The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World
Through reading about the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, one finds out fairly quickly that Hades and Plouton are identical. The ancient Greek god of the underworld is known as the “unseen one”, fitting the trades of the eighth house in an astrological chart. The eighth house, being the last developmental step of the timely progression, before the Gestalt is revealed in Hs.7, is certainly still hidden from the eye of an observer, before timely content gets recognizable, therefore Hades is correctly named as the unseen one. The Greek myths are about the progression of how …

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore

The day when money was no store of value anymore
It certainly is a date that most would not even recognize as historically important. Many up to today do not even realize the implications that arose from this White House decision, which would change everyday lives more than most other political decisions made over the last four decades. It almost does not matter where on the planet, rich or poor, it influenced every economic and financial development and transaction that followed after. It was so significant that it reaches even into our present days and very likely (way beyond) into the future. The argument could be made that the decision enabled a system that generated wealth and a standard of living never seen before. Others could argue that …

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land – part 2

War in the Holy Land - part 2
The chart of the congress can be viewed in, what we could consider, the birth chart of the State of Israel. In light of the recent developments in the “Holy Land” it is certainly worth having a closer look at it and seeing what quality of time the foundation of the State of Israel is made up of. Before we go into the details of the first Zionist congress chart, I’d like to mention the present military confrontation you can find at the point that I have marked with an arrow (with #1.). It is a point that mirrors over the …

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US

2023-2024 Another crucial year for the US
The last year has not been a particularly good year for the US. Not that we could have expected any other since last year’s chart already foretold many of the timely currents that brought certain phenomena to life. The analysis from last year’s chart on this website foretold the many things that did occur or which future groundwork has been laid in the past twelve months. Once certain pointed out constellations prove to become a phenomenon I will put a link at the end of the article and let the news article or commentary do the work. The prediction of last year’s (2022-2023) aequinoctium for the US has to be proven quite accurate and since basically all the points of the article got “checked off” I like to take a moment to regress on certain points and comment on the accuracy myself. The chart revealed that the territory of the US will be challenged with …

Year of War – Ukraine

Year of War – Ukraine

Halsey - Star Martyrdom
In a previous article we looked at the day of the Russian invasion and how it is connected to previous historical events from an astrological perspective. An end to the proxy war is not expected to happen any time soon. The two biggest arms producers of the world found a “very suitable place” (the Granary of Europe) to get rid of their old weaponry and a good presentation and test platform for the latest weaponry. By donating encapsulated death to Ukraine some European countries have meanwhile already depleted their own ammunition stock by 30%, weakening their own future defense. As predicted on this site, when Biden took office, there is no doubt that the installment …

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – free content

The Russian invasion of Ukraine – free content

The Russian invasion of Ukraine - free content
In the early morning hours on Wednesday, 24.02.2022, Russian forces started an invasion of Ukrainian territory. After a large buildup of troops appeared along the commonly shared border, it was suspected for weeks that the invasion was to happen any day. After a morning announcement the day arrived when the Russian president decided to invade the now independent Nation. The relationship between the former part of the USSR and it’s homeland: Russia has been brewing since 2014. After the fall of the old Soviet Union, Russia and the West are playing tug-a-war with the biggest European country Ukraine, which is longing for independence. Western countries attempt to include Ukraine into several kinds of treaties and alliances (Nato, EU,…) – moving their frontier closer to the Russian heartland, which certainly is not unnoticed in Moscow. In light of that situation the invasion did not come as a big surprise. By now …