VERRA – and the carbon credit scheme

VERRA – and the carbon credit scheme

VERRA - and the carbon credit scheme
Have you already heard about this non-profit organization? It would not be a surprise if your answer would be a no. Even if the doings of the organization increasingly influence your daily life more than you would think, the search to get the foundation data of the organization has to be proven quite unique. After multiple attempts to get some clear data from Google I received a message from Google that I would be searching for information that is against their terms and conditions – only for just trying to find out the foundation date of the organization. Repeating the search for a couple of times yielded the same result. At the end, well I put myself into the hands of AI. On the first round even ChatGpt did not know what I was even after, and just after garnishing my question with a couple of elements and data points of the organization I got a more compelling result …