CBC radio
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first radio broadcast. On May 20,1920 the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada broadcasted the first Canadian radio program. Within 10 years the number of radio sets in Canada increased from a few thousand to nearly 300.000. This trend and opportunity of mass programming on an unknown scale did not go by unnoticed from the Canadian political establishment. The only trouble was most of the radio stations were based south of the border, out of their political reach and influence. As a counterweight to the American content, which dominated the Canadina skies, the government in 1929 decided to get involved in radio business. Almost seven years later, on November 2nd, 1936, the state owned, managed and financed CBC radio was established. It would eventually cover most of the airspace of the second biggest landmass on earth. The Crown cooperation was established with the clear intention of broadcasting and “programming” Canadian …

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FREE CONTENT - FUEL DOCK EXPLOSIONIt is something we almost do weekly and don’t waste too much thought on: fueling our vehicles with highly flammable substances. Rarely do we think about what could go wrong. It did not make national news, but the Times Colonist, our local newspaper, reported on the story offering the exact time and some details. In the afternoon on Sunday May 10th, someone had just finished to fuel their recreational vessel and shortly after …..

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

COVID-19 – greetings from the past – conclusion

Covid-19 - a forensic astrological search - conclusion…. The time quality (combination of place and time) only allowed the virus to originate from the greater area of Wuhan. The outlined connections to the past allow the thought that the phenomena of the virus is connected to the Chinese past more than to any other place at that time. Wuhan offered just the right “environment”. The Covid-19 virus displays “time properties” (see first Wuhan chart, Jupiter aspect) that enabled it to affect many people around the world. …

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

Covid-19 - an astrological forensic search, part 1
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before” – Rahm Emanuel (former advisor to Barack Obama).
Particularly the US and China are trying to follow this kind of script right now. Each one of them is blaming the other for being the originator of the virus. The US is slowly ramping up its media power to persuade the public that China is the villain. That they were the ones concocting and brewing up the formula in their level 4 bio lab in Wuhan. And through some accident, the virus escaped the lab. The US president emphasizes that it is the “CHINA VIRUS”. As a consequence, multiple billion dollar lawsuits are being filed in US courts, all trying to sue China over the economic impact of the virus. China, on the other side, is keeping …..

PARIS, France – NOTRE DAME’s fire – first anniversary – free content

PARIS, France – NOTRE DAME’s fire – first anniversary – free content

PARIS, France - Notre Dame first anniversaryAbout a year ago on April 15th, 2019, in the early evening hours (6:18 PM), a fire was reported by a smoke detector in the iconic Paris Cathedral. The cathedral employee at the time could not detect anything suspicious and subsequently did not call for help. The fire must have progressed and became visible at 6:43 PM. By 6:51 PM, the fire brigade was summoned. At 7:49 PM, despite all efforts to contain the fire, the spire and roof collapsed, bringing down over 700 tons of stone. Within those 90 minutes Paris had lost much of one of their most precious and historic buildings. As someone interested in this kind of historical occurrence, I could not resist myself from recording the times. With these times, I created the chart of the spring evening that touched most of France and many around the world. Going through the progression of the eventful 90 minutes clearly revealed the development of the fire and its destructive course. I do not intend to spend too much time explaining the actual chart. What is more intriguing is knowing how the fire relates to the historical background of the building and the place….

COVID-19 – predictions and the return

COVID-19 – predictions and the return

Covid-19 - predictions and the return
Governments, medics, news anchors, statisticians, and even investment bankers are all trying to outbid themselves over better and more accurate predictions. Answers to: how and at what point the virus situation is going to unfold; the possible casualty count; and what the economic toll will be, are top commodities these days. Interviews are backed by stats, graphs, and sold to us by “specialists”. Everything appears to be really well founded and researched. We have heard many predictions from specialists before. And, did they all come true? Think, for instance, just to pick a few: Y2K; start up companies and their initial offering; weather forecasts longer than a week; financial products and their future development; medical predictions; a coming ice-age to Europe by the end of 20th century; …. the list goes on and on. The one common denominator: they are all perceived specialists in their respective fields. What you get is an “educated guess” …..

COVID 19 – an update

COVID 19 – an update

COVID-19  an update
… What has happened in the meantime on the virus “front”? It is now officially declared by many world governments a war. Lots has changed on the outside, but the core of the story is still unchanged. News networks are accounting in real time, displaying a meter for the number of infected and deceased, like it would be the stock market. Images of empty streets, vacant cities, and overcrowded hospitals are hammered into our common consciences to create maximum impact. If those images do not have the desired impact, pictures of refrigerated body bags in semis parked behind hospitals, should at least make you understand … yes, we are at war. You are told that you are at war. We all are at war – with an enemy we cannot even see. …..

CONTAGION – 2011 Movie

CONTAGION – 2011 Movie

IRAN – Tehran ‘”What’s next?”
Many of you might have already seen the movie Contagion from 2011. I watched it for the first time last night. The movie premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 3rd, 2011. In the meantime, it has enjoyed a wide viewership with good reviews. In case you have not seen the movie, here is the plot: the death of the protagonists (Matt Damon) partner and her son leads to the discovery of a deadly virus. The US Centers for Disease Control fails to curb its spread and a worldwide panic ensues. One could almost say the movie blueprints the present rise and unfolding of Covid-19. With that I could not resist to create the movies chart. Unfortunately, I was not able to get the exact show time of the film at festival, so I had to use a day chart to get a bit closer to the story. ……

NATURE DOESN’T NEED PEOPLE – environmental trailer

NATURE DOESN’T NEED PEOPLE – environmental trailer

Nature doesn't need people - envirnmental trailer
… Quarantining efforts have left many people working from home, while others are bored and look for distractions. This situation has created an unprecedented wave of bits floating though the “network”. The bigger piece of the pie of internet usage is most likely stemming from personal, non-work related matters. Therefore, it is no surprise, that the digital tidal wave washed up this video into my email account. The captured landscapes and images of the world are quite stunning and pleasing to watch. Julia Robert’s voice is warm and motherly, but also forceful. This allows you to understand, that “she” (mother nature) does not need us (the human race) to keep the world going. In short – nature does not care about us. The underlying messages of the video are ……

Do daily horoscopes really work? | Why daily horoscope is a time waste

Do daily horoscopes really work? | Why daily horoscope is a time waste

Why DAILY HOROSCOPES are a WASTE OF TIMESurveys report that about 30% of the population is checking their daily horoscope, some even state up to 60%. I can see a third of the population being drawn to this subject, two thirds seem exaggerated, but who really knows. For myself, I’ve never felt attracted by the daily short phrased offerings of fortune telling. I give them credit for filling a highly entertaining niche on different media platforms and, to some degree, even acknowledge their shallow value of helping to reflect on oneself. I guess most of the readers are aware of the odds of these daily or weekly zodiac garnished listicles, but still feel drawn to them. The attraction to those tidbits of perceived connection to the universe seems to be unwavering, the astro-market place is ….

NYSE – going over the cliff, when will it hit the bottom?

NYSE – going over the cliff, when will it hit the bottom?

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
By now, most likely everybody took notice and is aware that the main international stock markets are on a downward spiral. Indices are all heading south (meaning down), in what seems to be like a free fall. They are occasionally stopped by market intervention or by initiating trading stops. As everyone seems to readily understand, the virus is the culprit and everything has to be done to stop the fallout of the situation. At that point unheard numbers of printed, computer generated “money”, and future debt for the masses were (and are) flushed into the system, just to rescue the wealth of the upper 2%, that holds the worlds most assets. Joe Public is fixated on the virus and even if he would understand the heist, he cannot protest the state run and orchestrated robbery, because he is confined to his four walls by decree…..

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
The virus that keeps on giving – at least that’s what it seems like. No matter where you look, you either follow the news, encounter people wearing masks, or meet people that are slowly being sucked into the frenzines of emptying supermarket shelves. The media thrives to portray a seemingly unescapable situation of “the final days”. Clearly, media power increases the more people give them their attention. Often articles from TV news and some internet sites have a visual backing of cities in ruins – it seems that for many the apocalypse has arrived at the doorsteps of their “first world” homes. Fear is in the air. …..



“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” —George Larimer. Questions in a consultation often turn around money. I guess it is one topic that the wealthy and the less fortunate commonly and equally share. With the present economic downturn it might be worth reflecting on this for a moment. Money itself can be categorized as a purely imaginary construct (Pluto) and is astrologically not represented by a specific constellation. I categorize money as a concept or belief system. It is, in a way, diametrical to life, since it soaks up life and to some degree “stores” it. The one who holds the money ….

CHINA, Wuhan – CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV – free content

CHINA, Wuhan – CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV – free content

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
Since the beginning of the new year, the appearance of the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is increasingly making more headlines and is meanwhile dominating every front page of mainstream, alternative, and social media. Since there is clearly no specific date that can be named or attributed to the start of the outbreak, I have examined the annual chart of the Wuhan, China area. The most striking and obvious is a constellation that is pointing towards a threat constellation which ….

PLUTO’s (Scorpio’s) DARK SIDE

PLUTO’s (Scorpio’s) DARK SIDE

PLUTO's (Scorpio's) dark side It is hard to escape the word INFORMATION these days. The word, as we all know, is not a new addition to the English language. It is derived from the Latin verb “informare” (to inform), to “give form to the mind”, to “discipline”.It is omnipresent in our daily lives, words like: information age, information technology, information systems, information management, information architecture, …. the list goes on and on. The word is hip and perceived to be trendy and sophisticated. Even different media outlets jump on the “information” bandwagon, trying to differentiate themselves from their competitors by claiming that they do the best job of “in-form-ing” you…..