THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC – part 1

THE ZODIAC - part 1
…Passed on over millennia, older than all existing religions, the Zodiac has survived the many tides of history. It tells us the evolution of the Gestalt, the mythos, that is described in a pictorial language of expression. It is an exact step-by-step breakdown of the evolutionary stages of the Gestalt of the present – leading from the realms of the nameless, the eternal truth, the unconscious to the conscious, which to a degree all beings and every moment are subjected to. It is a continuous and seamless flow of the potential of time that constitutes and shapes the quality of time – every single moment. Creation did not just happen once, it is happening every minute, every second, every moment, it is a continuum. Every fraction of a second is subjected to this miraculous (holy) emergence of “timely” content. Be it the creation of the world …