HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference
… Presently, much of the global weather activity is altered to a degree. With this kind of background the recent proclaimed global crisis can be in parts perceived as intended/planned or a result of geoengineering gone wrong. No matter how – we have very likely already reached a level in which we can not say with certainty what the weather/climate over the last decades really looks like. … Like with so many of these projects the first date and time of operation is nowhere to be found, so I had to follow a different lead. Reading about HAARP, one name that seems to be connected with the operation and inventions is the American physicist: Bernard J. Eastlund …

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? – free content

Fabrication of a Climate Change Story ? - free content
Looking into the matter we first would have to ask ourselves: what makes us believe that we are experiencing a rapid change in climate? Clearly, the constant news, backed by images of forest fires, drought, increasing storm activity, depleted reservoirs and dying species have their impact on everyone’s mind and subsequently will mould your opinions about the matter. Since most of the news channels that massage our minds daily are either outlets with pure corporate agendas or in some countries outright government controlled and financed, a real “reality check” will be hard to come by. Before dwelling a bit deeper into the matter – I’d like the reader to ask themselves, if they think that it is plausible that some of the weather we experienced might not be sheer coincidence. It is a fact that part of the weather we experience these days is to a degree man ‘made’ or should we say manipulated. Even if you like to be on the sceptical side, there is meanwhile ample proof that man is altering local weather or entire weather patterns – and that not just for some years – decades (!). Since the middle of last century, the entire complex of weather manipulation is deeply rooted …

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 - The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content
Countless articles, commentaries and theories have been written and reported since that tragic and memorable day. The events that happened, that eleventh day of September, in the Big Apple have for over two decades nurtured many theories and perspectives of what really did happen and who might have orchestrated the attacks. Setting all conspiracy aside – up to this day the public has not yet gotten the answers from officials about some very legit questions, just to state some of them: WTC Building #7, which sustained only superficial and light damage from the collapse of the two towers, but fell in complete conformity like a controlled demolition, or how about the video footage that something other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon …

G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 - Summit in St.Ives, Britain - free content
The political “leaders” of the club of the rich have met again. This time the main points on the agenda of the illustrious group covered: leading global recovery from Covid 19, while strengthening resilience against future pandemics; promoting prosperity by championing free and fair trade; tackling climate change and preserving the planet’s biodiversity; and championing shared values. To give the entire meeting a more inclusive shine and appearance, political representatives from other countries – like Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa were invited. Like with so many of these kinds of meetings – the public coffers have to pay the exorbitant cost of these meetings – but their participation is left to the interpretations of the very likely weeks before honed statements of their press conferences. The discussed matters and decisions affect all of us and are clearly of public interest, but are still crafted and decided behind closed doors. In days of modern communication would it be a great deal to make those kinds of meetings public, via the internet, to prove their true public intent. Nonetheless, the scripted outcome and beforehand designed media statements are certainly …

George Floyd an Afro-American killed by Minnesota Police officer

George Floyd an Afro-American killed by Minnesota Police officer

George Floyd an Afro-American killed by Minnesota Police officer
Almost a month has passed and the murder has triggered worldwide outcry about racial injustice and profiling. The involved Police officers have been fired and will have to stand trial for first and second degree murder. The chart is the time George Floyd was forced to the ground by the Police officer D.Chauvin, which later led to Floyd’s death. The situation starts with a charged Mars/Pluto aspected AC hinting to applied force and/or oppression. The cusp of the fourth house is charged with a time content of a denied Uranus indicating a denied origin. Since ….

THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – a look down into the rabbit hole ? – free content

THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – a look down into the rabbit hole ? – free content

The Tavistock Institute - a look down into the rabbit hole ?
The TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE is a British non-profit organization, which claims to apply social science to contemporary issues and problems. From the outside it reads to be like one of the many institutes that is out there for the betterment of society. The present website gives it a rather innocent appeal (website as of June 2020). Colorful bubbles and excerpts of the presented topics of their work manifest an almost childish, playful first impression. Intermittently, pop up slogans like: “We work with overwhelming experiences” or “We work with hidden (sometimes unconsciousness) factors” appear. …..

COVID 19 – an update

COVID 19 – an update

COVID-19  an update
… What has happened in the meantime on the virus “front”? It is now officially declared by many world governments a war. Lots has changed on the outside, but the core of the story is still unchanged. News networks are accounting in real time, displaying a meter for the number of infected and deceased, like it would be the stock market. Images of empty streets, vacant cities, and overcrowded hospitals are hammered into our common consciences to create maximum impact. If those images do not have the desired impact, pictures of refrigerated body bags in semis parked behind hospitals, should at least make you understand … yes, we are at war. You are told that you are at war. We all are at war – with an enemy we cannot even see. …..

NATURE DOESN’T NEED PEOPLE – environmental trailer

NATURE DOESN’T NEED PEOPLE – environmental trailer

Nature doesn't need people - envirnmental trailer
… Quarantining efforts have left many people working from home, while others are bored and look for distractions. This situation has created an unprecedented wave of bits floating though the “network”. The bigger piece of the pie of internet usage is most likely stemming from personal, non-work related matters. Therefore, it is no surprise, that the digital tidal wave washed up this video into my email account. The captured landscapes and images of the world are quite stunning and pleasing to watch. Julia Robert’s voice is warm and motherly, but also forceful. This allows you to understand, that “she” (mother nature) does not need us (the human race) to keep the world going. In short – nature does not care about us. The underlying messages of the video are ……

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

Covid 19 – Just the beginning or no end in sight?

CHINA, Wuhan – Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
The virus that keeps on giving – at least that’s what it seems like. No matter where you look, you either follow the news, encounter people wearing masks, or meet people that are slowly being sucked into the frenzines of emptying supermarket shelves. The media thrives to portray a seemingly unescapable situation of “the final days”. Clearly, media power increases the more people give them their attention. Often articles from TV news and some internet sites have a visual backing of cities in ruins – it seems that for many the apocalypse has arrived at the doorsteps of their “first world” homes. Fear is in the air. …..