Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine

Escobar, Al Capone and Cocaine
Just lately the American crime drama series Narcos kindled my interest in the chart for the King of Cocaine: Pablo Escobar. The time of his birth was surprisingly easy to find, and the moment I had the chart calculated and drawn by my computer, the database showed the existence of a very similar matching chart, the one of another career criminal – Al Capone. The two do not need too much of an introduction of who they were and how they were able to amass fame and fortune. Both have quite some things in common. In their respective hemispheres, one in the US, the other in Columbia, Pablo and Capone were the most famous gangsters of their time; both were highly successful in their field of business, rapidly collecting unprecedented fortunes. Both have …



“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.” —George Larimer. Questions in a consultation often turn around money. I guess it is one topic that the wealthy and the less fortunate commonly and equally share. With the present economic downturn it might be worth reflecting on this for a moment. Money itself can be categorized as a purely imaginary construct (Pluto) and is astrologically not represented by a specific constellation. I categorize money as a concept or belief system. It is, in a way, diametrical to life, since it soaks up life and to some degree “stores” it. The one who holds the money ….