Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics – what astrology already knew for millennia – part 3

Quantum Physics - what astrology already knew for millennia - part 3
… it is quite amusing for me to see how in general physicists try to decipher the quality of time from just an atomic-level point of view. They will have to come up with a lot of new systems, measuring tools and devices to explain the quality of time and find the potential of a moment. A system that does exactly that has already been found millennia ago, it is very old, can be as confusing and difficult as quantum physics, but it works. It is Astrology and it can certainly offer a very precise explanation to the many questions the quantum crowd is after and will have a hard time to explain in any other way. …

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 - “Advance Australia fair …”
Lately, quite concerning news is coming from the land down under. Not that the northern hemisphere is short of stories of the same development, but it’s almost as though that in the land of Emus and Kangaroos things are seemingly getting out of hand. Dragonian Covid measures have apparently transformed the country into a place where it is not uncommon to see tanks and military enforcing Covid curfews – the curfew has been expanded to a national curfew prohibiting travel in and out of Australia and as an Australian you can not even return home. Meanwhile, protests have turned violent and as countermeasures the government has introduced laws that clearly have more the signature of a totalitarian system rather than an open (minded) democratic, free moving society. Not helping the situation were comments made by the New South Wales chief medical officer, Dr. Kerry Grant, calling the measures a “New World Order” …

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 – The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content

9/11 - The beginning of a collapse of a system -free content
Countless articles, commentaries and theories have been written and reported since that tragic and memorable day. The events that happened, that eleventh day of September, in the Big Apple have for over two decades nurtured many theories and perspectives of what really did happen and who might have orchestrated the attacks. Setting all conspiracy aside – up to this day the public has not yet gotten the answers from officials about some very legit questions, just to state some of them: WTC Building #7, which sustained only superficial and light damage from the collapse of the two towers, but fell in complete conformity like a controlled demolition, or how about the video footage that something other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon …

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO – sightings – 2

UFO - sightings - part 2
The entire UFO story complex is a narrative that certainly thrives in an environment that is without understanding nor has any acceptance of higher or divine forces. It fits the present era, which is religiously techno based, which certainly has no place for a higher power or spirit – “forbid even a God.” Subsequently, it has …

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

UFO sightings – 1 – free content

The Great Competition - the birth of the Mr. Americas, Universes and Olympias - free content
The idea and fascination that extraterrestrials visit Earth obviously never got out of style. In 2019 alone close to 6000 UFO sightings were reported and that in the US alone. Common problem with all these reports: limited amount of witnesses and a lack of evidence. One would think that in times of the omnipresent cellphone there would always be a camera around that would catch at least a more detailed glimpse of something, some cell phones have multiple cameras that are able to produce movie quality images, but no. In the search for a well documented UFO sighting that offers exact times and descriptions I ended up searching for some phenomena that would be worth exploring astrologically. I came across a reported UFO sighting right on the tarmac of the Chicago O’Hare airport, one of the busiest airports of the US. The incident is well reported and documented. Even a government report of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena delivers exact time and place descriptions as well parts of the radio chatter that was filling the airwaves …

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger – encountering Saturn

Tiger - encountering Saturn
Luckily, Tiger Woods survived the single vehicle car accident. His fate was fortunately not similar to another sport legend, Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash early last year. As already laid out in my Kobe Bryant’s article, when these kinds of tragic accidents happen it is usually the compounding effect of some constellations that get charged up over time and then triggered (released) by transiting planets. As with many of those kinds of accidents, the pattern is similar. They all need some sort of initial priming, before the compensated energy that accumulated gets released (see – The Regulatives). One can already be born with …



CBC radio
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first radio broadcast. On May 20,1920 the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada broadcasted the first Canadian radio program. Within 10 years the number of radio sets in Canada increased from a few thousand to nearly 300.000. This trend and opportunity of mass programming on an unknown scale did not go by unnoticed from the Canadian political establishment. The only trouble was most of the radio stations were based south of the border, out of their political reach and influence. As a counterweight to the American content, which dominated the Canadina skies, the government in 1929 decided to get involved in radio business. Almost seven years later, on November 2nd, 1936, the state owned, managed and financed CBC radio was established. It would eventually cover most of the airspace of the second biggest landmass on earth. The Crown cooperation was established with the clear intention of broadcasting and “programming” Canadian …

CONTAGION – 2011 Movie

CONTAGION – 2011 Movie

IRAN – Tehran ‘”What’s next?”
Many of you might have already seen the movie Contagion from 2011. I watched it for the first time last night. The movie premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 3rd, 2011. In the meantime, it has enjoyed a wide viewership with good reviews. In case you have not seen the movie, here is the plot: the death of the protagonists (Matt Damon) partner and her son leads to the discovery of a deadly virus. The US Centers for Disease Control fails to curb its spread and a worldwide panic ensues. One could almost say the movie blueprints the present rise and unfolding of Covid-19. With that I could not resist to create the movies chart. Unfortunately, I was not able to get the exact show time of the film at festival, so I had to use a day chart to get a bit closer to the story. ……