Event / Phenomenon


Part 1 – Be it a possible worldwide war or new pauperism projects from the climate change league, the end of the world is apparently very near and can only be averted by giving the respective industries billions for the offered remedies. That’s news on the man-made front. Another theory of being in “the end” stretches of modern society and possible humankind comes from the universe itself.     

According to the calculations of Jason M. Breshears the end of the world as we know is neigh, to be precise doomsday will come in 2040 in the form of a cataclysmic phenomena that has the potential to destroy or uproot much of the earth surface and the life on it. Jason names it the Phoenix event and if that would not be enough he forecast another doomsday event – the Nemesis event – six years later. His findings and calculations are no big secret since he runs a successful Youtube channel and has published roughly 15 books. The very concrete dates are the result of decades of study of old scripts and books, which make him believe that certain cataclysmic events have happened multiple times before in human history and return in a rhythmic order. The timing of these events and how they unfold have been passed on by “myths,” various religious texts and prophecies as well as a very unique way of linking past events with the potential future “return” dates.

I do not know to what extent Breshears’ work extends to, he certainly references many sources. In the end it doesn’t matter much for me who’s contributions result in the findings that allowed him to create a timeline of world events that seem to follow a rhythmic recurrence of world shifting and changing events that are correlated and intertwined with each other. 

What he calls Calendrical Isometrics, is quite comprehensible to students of the Munich School of Rhythm. Time is not just a one way, forward motion, events are anchored in the past as well as they do mirror into the future. The method that Breshear applies is quite unique and, by first sight, does not use astrological calculations from his side in order to achieve certain dates.

I found the simplicity of his technique quite intriguing and thought it might be worth exploring the dates and years in question. In one of his online presentations he is even openly encouraging people with astrological knowledge to check the dates. I tried to contact him twice and requested for  more specific dates, but the email addresses I found online yielded no reply. 

Since the quest for world changing events appears to occupy the Zeitgeist right now, it might be a suitable moment to explore the timeframe in question and his theory. Even more though that the aether right now seems to be filled with podcasts and documentaries that question and challenge the mainstream historic view of the world as we know it. 

Before we go deeper into the subject, it might be worth mentioning that the plutonic power of prophecies can not be underestimated, especially once it reaches a wide enough audience it can create mass hysteria type of events and history has plenty of examples of that sort. One that comes to mind: the Aztecs knew from their astrological calculations quite well the year the ships of Columbus would arrive. The interpretation of their calendar foretold them the event years in advance, but the unimaginable happened and a population of millions, possibly stunned by the accuracy of the prophecy, got subdued by just a handful of conquistadores. It can only be explained by being caught in a plutonic model that did not allow for any variance, causing the consciousness to be overlayed and leading to a kind of blindness and paralysis to what was really happening around them.   

At least by first sight, the by Breshears described event does not offer an escape – at least that is what it seems if you want to believe his theory of how these events might be unfolding. The by-Breshears examined content certainly has enough relevance to occupy the minds of us all. If the event would unfold how it’s laid out by him, it would affect everyone. The possible event certainly has the potential for someone to develop angst and anxiety about its inevitability (similar to the date change in the year 2000). 

Once one reads about the dates it will be hard to forget them. Unwillingly they will very likely stay with the reader and to whatever degree they can identify with the subject might even influence and/or create unwanted future decisions. I will make an attempt to look at different charts of the time period in question and like to give the reader a brief idea how Breshears got his findings. 

To understand his calculations better I bought his book – “Nostradamus and the planets of the Apocalypse”. As the title already foretells much of his content Breshears derives from the prophecies of the french astrologer Nostradamus and an English lady Agatha Southheil (born 1488), who’s predictions about the future according to Breshears have proven to be quite accurate. 

The basis of his thesis is a potential future cataclysmic event that gets triggered by two substantially sized celestial bodies that are orbiting the Sun and, with a certain regularity, crossing Earth’s orbit. Both: Phoenix and Nibiru have been observed times before and Jason makes the case that when these bodies cross earth’s path, mankind uprooting phenomenas have occurred. The proximity to these celestial bodies or just the crossing of their path of debris have in many cases, according to Jason, caused havoc on earth. Be it that earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tectonic shifts, and other environmental disasters got triggered. 

The reader fairly quickly gets the idea that the recurring encounters with these celestial bodies usually mean widespread death and destruction. The most significant part about the given times of their revisit is that both will appear within just six years apart from each other. The reader gets the impression: “what the first encounter does not accomplish the second one will finish for sure.”

Breshears quotes many of Nostradamus’ written quatrains in which the well known astrologer encoded future prophecies. With a special technique of what Breshears calls “Calendrical Isometrics” he connects these dates into worldly phenomena. He demonstrates how he calculates the connection to the future and concludes when these celestial bodies revisit the earth’s path again. 

Until I had finished Breshears’ book I had never looked into comets or other celestial bodies crossing earth’s path. Searching the internet revealed that comets in “close” proximity to earth are not that rare. Online one can find records dating back hundreds of years. Surprisingly there are a lot of “encounters” with larger celestial objects. If we do not want to be too picky about the size, hardly two years go by without a significant encounter. 

On a side note – reading a bit into the subject I learnt that life on earth, as we know it, would be wiped out completely if an object bigger than 60 miles in diameter would hit earth. All life would be wiped out instantly. Thinking about it, 60 miles for an celestial object does not seem very big, so I guess it would not take much of a body to destroy earth in an instant.

Searching further I found another quite compelling phenomenon that is hardly ever brought to public attention and is kind of hinted at by Breshear as well – it is that the proximity of these objects might trigger a polar shift. Researching a bit deeper into that subject you can find that there is already a phenomenon happening in the southern hemisphere that could be heralding this kind of event. It is known as the South Atlantic anomaly, which is apparently observed since the late 50’s and could be well connected to the phenomenon of the presently weakening magnetic field of earth and a possible polar shift and might just need a trigger from the “outside”. 

So there is a lot happening every year and every moment; if we would choose an arbitrary moment in the future some of those phenomena might even match the chosen moment. But why do people always believe everything will happen just in their lifetime? I do not want to do unjust to Breshears’ work nor diminish his studies nor his kindly publicly published timeline, but matching something to certain dates is most of the time not necessarily very difficult, since something is always happening somewhere.

After I had read his book and listened to some of his Youtube contributions I could not put his theory to the side, I had to have a closer look into the years and dates in question.

Approaching the by Breshear published dates from an astrological point of view is quite difficult since we are dealing with an event that is of unimaginable proportions and would affect the entire (“modern”) world. For the ones to survive – it would bring everything to a standstill and propel our modern techno dependent society right back into the stone ages. 

For this very reason a “regular” chart for one place of that day will not give us any meaningful insight. I have seen someone online commenting on Breshears’ dates by pulling up a certain planetary synchronicity and geometry for the day in 2040 on the pyramids of Gizeh and that is what actually triggered me to examine the entire story a bit closer.

I found the idea intriguing since I just had finished watching some of Graham Hancock’s documentaries, and in one of his documentaries about the pyramid of Gizeh he made the case that the Sphinx aligned originally with the rising sun (AC) in the constellation Leo, when it was built (against the by the archaeological establishment maintained tens of thousand of years ago). I examined the day and the year in question (2040) for the place of Gizeh and certainly the day proves to have a couple of constellations that could be worth looking a bit closer into.

Since we would be dealing with a worldwide event, a chart on a level of a day for one place would certainly not be enough to justify a prediction of that kind of magnitude. In order to get to an indicator of something more significant I believe we have to turn the dial certainly a bit bigger since the event would be of sizable proportions and at least from my understanding should be “anchored” in a bigger cycle as well. 

Another point this research should entail is the historic confirmation and to see parallels and draw conclusions to the present days, meaning we will have a look into some of the dates that Breshears states and connect to these recurring events. 

And it might be worth looking into who actually made these predictions and how their chart correlates to the mentioned dates. So why don’t we start right away with the chart of Michel de Nostradamus and see if it relates to the, by-Breshears given dates. 

Breshears is quoting Nostradamus’ quatrains that he interprets and gets as a result his published timeline of events. I believe I do not need to introduce Nostradamus since his name is well known even by people that usually do not believe in astrological ideas. As well I have to confess I do not know much about him nor his texts, nor his prophecies. His quatrains never resonated with me and appeared to be quite vague. A first superficial check of his chart, putting the dates in question (Mid May 2040 and November 2046) in relation to his chart comes up with a certain kind of match.

Part 2 – next week

Copyright 2023 by Dirk Heinicke