Event / Phenomenon

CHINA, Wuhan – CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV – free content

Since the beginning of the new year, the appearance of the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is increasingly making more headlines and is meanwhile dominating every front page of mainstream, alternative, and social media. Since there is clearly no specific date that can be named or attributed to the start of the outbreak, I have examined the annual chart of the Wuhan, China area. The most striking and obvious is a constellation that is pointing towards a threat constellation which “wants to come into time” and is real. The entire constellation is squaring with Jupiter (at the MC), indicating that it will not be confined to the place from where it seems to have originated. It will spread and dominate – at least from a news and recognition perspective.

The horoscope clearly shows that “an encounter with the finite” wants to come into time; and its corresponding sign in the first quadrant delivers that into “the real world”. So death is clearly the message and it is getting real. The DC of the chart confirms that the development will be completely recognized and analyzed by the public. A dominant Saturn/ Pluto constellation indicates constraint to the freedom of movement. Right now, millions of inhabitants in the Wuhan area are not allowed to leave their houses or commute. In January, allegations were raised by some media outlets that the virus may have escaped from the local Wuhan Institute of Virology, which maintains a P4 level lab close to the city. This could very well be possible, since the second house of the chart indicates some signs of a weak demarcation/ border. Lab or no lab, fish market or not – the virus would have originated from the area.

The chart heralds even more so the image of the virus that penetrates cell-structures, finding Uranus in that very house further underlines its intrusive nature to the respiratory system. Another find, the position of Mars on the zodiac hints that men seem to have a greater chance of dying from the virus than women. This is already revealed in statistics showing a higher death rate for affected men. Since this chart applies for the greater Chinese (Asian) hemisphere, the effect it will have on the rest of the world, will surely be different, at least to time around 20th of March. After that a new year, from a horoscope perspective, will have started and the cards shuffled anew. Until then North America will have a different experience with the virus than Europe or Asia. Near the end of March (last third of the month) things might unfold differently for Europe and America.

By the third week in February, we should get a better sense of what to expect of the spreading of the virus and its deadliness. For the Chinese establishment, the coming weeks, and perhaps months, will most likely be a time of “stress testing”. You could interpret the virus and its fallout as an indicator of how strongly the present political system is resisting the tide of time. All that being said, the unconscious wants to surface, and those who deny the truth, will be confronted by the virus.

Copyright 2021 Dirk Heinicke all rights reserved

1 Personal Critical Review “CHINA, Wuhan – CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV – free content

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      So the third week of February has almost past and it is time to revisit the above article written about three weeks ago. I wrote “by the third week we should get a better sense of …..” – as almost to be expected – by passing Uranus on the above horoscope (second house) – the virus now has skipped the Chinese borders and is spreading to other countries. The latest news of last night, that even Italy has ordered people to stay in their houses in the area of Veneto and has cancelled the carnival in Venice do not promise that the issue is going to go away very soon. It sure has now reached not just neighboring countries of China, it looks like it is developing into a more international phenomena. The above annual chart of Wuhan has just one more month until a new one will “take over”. So then the cards will be shuffled a new and it will be interesting which area of the world is taking over the torch, since the dominant constellation still is present and will just “shift” to a different epicenter. I will examine that over the next coming weeks and try to get an impression, where we will go from here, and how long we can expect the virus to dominate the world news. The conjunction of Saturn – Pluto, which seems to be at the center of that situation, is slow moving and we most likely have to wait until these two planets further their distance to each other again. Observing only that constellation would be too trivial, but looking at those two planets and their trajectory it seem that the earliest reprieve from that virus can be expected not before a years time – meaning early spring 2021.

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