Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster – part 2

Andes Flight Disaster - part 2
… Every moment holds its “timely” potential or, as the quantum physicist would call it, its potentiality, which is waiting to be “realized”. Much of  potentiality is never “realized”, but once the right players and pieces fall into place, events unfold. As already hinted towards in the “Light of Life” article, a similar observation can be made with light as well, be it the birth of a living creature or the occurrence of an event, all are entangled and connected to bigger rhythmic, recurring phenomena that happened before them and can be found in a chart (- see Covid articles)…

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571 – part 1

UY Air Force Flight 571
For some weeks now Netflix offers a very well made cinematographic historic reappraisal of this tragic flight. The movie is not just well made, it touches with impressive detail on the different characters involved, the plight and how the event and the months after in starvation and drama evolved until the survivors were found. Relevant times and dates are very well documented. The precision of the relevant charts demonstrate and explain in their planetary way the event in the most stunning way and are truly a testament of how the quality of time has future outcomes embedded in it. Known as the “Andes Flight disaster” this historic flight took place in the early seventies, when a plane on its way from Montevideo UY to Santiago de Chile crashed on an icefield in the Andes. On one hand the crash was understandably perceived as a disaster, on the other it was called a miracle. From the initial 45 people onboard 14 survived a 72 day ordeal in subzero terrain at an altitude of close to 4000 m before they were rescued. The disaster made worldwide headlines because of the cannibalism …

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader – part 2 – Jim Jones and the economic socialism

Cult Leader - part 2 - Jim Jones and the economic socialism
When one researches the life of Jim Jones it does not take much reading to understand that he was a “quite unique” character. Growing up in a financially strapped household, with a mother/parents that did not seem to have cared much about her/their son even to a degree that neighbors felt compelled to care for young Jimmy, one quickly understands that his childhood certainly was not following the path of the average childhood. Wikipedia quoted Jones once saying about his childhood; “I was ready to kill by the end of the third grade. I mean, I was so aggressive and hostile, I was ready to kill. Nobody gave me …