HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference
… Presently, much of the global weather activity is altered to a degree. With this kind of background the recent proclaimed global crisis can be in parts perceived as intended/planned or a result of geoengineering gone wrong. No matter how – we have very likely already reached a level in which we can not say with certainty what the weather/climate over the last decades really looks like. … Like with so many of these projects the first date and time of operation is nowhere to be found, so I had to follow a different lead. Reading about HAARP, one name that seems to be connected with the operation and inventions is the American physicist: Bernard J. Eastlund …

“The Walking Dead” – free content

“The Walking Dead” – free content

“The Walking Dead” - free content
These days it will be hard to find someone, when they hear the title of this successful horror series, who does not immediately associate the title with stiff walking corpses plaguing the streets. If you are like me and have not even seen one complete episode and only know a glimpse of an image or a sequence of the gruesome impressions, it will be hard to forget the disfigured and decaying faces. For the complete novice to that genre – Wikipedia comes up with a short description of the over 10 season running series – “Sheriff’s deputy Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma in a post-apocalyptic world where the undead, known as walkers, have taken over. Rick must fight for his survival to protect his family and friends while along the way he meets new allies and confronts enemies who try to take over communities”. The title has always sparked my interest in taking a closer astrological look at the series. Particularly the recent turn of events has deepened my interest, so that …