Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries - The Conqueror of Space
Like every year, at this time of late winter we will soon be nearing the spring equinox. Winter is usually ushered out when Aries starts its reign. The point is not just on a regular calendar of significance, even from an astrological point of view it is certainly a very noteworthy point on the 360 degree dial of the chronological sequence of the twelve star signs. When the Sun enters the star sign Aries, winter ends in the northern hemisphere. Spring is about to start and like in the phenomenological world, Aries, or for that matter Hs.1, kickstarts the progression and development of the Gestalt. Aries not only starts it, he gives it …

“The day after pill”

“The day after pill”

Almost three decades after “the pill” was approved, the FDA allowed another pill to enter the pharmaceutical product arena – the “morning after pill”, which is outright an abortion pill. Reliable numbers of how many pills are sold worldwide are hard to come by, but according to a New York Times article from the about 850.000 annual in-clinc-abortions in the US about 40% (2017) are meanwhile medically induced. In more legislated countries these pills have to be administered by health care professionals; whereas in many other countries, e.g. Mexico, these drugs are apparently even sold over the counter. The company Roussel-Uclaf that developed the Mifegyne (mifepristone) in the 1980 was a subsidiary of the Hoechst AG, the former infamous IG-Farben. Despite being part of the list of the WHO essential medicines, “the pill” had strong political …

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the “Land of the Gods”

Tragic Rockslide in the
The official Himachal tourism website calls this part of northern India the “Land of the Gods”. This part of the Indian subcontinent seems to be very mountainous since it is already a part of the Himalayas. Steep, rocky valleys with snow capped mountains and colorful temples seem to be its hallmark. On July 25 this year the area got its somber moment of fame. Eight tourists and their driver died in a rock slide that damaged and destroyed houses and a bridge. Normally news like that would not get the amount of attention, but in this case much of this incident has been caught on camera. In particular the spectacular collapse of the bridge, which is sadly enough very likely the reason why the tragic accident got international coverage, and not the loss of the nine souls. …

“God save the …” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain

“God save the …” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain

“God save the ...” - Great Conjunction of 2020 - outlook for Great Britain
In the sequence of articles about the Great Conjunction of 2020 I examine the differences between countries around the world and how they are differently aspected and affected by a seemingly identical horoscope – only difference – according to its geographic location the houses and main axles indicate different outcomes for every region. In this segment I will examine the Great Conjunction of last year and what it could mean for Britain for the next two decades. Compared to the previously examined chart of the Great Conjunction for Canada of last year it becomes quite obvious that the two planets building the Great Conjunction …

In Time – a movie premiere (2011) free content

In Time – a movie premiere (2011) free content

In Time - a movie premiere (2011) free content
For avid movie lovers this movie has most likely passed its shelf life, but I find the title as well as the subject intriguing. For quite some time I intended to have a chart of the premiere of the movie and explore a bit the content of time of the almost 10-year-old cinematographic production. The plot of the story unfolds in the year 2169 portraying a society whose universal currency is time. Time can be traded and / or passed onto another person. Starting with the age of 25, a one-year countdown begins displayed on your forearm, where you can always see and check someone’s remaining time. Basically, the race to gain more time starts with that age and depending how much you earn (time), you extend your lifespan. Wealth is expressed through possession of time and to give it a more socio-political angle, the …

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO - sightings - part 2
The entire UFO story complex is a narrative that certainly thrives in an environment that is without understanding nor has any acceptance of higher or divine forces. It fits the present era, which is religiously techno based, which certainly has no place for a higher power or spirit – “forbid even a God.” Subsequently, it has …

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
The idea and fascination that extraterrestrials visit Earth obviously never got out of style. In 2019 alone close to 6000 UFO sightings were reported and that in the US alone. Common problem with all these reports: limited amount of witnesses and a lack of evidence. One would think that in times of the omnipresent cellphone there would always be a camera around that would catch at least a more detailed glimpse of something, some cell phones have multiple cameras that are able to produce movie quality images, but no. In the search for a well documented UFO sighting that offers exact times and descriptions I ended up searching for some phenomena that would be worth exploring astrologically. I came across a reported UFO sighting right on the tarmac of the Chicago O’Hare airport, one of the busiest airports of the US. The incident is well reported and documented. Even a government report of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena delivers exact time and place descriptions as well parts of the radio chatter that was filling the airwaves …

The Robin Hood of the financial markets

The Robin Hood of the financial markets

The Robin Hood of the financial markets
… political and banking establishments obviously seemed to be worried, believing that they were threatened; immediately organizing a broad, orchestrated offense. Internet content and social media forums with tens of thousands of members were simply just shut down and digitally erased to help the big hands of Wall Street in containing and extinguishing the brush fire. The present Biden administration did not know anyone “better and more experienced” to look into the matter than the Janet Yellen, the former President of the Federal Reserve. Reason enough to have a closer look at the chart of the founding day of Robinhood Inc., which seems to be at the centre of the present phenomena, at least to some degree. The first look at the midday chart reveals that we are dealing with a content of time that challenges or is trying to break the existing status quo. A fiery Leo AC, as well as …

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FUEL DOCK and BOAT EXPLOSION – free content

FREE CONTENT - FUEL DOCK EXPLOSIONIt is something we almost do weekly and don’t waste too much thought on: fueling our vehicles with highly flammable substances. Rarely do we think about what could go wrong. It did not make national news, but the Times Colonist, our local newspaper, reported on the story offering the exact time and some details. In the afternoon on Sunday May 10th, someone had just finished to fuel their recreational vessel and shortly after …..

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

COVID-19 – greetings from the past, Part 1 – free content

Covid-19 - an astrological forensic search, part 1
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before” – Rahm Emanuel (former advisor to Barack Obama).
Particularly the US and China are trying to follow this kind of script right now. Each one of them is blaming the other for being the originator of the virus. The US is slowly ramping up its media power to persuade the public that China is the villain. That they were the ones concocting and brewing up the formula in their level 4 bio lab in Wuhan. And through some accident, the virus escaped the lab. The US president emphasizes that it is the “CHINA VIRUS”. As a consequence, multiple billion dollar lawsuits are being filed in US courts, all trying to sue China over the economic impact of the virus. China, on the other side, is keeping …..

PARIS, France – NOTRE DAME’s fire – first anniversary – free content

PARIS, France – NOTRE DAME’s fire – first anniversary – free content

PARIS, France - Notre Dame first anniversaryAbout a year ago on April 15th, 2019, in the early evening hours (6:18 PM), a fire was reported by a smoke detector in the iconic Paris Cathedral. The cathedral employee at the time could not detect anything suspicious and subsequently did not call for help. The fire must have progressed and became visible at 6:43 PM. By 6:51 PM, the fire brigade was summoned. At 7:49 PM, despite all efforts to contain the fire, the spire and roof collapsed, bringing down over 700 tons of stone. Within those 90 minutes Paris had lost much of one of their most precious and historic buildings. As someone interested in this kind of historical occurrence, I could not resist myself from recording the times. With these times, I created the chart of the spring evening that touched most of France and many around the world. Going through the progression of the eventful 90 minutes clearly revealed the development of the fire and its destructive course. I do not intend to spend too much time explaining the actual chart. What is more intriguing is knowing how the fire relates to the historical background of the building and the place….