TOO MANY CASKETS – free content

TOO MANY CASKETS – free content

TOO MANY CASKETS - free content
Last week, I heard first hand from the owner of a local funeral home that at the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, many funeral services ordered way over their average demand, coffins and caskets. Once hospitals cancelled all scheduled surgeries and treatments, to have space and beds for potential Covid patients, it appeared that the number of casket sales (equates deaths) collapsed to almost half (!!!) – despite the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. ….

THE UPCOMING CONATMINATION of the PACIFIC – Fukushima, Japan – free content

THE UPCOMING CONATMINATION of the PACIFIC – Fukushima, Japan – free content

FREE CONTENT - The upcoming contamination of the Pacific - Fukushima / Daiichi
Youtube stored a number of bone chilling videos of that tragic day, where the ocean came to “visit” the Land of the Rising Sun. In its way, the Tepco owned Daiichi Nuclear Power plant, which was partially submerged by the wave. As a result, 12 of the 13 backup power generators were lost. The loss of the backup system subsequently led to overheating of the cooling system, a triple meltdown of the reactor, and leakage of radioactive coolant into the Pacific. More than 9 years after the incident, radioactive water is still leaking into the Pacific Ocean. …

THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – a look down into the rabbit hole ? – free content

THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – a look down into the rabbit hole ? – free content

The Tavistock Institute - a look down into the rabbit hole ?
The TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE is a British non-profit organization, which claims to apply social science to contemporary issues and problems. From the outside it reads to be like one of the many institutes that is out there for the betterment of society. The present website gives it a rather innocent appeal (website as of June 2020). Colorful bubbles and excerpts of the presented topics of their work manifest an almost childish, playful first impression. Intermittently, pop up slogans like: “We work with overwhelming experiences” or “We work with hidden (sometimes unconsciousness) factors” appear. …..

A PRESIDENTTIAL PHOTO-OP gone wrong – or, did it ?

A PRESIDENTTIAL PHOTO-OP gone wrong – or, did it ?

A presidential photo-op gone wrong - or, did it ?

….The scene that aired nationwide and most likely around the world created an outrage in the Christian community, and delivered more ammunition to his opposition and their associated media. The image on its own is already quite telling: the scene of a president holding up a bible in front of a boarded up church, in which no entrance is possible, seems like an act of blasphemy. The chart (time of the photo op) has a Scorpio AC, clearly indicating that we are dealing with a deliberate action, not something spontaneous. This very plan is targeted to have an impact on the crowd …..