Event / Phenomenon

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – free content

This article will be about another construction project of “biblical” proportions, yet this time it is even impacting the heartland and cradle of Western civilization. It is the construction of the biggest hydroelectricity dam in Africa, blocking and trying to regulate the flow of the river Nile. For readers who have not heard about the dam (GERD) – one part of the Nile’s sources is in Ethiopia, from where it flows through Sudan, and later into the Mediterranean Sea through Egypt.

It took almost ten years to complete the works on the fifth biggest future life annihilating cement barrier. The effects of the soon to be multiple times “choked” river will be wide spread and will influence an entire hemisphere, which is already known to be stricken by drought, hunger, and political indifferences. Not allowing Uranus to flow, flood and freely fertilize, particularly the lower laying parts of the Nile in Egypt, will create and build up powers that will be hard to control in the future. As explained in my earlier article on the Chinese Grand Gorges Dam, the destructive energy will not only affect agriculture and water supply, depriving land of its divine intermediary, it will also have dire future consequences for the entire region and its habitants. The idea of building a dam was not mutually agreed upon and shared by all the affected countries. Egypt was particularly opposed to the idea, foreseeing them being cut off from their life source. Over the last decade, while the construction was already ongoing, there have been heated debates, meetings, and even sable rattling between the neighboring countries (Ethiopia/Sudan/Egypt).

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – day of laying the foundation stone

The laying of the foundation of the mega project, on April 02, 2011 should give us a clearer idea about what is about to come or develop. The Cancer AC of the chart indicates that we are dealing with the flow of life and a source. With Moon as the corresponding planet (which is aspected with Mars/Uranus/Pluto), there is an indication that the dam has not only created heated emotions and tensions in the past, it will do so as well in the not so distant future. Apparently, it will take 10 to 15 years of water flow to fill the entire water reservoir of the dam and to reach full capacity. By looking at the chart, I believe tensions and possible conflicts will start well before it is completely filled. The Mars aspected Moon, which hints towards anger and a blocked aggression, is about to be released by the end of this decade (2029), or by the latest towards the middle of the coming decade (2034/35). The constellation makes clear that there will be a notion of exclusion. Particularly interesting is the Mercury-Venus constellation, emphasizing that a territory has been lost; and with that, someone, most likely the Egyptians, will experience a loss of their presence. Why the Egyptians? Here is where history once again comes into play – in 1929 the British administration acknowledged the upstream water rights of the Egyptian people. Not knowing any details of that acknowledgement, but seeing the acknowledgement’s date embedded in the Renaissance Dam’s chart, shows that the Egyptians will be deprived of the very kind. Demonstrating that the British acknowledgement and whatever it was meant to protect, was not even worth the paper it was written on.

One of the main institutions financing the project is the World Bank. The World Bank was initiated by the British in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference, surely some time ago, but one would think that they still hold a very influential position in the Bank up to today. So why did they agree to funding the dam project, knowing that it contradicts earlier made promises to the Egyptians to maintain and secure their freedom and originality?

But the Egyptians should not point the fingers to the British too fast. The Pluto of the chart coincides on a timeline of the chart with the completion of the Egyptian Aswan High Dam in the early 70’s. Since on Egyptian soil, a clearly a more “self-inflicted wound”, but not changing the degree and content of the outcome or future environmental impact on the affected region.

Damming rivers is short sighted and does not elevate living standards on the long run. Hydroelectricity dams feed the crippled and converted Uranus into the electric grid so people will be able to “enjoy the bounty” of modern technology, instead of nourishing a region, not just on an agricultural level, but also spiritually and emotionally. 

Half of Egypts’ population is younger than 25 and the country has one of the fastest growing populations worldwide. It will be interesting how long the Egyptians will patiently tolerate their neighbours using electricity and watching TV. While the over 100 million Egyptians, due to lack of water and missing fertilization from flooding, are facing a serious shortage of water and homegrown food.  

The salespeople of those projects themselves are not aware of the far reaching consequences of their actions. They will most likely not even be around anymore when the vehemently clearing and freeing forces of the subjected energies come to reckon. By then, everyone will just wonder about the phenomena and most will not understand the connection, as they all trust a one sided and simple minded, money driven group of specialists or international conglomerates. In that context it should be mentioned that perpetrators and victims have a strong intricate connection – one cannot exist without the other. The river does not just physically disappear because just someone blocks it or soils it. The prerequisite to disappear from the physical world is the disappearance from our conscience in the first place – the Nile is just one example for the progression of depriving earth from its “divine”, or some would call it the presence of “Qi”

Copyright 2021 Dirk Heinicke all rights reserved

13.02.2021 – here some more details to the subject – https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/01/chinesefunded_dam_project_in_africa_may_lead_to_regional_instability.html