Postcard from the past


As one of a multiple dams system, choking the Dnipro River, the Kakhovka Dam was built in 1950 by the Soviet Union to generate power and facilitate water management for the region’s agricultural sector. The recent military confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian forces in the area of the dam got in the crosshairs of certain military strategists and was blown up on June 6. The released water flooded downstream settlements and farmland and it put the cooling system of one of the local nuclear power plants in peril. 

No matter which propaganda channel one gets their information from, the conclusion is always the same – “it was the other side” that deliberately destroyed the structure. From an astrological point that kind of finger pointing is unnecessary and even could be deemed as invalid since the structure already contained the potential of its destruction within, since the day it was completed in November 13, 1956. One could view its destruction to a degree as compulsive, just waiting for the executing “arm” to fulfill its for decades amassed potential of misery.

I have covered dams worldwide and its impact on life on multiple occasions in this website before. Cutting off a river, choking its natural seasonal pulse, putting it to a “purposeful” use, harnessing its inherent energies and maiming its appearance comes with a price to pay (see 1previous 2articles). 

In this case the structure got destroyed by a man-made cause and did not have to wait for some natural occurrence to trigger its disintegration. The unleashing of the accumulated powers should be a warning for everyone living downstream of similar structures. 

The construction of the dam started 1950 and was completed in November of 1956. Like in many similar cases a precise time is not given so a midday chart should serve us for our observation. The chart shows a Capricorn AC, which spans the entire house 12., including even the cusp of Hs.12 as well. Just this content alone describes pretty well what is happening – Capricorn is attempting with its restrictive orientation to contain the waters of Hs.12.. Since Saturn is in Hs.10 that kind of content is falling into the determinative – since it is enclosing the cusp of Hs.12 – the origin – it will attempt to “organize” the origin itself (Uranus) as well in a determinative way. 

Looking at the Scorpio Sun(-Mercury) of the chart it becomes quite apparent that we are dealing with a functionalized content that inherently produces reproductions of the determination, which gets apparent by the phenomenon enabling a nuclear power plant downstream. 

Saturn is aspected with Pluto in 7., which tells us that the structure is a demonstration of higher powers over the region – indicating that the region has been occupied by an outside determination – after all it is a product of the Soviet era. So in short the dam and all the phenomena that it enabled – like the nuclear power plant, or its hydroelectric usage – are just appearances and a demonstration of the heteronomy the area has been subjected to.

Almost needless to mention – the denied flow of the origin (Aquarius Hs.1) that gets delivered right into the determinative of the chart is as well “showing” itself as a denied Uranus in Hs.7 – the present. The dam is the manifestation of a denied Uranus from the Soviet era – that blocked the flow of the river – the origin. The position of Uranus on the Zodiac could have foretold us almost everything written before since it is on a degree that is known to be an encounter with the finite – so overall quite fitting for a structure that wants to determine “the flow”.

So now what ? The structure is no more – the so far dammed water is set free and flooding the downstream areas, creating an encounter with the destructive side of the so far “contained” Neptune (by the way in Scorpio). The day of the destruction of the dam structure was from a planetary aspect almost close to inevitable. 

Let’s start just with the day chart of the dam itself – 66.5 years after its completion – it is transiting right now right over Saturn on the chart, shedding light on who did destroy the structure. 

From a perspective of the day of the destruction (outer planets around the chart are the transiting planets at the day of the destruction) you can see on the chart to the right, that Mars (blue), the avenger of the denied Neptune, is transiting Uranus in Hs.7 – so to speak Mars is forcing the encounter with the finite of the dam – or you could see it from the perspective that the transiting Mars is triggering the encounter with the finite aspect of the chart, creating the flooding downstream. At the bottom of the chart you can see as well a Mercury-Uranus (“cancellation of territory”) that is right at the cusp of Hs.4 – the house of “home” patria or homeland. 

The unfolding humanitarian disaster is not just an outcome of the present military conflict, it has its roots far deeper in history and should rather be a very stern warning for any similar structures in the world since they all at one point look for a form of “redemption.” In this case it needed a military conflict to create the fitting environment to make it happen.     

Copyright 2023 by Dirk Heinicke