“Glue Protests”

“Glue Protests”

It seems to be the latest rage of demonstrating – glue yourself to a famous piece of art or an important transportation artery to receive worldwide media attention. “Oddly” enough, these kinds of appearances are isolated to mainly countries of western societies. Is it that in other countries they would not receive the desired attention or are the protesters rather afraid of just being ignored and run over by the angry mob or possibly detained by police for a long time. Certainly one thing can be said – in many countries these kinds of protests would not receive the desired attention nor a public nod of consensus. But in the “West” there seems to be a relationship between the major media outlets and protesters and their portrayed doom and gloom message. Watching all that unfolding in different places in Europe and …

The Rebellion of the Displaced – Canada – free content

The Rebellion of the Displaced – Canada – free content

The Rebellion of the Displaced - Canada - free content
It all started in the last third of this January – Canadians, led by protesting truckers, united, “marched” and convoyed towards the Canadian capital Ottawa. Mirrored by demonstrations in many Canadian cities, the movement demands an end to the vaccine requirement for truckers that cross the Canadian/US border – as well as an end to all Covid restrictions. To this day the Prime Minister nor anyone in his government has met with the demonstrators nor engaged with them in any meaningful discussion; nor is the government willing to revisit the matter. The story would have not turned that viral as it did, but when the Prime Minister was accused of hiding – excusing himself having Covid (not realizing that this very statement of having Covid after being apparently tripled vaxxed, contradicts all reasoning and measures his government is now forcefully fighting for) public attention and tolerance turned against him. The protest movement …

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 – “Advance Australia fair …”

Great Conjunction 2020 - “Advance Australia fair …”
Lately, quite concerning news is coming from the land down under. Not that the northern hemisphere is short of stories of the same development, but it’s almost as though that in the land of Emus and Kangaroos things are seemingly getting out of hand. Dragonian Covid measures have apparently transformed the country into a place where it is not uncommon to see tanks and military enforcing Covid curfews – the curfew has been expanded to a national curfew prohibiting travel in and out of Australia and as an Australian you can not even return home. Meanwhile, protests have turned violent and as countermeasures the government has introduced laws that clearly have more the signature of a totalitarian system rather than an open (minded) democratic, free moving society. Not helping the situation were comments made by the New South Wales chief medical officer, Dr. Kerry Grant, calling the measures a “New World Order” …