Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk – why he is the richest man

Elon Musk - why he is the richest man
Who hasn’t heard of Elon Reeve Musk? The South African born entrepreneur has accumulated so much wealth (presently 233 billion dollars) with his multiple tech-enterprises that he is meanwhile the richest man in the world. Most likely people that know his name associate him with the Tesla automotive company that produces electric vehicles. His career and achievements are well documented. Who has an interest in listening to his ideas, there are multiple podcasts with him in which he makes no hiding of his persona nor his character. Some people describe him as an introvert, confrontational, sometimes erratic and if you believe some internet sources he even describes himself not just as a micro manager, he even believes he is a “nano” manager. Certainly with that kind of celebrity status the world is observing every movement, behaviour, word and taking note of any by societal standards that can be …

AIN Dubai – what is wrong

AIN Dubai – what is wrong

AIN Dubai - what is wrong
After exploring the chart of the Museum of the Future in Dubai I found another recent event that took place in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It is yet again a structure that is trying to chase worldwide attention. In this case, it is the biggest ferris wheel in the world. With 250 m (820 ft.) in height it certainly must be quite a structure; it is three times the size of the London Eye. Built with 9,000 tons of steel, almost 25% more steel than used in the Eiffel tower. The rim alone weighs as much as 16 Airbus 380s. The 48 cabins have a total capacity of 1,750 passengers. The most likely quite scenic and breathtaking ride would take close to 40 minutes to complete. The only caveat – months after the inaugural first spins, the operation of the wheel was halted …

War in the Holy Land

War in the Holy Land

War in the Holy Land
It is a sad affair, hardly a month goes by without the news reporting a new war or military confrontation somewhere in the world. Just this year alone, multiple countries in the Southern Sahel, then in Central Asia (Nagorno-Karabakh) and now (again) in the “Holy Land” itself, that is just counting the last couple of months, not even talking about still ongoing military confrontations in Ukraine and Syria. But it is not much of a surprise, if the, by more than half of the world population considered, “Holy Land” never seems to come to peace, how should the rest of the world find it? In May 2021 …

Pacemaker’s birthday

Pacemaker’s birthday

Pacemaker's birthday
For modern medicine October 8 is certainly a milestone day. It is the day when Dr. Senning in Solna, Sweden, cut open Mr. Larsson’s chest to implant a device that would from then on help to trigger the patient’s heart beat. Not just hours later the device failed and the only backup device had to be implanted instead. It would not be the only one exchange of device that Mr. Larsson would have to endure. And it would not have to be his last surgery. For his remaining lifetime of 43 years, Mr. Larsson had to have the device changed almost 30 times. The irony to all, with his device he outlived his surgeon and the engineer, Rune Elmquist, of the first pacemaker. It is estimated that by now about three million people worldwide live with this life prolonging technical device …

Museum of the Future – Dubai

Museum of the Future – Dubai

Museum of the Future - Dubai
Museums are usually places where you’d find articles of virtue of foregone times. Like themed cemeteries, where you can find a condensed display of relics of vanished cultural and technological streams. In short everything that ends up in a museum has generally written death on its forehead otherwise it would not end up in a museum. So how about a museum that is displaying the future. Quite ominous and somber at the same time wouldn’t you agree. How can we display something that has not even happened yet, nor do we even know if it ever will or will be something of significance? And, if it is on display does that mean it is already dead or obsolete? Sometimes history offers …

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud – the founder of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud - the founder of psychoanalysis
With Freud we have the third psychologist chart “on the astrological chaise-lounge” to examine what these three psychologists might have in common and where they differ. You might have already spotted a quite stunning commonality between Jung and Freud, at least from the chart’s point of view. Both have their Suns in Hs.7 – the house of consciousness, which seems to be appropriate for their field of interest, the interest of consciousness and subsequently the unconscious. …

ATHENA – movie and the French riots

ATHENA – movie and the French riots

ATHENA - movie and the French riots
Athena is a 2022 Netflix movie production that premiered at the film festival in Venice on September 9th. The movie did not really make any bigger headlines in North America; but recently the movie got back into the limelight, even in North America. The recent country wide riots in France resemble pretty much what has been depicted in the movie quite some time before a similar scenario that is now on international display. According to Wikipedia and actu.fr the French political right has already warned that after the release of the movie trailer there would be a harbinger of a “civil war” to come. After watching the trailer and the images of the riots in France I could not resist getting the chart of Athena’s premier and seeing what it would entail and if these kinds of statements bare any trace of truth – admittingly not even having watched the movie yet. It particularly piqued my interest as in May 2021 I wrote about a group of French Generals warning about this particular scenario and how it connected with transiting planets to the French revolution chart…



It was a chilly April day in 1912 when the Titanic got released into the cold Atlantic waters. Barely two weeks later the even colder Atlantic would flood the just finished entertainment facilities, cabins and hallways and would take more than 1500 people with it into its North Atlantic grave. Who want to visit its graveyard must first dive to 3800 meters (12.600ft) and have to sustain up to 380x atmospheric pressure. It clearly is not the environment that a classic tombstone tourist would look for, aside of the price tag, the voyage certainly is not without peril. So it happened that on June 18 a group of tourists and their guides paid the ultimate price of attempting to visit the wreck of the former luxury ocean liner. The two man crew and their three guests did not survive the implosion of their submersible vehicle, which imploded some hours after being launched into the North Atlantic…



… The last big cataclysmic event that reshaped the world, according to Breshear, has been 4309 BC. He writes “Phoenix appears in inner solar system during interplanetary cataclysm that leaves the Earth in ruins as depicted in Enuma Elish of Babylon and Egyptian Gnostic texts Trimorphic Protennoia and On the Origin of the World. Phoenix is named in the Gnostic texts. A dust cloud hides the sun at this time according to Sumerian Holy Tablets and Earth is frozen. This was …



As one of a multiple dams system, choking the Dnipro River, the Kakhovka Dam was built in 1950 by the Soviet Union to generate power and facilitate water management for the region’s agricultural sector. The recent military confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces in the area of the dam got in the crosshairs of certain military strategists and was blown up on June 6. The released water flooded downstream settlements and farmland and it put the cooling system of one of the local nuclear power plants in peril. No matter which propaganda channel one gets their information from, the conclusion is always the same – “it was the other side” that deliberately destroyed the structure. From an astrological point …



….. Breshears is quoting Nostradamus’ quatrains that he interprets and gets as a result his published timeline of events. I believe I do not need to introduce Nostradamus since his name is well known even by people that usually do not believe in astrological ideas. As well I have to confess I do not know much about him nor his texts, nor his prophecies. His quatrains never resonated with me and appeared to be quite vague. A first superficial check of his chart, putting the dates in question (Mid May 2040 and November 2046) in relation to his chart comes up with a certain kind of match ….



Be it a possible worldwide war or new pauperism projects from the climate change league, the end of the world is apparently very near and can only be averted by giving the respective industries billions for the offered remedies. That’s news on the man-made front. Another theory of being in “the end” stretches of modern society and possible humankind comes from the universe itself. According to the calculations of Jason M. Breshears the end of the world as we know is neigh, to be precise doomsday will come in 2040 in the form of a cataclysmic phenomena that has the potential to destroy or uproot much of the earth surface and the life on it. Jason names it the Phoenix event and if that would not be enough he forecast another doomsday event …

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC - part 2
… Here is a mundane, structural chart, with the spring solstice point at the AC, which enables us to understand the progression of creation on a step-by-step basis. Clearly, a chart will never look like this. House sizes change, planets are added and the Zodiac is rotating, all of which creates different cusps for each house. Additionally, the angle between the main axles (AC-DC and IC-MC) is different for every chart (due to its geographic location), which creates different house and quadrant sizes….

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC - part 1
…Passed on over millennia, older than all existing religions, the Zodiac has survived the many tides of history. It tells us the evolution of the Gestalt, the mythos, that is described in a pictorial language of expression. It is an exact step-by-step breakdown of the evolutionary stages of the Gestalt of the present – leading from the realms of the nameless, the eternal truth, the unconscious to the conscious, which to a degree all beings and every moment are subjected to. It is a continuous and seamless flow of the potential of time that constitutes and shapes the quality of time – every single moment. Creation did not just happen once, it is happening every minute, every second, every moment, it is a continuum. Every fraction of a second is subjected to this miraculous (holy) emergence of “timely” content. Be it the creation of the world …

ChatGPT – free content

ChatGPT – free content

ChatGPT - free content
Asking the AI about itself seemed to be a bit spotty. Trying to get its own launch day data proved to be quite difficult. The AI could not “remember” its own inauguration time. It was even a bid confused about the dates. At the end of my search on ChatGPT I ended up with two dates that are kind of significant for the launch of this language / speech AI. One is the day the first language module was released (which has an exact time), the other is the actual release of ChatGPT at the end of the year 2022. The two charts certainly differ since one, as I understand, is more a language module, which later was embedded into the later AI-bot, which is now freely accessible through the internet. I’d like to start with the historically first event – the chart of the launch of the language module…

The BIS – the mother of Central Banks

The BIS – the mother of Central Banks

The BIS - the mother of Central Banks
According to Wikipedia – “The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution owned by central banks that fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. The BIS carries out its work through its meetings, programmes and through the Basel Process – hosting international groups pursuing global financial stability and facilitating their interaction.” – so much to the officially carried storyline. Since its inception, the mother of all banks has lived fairly quietly in the shadows of the Swiss Alps out of sight of public recognition. With the looming introduction of digital “money” (CBDC) the bank and its official campaign has a hard time downplaying their intent to switch to a digital fiat system on steroids. Meanwhile there is increasingly more news about the bank than some years ago. The crypto crowd is especially on high alert and is beating the libertarian sob drum since the switch would signal the end to their digital playground and “wealth” creator. As written in a 2021 article – the cryptomarket will eventually have to succumb to newer innovative applications. If it is not innovation …

Ohio Train Disaster – free content

Ohio Train Disaster – free content

Ohio Train Disaster - free content
A couple weeks ago a freight train from the Norfolk Southern Railway passed through the small Ohio town of East Palestine. According to different news outlets the train derailed and some of its freight cars caught fire. The chemical load started to leak and at the request of state officials emergency crews initiated a “controlled burn” with runoff chemicals, which released phosgene and hydrogen chloride. One of the gasses coming from the fire is Phosgene, which is the same gas that was used in WWI. Having contact with hydrogen chloride is, I believe, not by any means healthier since both of those gasses are described to be highly toxic and dangerous to life. The time reported …

The two lives of Superman

The two lives of Superman

The two lives of Superman
Certainly many years have passed and with an increasing number of movies that premier annually consumers easily forget past successes and stars and the sometimes abrupt and occasionally tragic ends to their careers. One of the many is the superman role of Christopher Reeve, successful in many aspects to start with, but with a very tragic end. The first installment at the end of the 70’s, later to be a four part series of Superman movies, certainly drew many into the movie theater. The initial superman movie undoubtedly was a financial success at the box office. Americans always felt drawn to superhero stories and quite obviously loved this flying superhuman that was not just only superior to everything, he even displayed some human imperfections. Over the four episodes of superhero stories Christopher Reeve became worldwide …

“If it quacks like a duck ….” – German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia

“If it quacks like a duck ….” – German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia

“If it quacks like a duck ….” - German Foreign Minister “declares” war on Russia
“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”. Annalena Bearbock is certainly not known for her wit and smartness, in fact many wonder why she ever ended up in the top job as Germany’s foreign minister in the first place. Last week she certainly trumped her many political gaffes with calling the “help Ukraine” efforts openly a war. How dare you name what all the German “allies,” or should we say puppet masters, call a humanitarian and democratic aid package a war. Clearly Mrs. Baerbock spoiled the soup of deception that is stirred by western MSM daily that all the billions of potential future taxpayer funds are well “invested” in tanks, air defense systems and military equipment to save humanity. How can military equipment be an investment and yield anything other …