The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World

The Plutonic World
Through reading about the ancient Greek god of the underworld Hades, one finds out fairly quickly that Hades and Plouton are identical. The ancient Greek god of the underworld is known as the “unseen one”, fitting the trades of the eighth house in an astrological chart. The eighth house, being the last developmental step of the timely progression, before the Gestalt is revealed in Hs.7, is certainly still hidden from the eye of an observer, before timely content gets recognizable, therefore Hades is correctly named as the unseen one. The Greek myths are about the progression of how …

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries – The Conqueror of Space

Aries - The Conqueror of Space
Like every year, at this time of late winter we will soon be nearing the spring equinox. Winter is usually ushered out when Aries starts its reign. The point is not just on a regular calendar of significance, even from an astrological point of view it is certainly a very noteworthy point on the 360 degree dial of the chronological sequence of the twelve star signs. When the Sun enters the star sign Aries, winter ends in the northern hemisphere. Spring is about to start and like in the phenomenological world, Aries, or for that matter Hs.1, kickstarts the progression and development of the Gestalt. Aries not only starts it, he gives it …

Ryugyong Hotel

Ryugyong Hotel

Ryugyong Hotel
The Ryugyong Hotel is just another example of a mega construction project gone “wrong”. Like with other numerous examples of failed iconic building projects portrayed on this website, who’s future demise could have been foretold astrologically even before they were started, it serves as a nice example how the quality of time always will come to light at the end. Not any different with this intended Mega hotel with its over 3000 planned hotel rooms and its 300 meters in height. The hotel certainly was thought to be a shining star for the communist regime of Pyongyang. It should have been a showcase project for its economic might. But the ruine like state of the unfinished building, which by the way meanwhile has been airbrushed out of many skyline photos of the city, …