French Generals warn of Civil War -free content

French Generals warn of Civil War -free content

French Generals warn of Civil War -free content
Over the last two weeks the international media, in a concerted effort, outright condemned the warning of some high-ranking French military brass that the country is heading for civil war. An open letter signed by 25 retired Generals warned “The hour is grave, France is in peril.” It is not the first time that a warning of this kind was expressed from active and retired military members, but this time it hit the international headlines. As a response, the French Defense Minister, Florence Parly, has vowed to punish soldiers that signed the open letter. We could call it damage control from the highest level. Nothing new these days – be it Covid, climate change, the denial of an unsolvable looming economic / monetary crisis, social unease – almost anything these days is getting stomped out by the overpowering streamlined private and government media, ridiculed, torched and just simply eliminated. The political behavior that is on display by many governments of perceived democratic countries is certainly nothing close to a democratic …

Coke and sugar – the glue of the new society

Coke and sugar – the glue of the new society

Coke and sugar - the glue of the new society
According to marketing analysts there is no product better recognized around the world than Coca-Cola. Its taste as well as its container can be described as iconic, and apparently Coca-Cola is perhaps one of the most internationally understood words. The bubbly beverage was sold for the first time in May 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia. It was the brainchild of John Pemberton, a pharmacist who was trying to find a formula for an all around medical remedy, possible to cure many ailments mainly to cure headaches, upset stomach, and fatigue. For that very reason, the initial recipe of the soda called for alcohol and, until the prohibition in 1929, even cocaine. One glass of Coke contained up to 9 milligrams of the pain numbing drug, that these days is only sold illegally in the backstreets. Apparently, the present Coke drink still to this day contains ingredients of the Coca plant. John Pemberton advertised it as a “brain tonic and intellectual beverage,” but did not see the stelar rise of his product since he died just two years later. As everyone knows, the company is multinational and is the biggest beverage manufacturer and distributor in the world. The world certainly drinks a lot of it – just to make it more graphic, you can find the following comparison – the normal flow rate of Niagara Falls is about 1.5 million gallons per second …

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO - sightings - part 2
The entire UFO story complex is a narrative that certainly thrives in an environment that is without understanding nor has any acceptance of higher or divine forces. It fits the present era, which is religiously techno based, which certainly has no place for a higher power or spirit – “forbid even a God.” Subsequently, it has …

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
The idea and fascination that extraterrestrials visit Earth obviously never got out of style. In 2019 alone close to 6000 UFO sightings were reported and that in the US alone. Common problem with all these reports: limited amount of witnesses and a lack of evidence. One would think that in times of the omnipresent cellphone there would always be a camera around that would catch at least a more detailed glimpse of something, some cell phones have multiple cameras that are able to produce movie quality images, but no. In the search for a well documented UFO sighting that offers exact times and descriptions I ended up searching for some phenomena that would be worth exploring astrologically. I came across a reported UFO sighting right on the tarmac of the Chicago O’Hare airport, one of the busiest airports of the US. The incident is well reported and documented. Even a government report of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena delivers exact time and place descriptions as well parts of the radio chatter that was filling the airwaves …

The Great Competition – the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias – free content

The Great Competition – the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
A mid-September evening in 1901 an event attracted more than 15.000 spectators to the sold-out Royal Albert Hall in London – it was an event that was organized by Eugen Sandow, Russian born Friedrich Mueller, and is recognized as the first bodybuilding competition. The prize to win for the best balanced and most defined male body was set with 1.000 guineas, around $6000 today. Mr. Sandow, who is mainly referred to as the father of modern bodybuilding, chose no other than the Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be the judge over the masculinity on display. The event is in a way considered the mother of all bodybuilding contests like Mr. Olympia, Mr. Galaxy or Mr. Universe, that followed years later and it can be seen as the blueprint of all later …

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger - encountering Saturn
Luckily, Tiger Woods survived the single vehicle car accident. His fate was fortunately not similar to another sport legend, Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash early last year. As already laid out in my Kobe Bryant’s article, when these kinds of tragic accidents happen it is usually the compounding effect of some constellations that get charged up over time and then triggered (released) by transiting planets. As with many of those kinds of accidents, the pattern is similar. They all need some sort of initial priming, before the compensated energy that accumulated gets released (see – The Regulatives). One can already be born with …

Rammstein – Heavy Metal Provocateurs – free content

Rammstein – Heavy Metal Provocateurs – free content

Rammstein - Heavy Metal Provocateurs - free content
You might have never seen a show of this German Hard Rock / Gothic / Heavy Metal band – nor have I. Their stage performances are a display of fire, explosions and deep dark industrial impressions accompanied by heavy accords. The highly successful band is internationally recognized for its very distinct style, as well as pointy, very provocative German lyrics. I usually do not listen to this kind of “music”, but having seen some YouTube live stage performances, I somehow became intrigued by the – at least for me – unbelievable darkness of their shows and videos. Live fire and real explosions that light up a generally fairly dim lit stage. The stage seems to be more subterranean rather than above ground and transmits a diabolical vibe. Stephen Thomas Erlewine, an American Music critic of ALLMusic once commented that “their blend of industrial noise, grinding metal guitars, and operatic vocals is staggeringly powerful”. As already stated in my MTV article …

“The Walking Dead” – free content

“The Walking Dead” – free content

“The Walking Dead” - free content
These days it will be hard to find someone, when they hear the title of this successful horror series, who does not immediately associate the title with stiff walking corpses plaguing the streets. If you are like me and have not even seen one complete episode and only know a glimpse of an image or a sequence of the gruesome impressions, it will be hard to forget the disfigured and decaying faces. For the complete novice to that genre – Wikipedia comes up with a short description of the over 10 season running series – “Sheriff’s deputy Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma in a post-apocalyptic world where the undead, known as walkers, have taken over. Rick must fight for his survival to protect his family and friends while along the way he meets new allies and confronts enemies who try to take over communities”. The title has always sparked my interest in taking a closer astrological look at the series. Particularly the recent turn of events has deepened my interest, so that …

The 46th President of the US – free content

The 46th President of the US – free content

The 46th President of the US - free content
The former VP under Barack Obama’s reign is back in the White House – this time as President. Joe Biden and his VP Kamala Harris were sworn in on Wednesday Jan. 20th in Washington D.C.. The questions that arise: how will he fare and how will the future look like under an unrestricted democratic reign that has control of the upper and lower house. By the beginning of last year it was clear to me (see article from last year January) that Trump had no chance in winning. The race to the White House certainly has left the Nation divided like no other Presidential race before and from the distance, putting all judgements of the persona Trump aside, it seemed like a not winnable fight of one ….. man against the system. And like many people and entire armies in history before him thought they could master a swamp – they failed. Actually, he not only failed, he drowned, and it seems he might …

The Vaccine Race – an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines – part 2 –

The Vaccine Race – an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines – part 2 –

The Vaccine Race - an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines - free content
…. is a program that gets transmitted or someone gets “programmed”. In this case you get programmed with a response mechanism of how to deal and respond to an eventual encounter with a virus. The natural way of having your immune system handle the invading forces and build a defense is not only on a physiological level; it is also paralleled by an identical process on a spiritual level. Those two levels cannot be separated, one influences or even in parts conditions the other. The decision to choose either a programmed approach (vaccine) or, the individual immune system naturally developed defense, should be left for everyone to decide. Those two approaches clearly represent two poles of a mindset and attitude to life in general …

The Vaccine Race – an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines – part1 – free content

The Vaccine Race – an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines – part1 – free content

The Vaccine Race - an Astrological comparison of the First Approved Covid Vaccines - free content
The race for which company passes the finish line of the emergency approval process for a Covid vaccine first is on. Apparently, there are currently about twenty contenders. Some companies have already crossed the finish line and were able to secure multim(b)illion dollar contracts with industrialized countries, which are backed by their respective taxpayers. Almost like an Olympic competition of medical research, every part of the world seems to be represented by a company trying to catch the crown of the virus. The methods of creating immunity for the Covid virus differ. Some companies take an “old fashioned” approach of creating a vaccine, others are trying to rewrite the books of medicine and use a new method of engineering genes. The traditional way ….

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 – free content

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 – free content

Year 2021 predictions and George Orwell’s 1984 - free content” - part 3 of 3
The New Year has started and you will find many predictions about how this new year is going to unfold and what to expect. Be it political or financial forecasts; some news channels even come up with annual predictions for weather; and others pretending to be more sophisticated will even try to decipher the front page of the Economist (I don’t even know if the prestigious paper will have one of their “famous” drawings on the front cover this year). Clearly, forecasts draw crowds and for that very reason many will even turn to a website like this one. Most are searching only for an affirmation of what they already thought or sensed. The start of a new calendar year does not represent any astrological significance. A blanketed approach by putting 12 Zodiac signs under one umbrella and to check ….

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before – free content

The US election, you could have known before - free content
… Billions spent, uncounted hours of election coverage aired. As of Tuesday, the election has officially run its course, the electoral college has decided. Both political sides were reiterating their election platforms for months and weeks, over and over again not helping to heal and wanting to bridge the seemingly growing divide they so deliberately crafted before. Certainly, no possible outcome would have helped the divided nation. For all non subscribed readers of the website, who knew the outcome of the election way before – to be precise almost a year ago – when on the January 2nd of this year I wrote about chances of Trump’s reelection – “it appears that the constellation that favored him to make a move to the oval office comes up again in January 2021, so that could mean, that he will be moving again, but this time not in, rather out of it and to a new place… .” Makes you wonder all those billions (to be precise 14 billion equaling state budget of entire countries ….

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020

What to expect of the Grand Conjunction of 2020 - free content” - part 3 of 3
At the beginning of this year I already wrote about the conjunction of 2020. As written in January – charts based on the conjunction of the planets Saturn/Jupiter are used as mini epochal charts that span for about 20 years. This year’s case is remarkable because the conjunction falls on the day of the winter solstice for the northern hemisphere and what astronomers point out, it will be one of the closest conjunctions in hundreds of years. If the theory holds, a chart of this moment can be the base for calculating constellations and content of time that might be surfacing to different points over the next two decades. Over the course of the next year I will look into some of those charts for the different political hemispheres around the world, we will see how they differ, and what content of time will come up in the respective areas; how it will affect or distinguish these regions. I have chosen charts of the most influential capitals, which will be part of this series of articles. You might have read that some astrology inclined people claim this to be the start of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. The conjunction is right in Aquarius and certainly would look like it holds some sort of renewing aspect, but from my end I cannot see that the dawn of the “Golden Age” has arrived or is about to start anytime soon. There are many indicators …

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine – free content

Day of the approval of the first Covid mRNA vaccine - free content
About a week ago something happened in London that supposedly will change the world and will free it from the scourge that has plagued it for almost a year now. For readers that follow my articles, they by now know that the constellation of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto is, at least from my end, the presumed quality of time for the Coronavirus. And as you can clearly see in the London midday chart, the constellation is centered in Hs.12, meaning the content of time is sunken into the nonvisible. The content does not come to life – it is subdued – not “allowed” to be present and sits on a “scheduled” release for a later moment in time. Just not in the form of Covid – I could already tell you, when and how, but since it is …



….. The belief “Form rules matter” is screwed from the beginning and is only left for the simple minded – it is just despondent that the mainstream is following that narrative knowingly or totally oblivious to the matter. As mentioned earlier, it is of no coincidence that the industrial revolution and esotericism both appear and develop at the same time. Esotericism is the spiritual forerunner that enables the technological, scientific world – similar with the demise of the Western Church or Mr. Crowley – abandoning the fourth quadrant (the Causa Finalis) – and, praising and hoisting the visible, measurable world of the first quadrant (Causa Materialis) up to God-like levels will lead to the same outcome. The same “mechanics” apply, which seems to be the final push, to the climate change movement. Leading this world further to the brink of its, not just ecological, demise which it claims to be the savior for. Let’s just remember the parts in ….

MTV – the day the music died? – part 2

MTV – the day the music died? – part 2

MTV - the day the music died? - part 2
MTVs initial idea was to declare the radio dead and tell the consumers that TV is now the new medium and platform for music. As a war anthem MTV garnered their launch with a song from The Buggles – “Video killed the radio star” and showed the first space shuttle launch of the Columbia space shuttle. And then they even gave the radio people a subtle message about what to do, playing their second music video, Pat Benatar “You better run”. As we all know, it did not kill the radio, but MTV changed the music industry in a big way and clearly diverted the music radio fortune to the pockets of the parent company ViacomCBS. For the first two decades it seems that MTV got it all right – the described music industry was looking for an advertisement and presentation platform and the only audible radio was not good enough to transmit the visual messages that came now with the music. The colorful videos …..

MTV – The day the music died ? part 1 – free content

MTV – The day the music died ? part 1 – free content

MTV - The day the music died ? part 1 - free content
It is like with food – authentic music and real musicians hardly exist anymore. What has happened over the last hundred years and how it changed the way we listen, receive and perceive music is profound. It is like with food, not everything that looks like food is nourishing and has nutritional value. And food and music could almost be put at par in that sense. Industry has taken over – food is not prepared and cooked anymore, and music is no longer an actively lived expression of the soul. Even here the industrial impression can hardly be ignored – music these days, they say, is produced and someone that wants to be recognized in the music business needs a good “producer” and a skilled “sound engineer”. As such music developed into an industrial piece of consumer good. The North American music industry has developed into a ….



….. Instead of resisting political temptations and a worldly (Q1.) desire for power, the Vatican could not agree on keeping with the principles and decided to split up. Herein lies the cause for the Western, the Roman Church, to develop and exhibit the ugly face seen through the turn of centuries, consuming and not nourishing the Holy Spirit anymore. The Church rather functionalized the divine spirit hindering it to come to life and/or even consuming it – and with that, the Church progressively developed into a more materialistic and political entity. By now it has morphed into an empty shell of executions of the form of appearances, it has lost its center and with that its access to its spiritual source….

QAnon – free content

QAnon – free content

QAnon - free content
QAnon – an internet phenomenon which has gone viral and political. Inspired by a radio documentary on CBC about QAnon, I was wondering if there would be a day and time of the first online posting. The various internet sources seem to agree the first day something was posted with the connection to the – up to this day still anonymous – source of “information”, was 28.10.2017 on 4chan, an image board website. After that, the pseudonymous alias and its augural notices and announcements made the rounds on the internet and in some cases have reached cult like levels. The content of the announcement was usually of political nature and many of them are leaning towards the Trump administration with an idea of cleaning up the Deep State and with the Clintons. Depending on the content of those short-scripted messages, readers were making assumptions ….