C.G. Jung – founder of the analytical psychology movement

C.G. Jung – founder of the analytical psychology movement

C.G. Jung - founder of the analytical psychology movement
After last week’s article I thought it might be worthwhile looking at a couple of charts from the field of psychology. Aside from psychology pioneers like Wilhelm Wundt and Adolf Adler, I like to examine the more known representatives of the profession, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. As already mentioned in the last article, it was not just a coincidence that the start of the formation of this new field of study of mind and behavior developed parallel to the industrial revolution. For that reason all these names enter the stage of history at about the same time. A commonly held misconception is that Jung was a …

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC – part 2

THE ZODIAC - part 2
… Here is a mundane, structural chart, with the spring solstice point at the AC, which enables us to understand the progression of creation on a step-by-step basis. Clearly, a chart will never look like this. House sizes change, planets are added and the Zodiac is rotating, all of which creates different cusps for each house. Additionally, the angle between the main axles (AC-DC and IC-MC) is different for every chart (due to its geographic location), which creates different house and quadrant sizes….

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC - part 1
…Passed on over millennia, older than all existing religions, the Zodiac has survived the many tides of history. It tells us the evolution of the Gestalt, the mythos, that is described in a pictorial language of expression. It is an exact step-by-step breakdown of the evolutionary stages of the Gestalt of the present – leading from the realms of the nameless, the eternal truth, the unconscious to the conscious, which to a degree all beings and every moment are subjected to. It is a continuous and seamless flow of the potential of time that constitutes and shapes the quality of time – every single moment. Creation did not just happen once, it is happening every minute, every second, every moment, it is a continuum. Every fraction of a second is subjected to this miraculous (holy) emergence of “timely” content. Be it the creation of the world …

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – 2

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – 2

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - part 2
Going back to 26.04.1986 brings us exactly to the Mars-Venus of the invasion chart (the base of calculation is 7 years per house from the AC). The intrusion into a territory – which gets publicly noticed in Hs.7 is exactly the constellation that happened 36 years before the invasion. It happens to be the day that the Soviet built, Ukrainian nuclear power plant blew up. The radiation contaminated / “invaded” most of Europe. You might be thinking that sounds like pure luck, but here is the connection. To back my case: the chart of the invasion offers another hit in regards to the same content. The quite crucial part of the …

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the
The official Himachal tourism website calls this part of northern India the “Land of the Gods”. This part of the Indian subcontinent seems to be very mountainous since it is already a part of the Himalayas. Steep, rocky valleys with snow capped mountains and colorful temples seem to be its hallmark. On July 25 this year the area got its somber moment of fame. Eight tourists and their driver died in a rock slide that damaged and destroyed houses and a bridge. Normally news like that would not get the amount of attention, but in this case much of this incident has been caught on camera. In particular the spectacular collapse of the bridge, which is sadly enough very likely the reason why the tragic accident got international coverage, and not the loss of the nine souls. …

Turmoil in Afghanistan – The start of a greater collapse? – free content

Turmoil in Afghanistan – The start of a greater collapse? – free content

Turmoil in Afghanistan - The start of a greater collapse? - free content
Damage control all over western MSM – how to sell one of the biggest political foreign policy failures of Western Allies to their populace. After the run and flight of the all so “altruistic minded organizations” – like Nato, uncounted NGO’s and 15000 security contractor companies – the country has been left in shatters. Chaotic scenes of people trying to board planes to leave the country that was just taken back by the Taliban are dominating the news. After close to twenty years of Western countries trying to get a hold of one of the key countries of central Asia, the Americans, as the leading force, have abandoned their “democracy exporting mission.” Just some stats to make the sheer madness of the right-from-the-start unattainable operation more vivid. 2 trillion dollars spent, equating to about 300 million daily. More than 20.000 allied soldiers …

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content

Rockets over a Holy Place -free content
It started around May 7 clashes between Jewish groups and Muslim worshippers broke out at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. The area around the mosque is considered one of Islam’s most sacred sites — an area also revered by Jews as the Temple Mount. It is most likely one of the most disputed pieces of property in the world. People around the world are meanwhile used to these kinds of headlines. This time the differences could not be settled peacefully and the rift has so far ended in rocket attacks and airstrikes destroying property on both sides of the Gaza/Israeli border. According to this week’s news, a brokered ceasefire by Egypt has put an end to the 11 day bloody and destructive dispute that killed over two hundred people and destroyed many buildings. Examining the present situation from an astrological point of view shows that the quality of time had all starry tools ready for deployment to instigate a military type of showdown between those two sides. …

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
The idea and fascination that extraterrestrials visit Earth obviously never got out of style. In 2019 alone close to 6000 UFO sightings were reported and that in the US alone. Common problem with all these reports: limited amount of witnesses and a lack of evidence. One would think that in times of the omnipresent cellphone there would always be a camera around that would catch at least a more detailed glimpse of something, some cell phones have multiple cameras that are able to produce movie quality images, but no. In the search for a well documented UFO sighting that offers exact times and descriptions I ended up searching for some phenomena that would be worth exploring astrologically. I came across a reported UFO sighting right on the tarmac of the Chicago O’Hare airport, one of the busiest airports of the US. The incident is well reported and documented. Even a government report of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena delivers exact time and place descriptions as well parts of the radio chatter that was filling the airwaves …

The Great Competition – the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias – free content

The Great Competition – the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
A mid-September evening in 1901 an event attracted more than 15.000 spectators to the sold-out Royal Albert Hall in London – it was an event that was organized by Eugen Sandow, Russian born Friedrich Mueller, and is recognized as the first bodybuilding competition. The prize to win for the best balanced and most defined male body was set with 1.000 guineas, around $6000 today. Mr. Sandow, who is mainly referred to as the father of modern bodybuilding, chose no other than the Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be the judge over the masculinity on display. The event is in a way considered the mother of all bodybuilding contests like Mr. Olympia, Mr. Galaxy or Mr. Universe, that followed years later and it can be seen as the blueprint of all later …

The Robin Hood of the financial markets

The Robin Hood of the financial markets

The Robin Hood of the financial markets
… political and banking establishments obviously seemed to be worried, believing that they were threatened; immediately organizing a broad, orchestrated offense. Internet content and social media forums with tens of thousands of members were simply just shut down and digitally erased to help the big hands of Wall Street in containing and extinguishing the brush fire. The present Biden administration did not know anyone “better and more experienced” to look into the matter than the Janet Yellen, the former President of the Federal Reserve. Reason enough to have a closer look at the chart of the founding day of Robinhood Inc., which seems to be at the centre of the present phenomena, at least to some degree. The first look at the midday chart reveals that we are dealing with a content of time that challenges or is trying to break the existing status quo. A fiery Leo AC, as well as …

NYSE – going over the cliff, when will it hit the bottom?

NYSE – going over the cliff, when will it hit the bottom?

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
By now, most likely everybody took notice and is aware that the main international stock markets are on a downward spiral. Indices are all heading south (meaning down), in what seems to be like a free fall. They are occasionally stopped by market intervention or by initiating trading stops. As everyone seems to readily understand, the virus is the culprit and everything has to be done to stop the fallout of the situation. At that point unheard numbers of printed, computer generated “money”, and future debt for the masses were (and are) flushed into the system, just to rescue the wealth of the upper 2%, that holds the worlds most assets. Joe Public is fixated on the virus and even if he would understand the heist, he cannot protest the state run and orchestrated robbery, because he is confined to his four walls by decree…..

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
The virus that keeps on giving – at least that’s what it seems like. No matter where you look, you either follow the news, encounter people wearing masks, or meet people that are slowly being sucked into the frenzines of emptying supermarket shelves. The media thrives to portray a seemingly unescapable situation of “the final days”. Clearly, media power increases the more people give them their attention. Often articles from TV news and some internet sites have a visual backing of cities in ruins – it seems that for many the apocalypse has arrived at the doorsteps of their “first world” homes. Fear is in the air. …..

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

Astrology 101 – how to read a chart – ZODIAC – rotating 360 degree in a day – short clip – free content

The short clip is supposed to give you a visual understanding of the multitude of combinations in between the two principal axes (AC and MC) that the zodiac generates each day. This clip was created by combining 140 charts (every 10 minutes one chart).   What you see unfolding is a sped up rotation spanning a 24 hour period. You will […]