-chul already knew that the choice of naming his new founded trading company “three stars” in 1938 – and that the day of incorporating would be that successful. Most likely as any young aspiring businessman he had no doubt it were to turn into a successful endeavor – but looking at the track record, the expansion and diversification of the meanwhile top ranking international company: no one could have guessed this kind of success. Quite obviously his inspiration to call the company Samsung comes from the Chinese-Korean hanja, meaning: “three stars.” This gives it the combination of 3 for:  “big, numerous and powerful,” and the stars: “everlasting and eternal.” Mr.Lee Byung-chul’s choice for naming his company has been as good as his business choices and decisions. The worldwide recognized industrial marvel of a company would …

World Economic Forum – free

World Economic Forum – free

World Economic Forum - free content
In its 50 years of history this international organization has never made so many headlines before as in the last two years. The Coronavirus and theories about the conspiring elite against the masses using the virus as means to implement a new form of (global) government, have put (at least in non MSM circles) the spotlight of attention on the WEF. Certain remarks from the WEF founder: Klaus Schwab on how the world will look like in ten years, have not helped to divert international attention of critics away from this illustrious circle of politicians and business leaders. Lately it gets more obvious and more well known that many of our present political leaders, who are influencing and governing our lives are/were groomed and taught by the organization (Here in Canada the Prime Minister himself, and Rhode Scholar: Chrysta Freeland …

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – 2

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – 2

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - part 2
Going back to 26.04.1986 brings us exactly to the Mars-Venus of the invasion chart (the base of calculation is 7 years per house from the AC). The intrusion into a territory – which gets publicly noticed in Hs.7 is exactly the constellation that happened 36 years before the invasion. It happens to be the day that the Soviet built, Ukrainian nuclear power plant blew up. The radiation contaminated / “invaded” most of Europe. You might be thinking that sounds like pure luck, but here is the connection. To back my case: the chart of the invasion offers another hit in regards to the same content. The quite crucial part of the …

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – free content

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – free content

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - free content
In the early morning hours on Wednesday, 24.02.2022, Russian forces started an invasion of Ukrainian territory. After a large buildup of troops appeared along the commonly shared border, it was suspected for weeks that the invasion was to happen any day. After a morning announcement the day arrived when the Russian president decided to invade the now independent Nation. The relationship between the former part of the USSR and it’s homeland: Russia has been brewing since 2014. After the fall of the old Soviet Union, Russia and the West are playing tug-a-war with the biggest European country Ukraine, which is longing for independence. Western countries attempt to include Ukraine into several kinds of treaties and alliances (Nato, EU,…) – moving their frontier closer to the Russian heartland, which certainly is not unnoticed in Moscow. In light of that situation the invasion did not come as a big surprise. By now …

The Rebellion of the Displaced – Canada – free content

The Rebellion of the Displaced – Canada – free content

The Rebellion of the Displaced - Canada - free content
It all started in the last third of this January – Canadians, led by protesting truckers, united, “marched” and convoyed towards the Canadian capital Ottawa. Mirrored by demonstrations in many Canadian cities, the movement demands an end to the vaccine requirement for truckers that cross the Canadian/US border – as well as an end to all Covid restrictions. To this day the Prime Minister nor anyone in his government has met with the demonstrators nor engaged with them in any meaningful discussion; nor is the government willing to revisit the matter. The story would have not turned that viral as it did, but when the Prime Minister was accused of hiding – excusing himself having Covid (not realizing that this very statement of having Covid after being apparently tripled vaxxed, contradicts all reasoning and measures his government is now forcefully fighting for) public attention and tolerance turned against him. The protest movement …

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine
Just lately the American crime drama series Narcos kindled my interest in the chart for the King of Cocaine: Pablo Escobar. The time of his birth was surprisingly easy to find, and the moment I had the chart calculated and drawn by my computer, the database showed the existence of a very similar matching chart, the one of another career criminal – Al Capone. The two do not need too much of an introduction of who they were and how they were able to amass fame and fortune. Both have quite some things in common. In their respective hemispheres, one in the US, the other in Columbia, Pablo and Capone were the most famous gangsters of their time; both were highly successful in their field of business, rapidly collecting unprecedented fortunes. Both have …

The Environmental Modification Convention – free

The Environmental Modification Convention – free

The Environmental Modification Convention - free content
When you search for the Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) the first hit you will most likely get is wikipedia’s explanation for the by the UN spearheaded international agreement, which reads as follows: “The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva, and entered into force on 5 October 1978.” So what’s really behind it? According to the description: the convention basically intends to curb and regulate weather altering or environment changing techniques (meaning mainly climate manipulating activities) which these days fall under the umbrella of geoengineering. Activities the public at large is fairly ignorant about. The majority of people prefer to believe the climate change story …