
ZEITDIAGNOSIS.com is an astrology website that gives the reader interpretations and personal commentaries of the Zodiac, Star Signs, and Horoscopes of world events and their players, from an astrologer’s point of view. The, in parts, free access to horoscopes and natal charts is designed to awake an interest and understanding (e.g. astrology 101) for a “Quality of Time”. For the more inclined, the site offers a paid content section that offers a more detailed astrological content based analysis of natal charts, historical horoscopes, charts of organization and state events.

The site’s content is intended to provoke thinking, gain a conscience of time and possibly enable a more open minded dialogue about the origin of pressing issues of the times we live in. Given dates and times of possible future events are as explained on the about and archives page only part of my own personal research project and only thought to be for entertainment purposes. Thanks for coming by and spending some of your time here.

– Dirk Heinicke –