The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US

The Year 2024/25 for the US
It is very unlikely that you will not find a media outlet at this time of the year that is not surmising about how this new year, 2024, will unfold and what it holds in store. Be it financial analysts, political observers, weather/climate gurus, doomsday forecasters, all kinds of journalists, nearly everybody that has some rank or title is trying to get to the top of the augural podium. The desire to know the future is certainly not new, nor is the business with it. One might remember the Roman augurs, who were priests and officials in the classical Roman world, who’s role was to study and observe events within a sacred space – templum – to then interpret the will of the gods. Their main focus was on birds, what kind …

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time – part 2.

The Gate into Time - part 2
… not just by sheer coincidence that one of the most important days of the Christian faith is located from a zodiacal point of view very close to the day of the “gate of time,” which falls on the 21 of December. The alleged birth day of Jesus is apparently a couple of days away from that zodiacal point. With numerous calendar changes over the millenia it is very likely that the date is rather falling into the described identical zodiacal timeframe. From a Greek mythological-as well as an astrological and a Christian point of view, this moment is perceived as the moment that …

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time

The Gate into Time
In previous articles I have already given a rough outline of the progression of the development of time and its major developmental steps towards the formation of what we commonly perceive as the present. If you have astrological knowledge, or might have read some of my articles you by now know about the relevance of the MC (Medium Colie) of an astrological chart. The midday point of a chart. It is the point of the chart when the Sun has reached its highest point of the day from the perspective of the place the chart is based on. It certainly is not just graphically the most elevated point of the zodiacal circle – it is astrologically the point of the chart, where the third and fourth quadrant connect, it is the point where fourth quadrant content is passed on / transmitted from Capricorn to Sagittarius (clockwise movement). That conjunction is called the …

EU – no right to veto

EU – no right to veto
It does not take much to picture what this kind of message means for democracy in general. To come to a consensus in an apparently democratic body, it certainly does not speak for a more open, more faceted approach. And for a day that some media described as the ‘second most important day’ since the inception of the EU it was surprisingly quiet on the MSM front. Clearly clipping democratic principles and on top reducing the number of chairs of the European commission from 27 to 15 was certainly not executed to rescue some tax payer Euros. In short, the not by populace elected EU leadership gave itself more power and eliminated the potential of future high decibel levels of “unnecessary” pseudo democratic side noises. One could say they accomplished the next …