The SPARS Pandemic Scenario

The SPARS Pandemic Scenario

The SPARS Pandemic Scenario
In an earlier article in October 2020 I already explored the content of time of a pandemic tabletop exercise that was conducted a year earlier by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and no other than the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As of late, another building block of “pre-Covid” times emerged. In a podcast interview Dr. Peter A. McCullough, hinted at a training exercise published in 2017, which in good detail already laid out the road to the presently perceived pandemic state. To a degree quite telling – the leading force behind both, the Event 201 and the tabletop exercise, is the same – the John Hopkins Center for Health Security. The name of the organization is already reason enough to be skeptical. Sorry, I can’t help it – Center for Health Security – in my world the name already reveals a “function” which this organization is all about, and claiming to be the center for it might not be as pretentious as it sounds. Connecting Health and Security does not work. The name already tells us of the misconception that is driving the entire madness which powers the healthcare “industry” that has spread and contaminated minds …

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“… the Queen” – Great Conjunction of 2020 – outlook for Great Britain – part 2

“... the Queen” - Great Conjunction of 2020 - outlook for Great Britain - part 2
Getting a bit more into detail of the Great Conjunction for Great Britain, one question that clearly comes up is the question of the succession of the Queen. Queen Elizabeth II. has served her country and many Commonwealth countries as one of the longest monarchs ever. She is just about two years away from being the longest reigning monarch. Seven decades of being the Head of State Queen Elizabeth II. certainly has made it difficult to find anybody out there that still remembers her father as King. Her dynasty goes back to the year of 827 and without being a historian I believe I can say it is most likely the longest dynasty ever reigning a country or for that matter in its later part most of the world. Clearly, Great Britain’s fortunes of the past have a strong connection to the political influence and power of the House of Windsor. It is hard to imagine much of the last century without the presence of THE QUEEN. Statesmen as well as entertainers …

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 - The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content
Countless articles, commentaries and theories have been written and reported since that tragic and memorable day. The events that happened, that eleventh day of September, in the Big Apple have for over two decades nurtured many theories and perspectives of what really did happen and who might have orchestrated the attacks. Setting all conspiracy aside – up to this day the public has not yet gotten the answers from officials about some very legit questions, just to state some of them: WTC Building #7, which sustained only superficial and light damage from the collapse of the two towers, but fell in complete conformity like a controlled demolition, or how about the video footage that something other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon …

Fentanyl – the origins of a potent and silent killer

Fentanyl – the origins of a potent and silent killer

Fentanyl - the origins of a potent and silent killer
Who has not heard about the serial killer that silently infiltrates our communities? In Canada every day 11 people and in the US 41 die of opioid substance abuse. According to the WHO about 269 million people (or 5.3% of the global population aged 15-64 years) used drugs at least once in 2018. Among them, about 58 million people used opioids. About 35.6 million people suffered from drug use disorders in 2018 Worldwide, about 0.5 million deaths are attributable to drug use. More than 70% of these deaths are related to opioids. The biggest consumer of prescribed opioids is the US. All those numbers seemed to get drowned in the present Covid media frenzy that is loud, overpowering and heavily politicized. As an example here in Western Canada in B.C., the number of Fentanyl deaths for last year is about 1.5 times higher than Covid related deaths. I know in other parts of the world these numbers are not that one sided but the problem of artificial opioid use is not something that can be ignored. If you read and hear about the recently proposed countermeasures that Health authorities are coming up, one can only wonder – do these officials really know what they are dealing with? To get a better picture of that crisis from my end of the chart – I started searching for an adequate date or time when one of the many opioids were introduced to the market. …

Seaspiracy – a documentary -free content

Seaspiracy – a documentary -free content

Seaspiracy - a documentary -free content
Last week a new documentary premiered on Netflix -“Seaspiracy”. The documentary focuses on the worldwide human impact on fish, marine wildlife and oceans in general. Tackles topics like overfishing; the fishing industry; slavery on fishing boats; and the ambiguous world of different environment and marine conservation organizations, which seem to whitewash the industry’s doings. Aside from the obvious, very sad and concerning visual impressions of dead marine life, which many will focus on and remember, the documentary also delivers a hidden message. The accumulated data and stats quite subtly debunk the existing narrative of the carbon climate hoax the world is presently exposed to (see earlier article). “Seaspiracy” makes a first quadrant case that the world’s oceans …

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO - sightings - part 2
The entire UFO story complex is a narrative that certainly thrives in an environment that is without understanding nor has any acceptance of higher or divine forces. It fits the present era, which is religiously techno based, which certainly has no place for a higher power or spirit – “forbid even a God.” Subsequently, it has …



CBC radio
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first radio broadcast. On May 20,1920 the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada broadcasted the first Canadian radio program. Within 10 years the number of radio sets in Canada increased from a few thousand to nearly 300.000. This trend and opportunity of mass programming on an unknown scale did not go by unnoticed from the Canadian political establishment. The only trouble was most of the radio stations were based south of the border, out of their political reach and influence. As a counterweight to the American content, which dominated the Canadina skies, the government in 1929 decided to get involved in radio business. Almost seven years later, on November 2nd, 1936, the state owned, managed and financed CBC radio was established. It would eventually cover most of the airspace of the second biggest landmass on earth. The Crown cooperation was established with the clear intention of broadcasting and “programming” Canadian …