Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 – The Online Harms Act – Canada

Bill C 63 - The Online Harms Act - Canada
On February 26 the Canadian government, the Liberal Party of Canada with Leader Justin Trudeau introduced in the House of Commons a bill to establish a new responsibility regime for social media operators and direct content distributors in Canada. The aim is to focus on online harms and the protection of users, particularly children. The bill certainly does way more than just that – it falls in line with the (already on this website portrayed) Europe’s digital service act – the same “spirits” seem to be international. It even caught the attention of Matt Taibbi, who wrote in a article  – “The purview of the Online Harms Act extends far beyond speech …

The “Green” Movement

The “Green” Movement

The first time that a political movement was tagged with the word “Green” was in Germany in the mid seventies. The founding souls of this meanwhile worldwide mainstream political movement, sought to oppose industrial development and the destructive impact on the environment caused by it. The crowd that gathered did not differ in its convictions much from other similar movements that sprung up at about the same time frame all around the world. People from all walks of life gathered to stand up against industrial pollution and destruction of soil, air and water. What in those days united people in Germany were mainly concerns about planned or already existing nuclear power plants. Skipping some decades ahead, the political offspring of that initial movement is now …

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome

Attack on our Microbiome
… at least according to the German author Heiko Schoening. For people that are not familiar with him, here is what AI wants you to know about his persona. “Heiko Schöning is a German doctor and entrepreneur. He is the head of a group known by the German acronym ACU2020 and has been involved in various organizations and projects. He was arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London in September 2020 while addressing a crowd at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Heiko Schöning is also the co-founder of a startup and has been involved in various projects, including MedCooling, a company that focuses on cooling solutions. Additionally, he has been involved in the World Doctors Alliance, an organization that has questioned the veracity of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
What Brave AI is “weirdly” enough …