HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference
… Presently, much of the global weather activity is altered to a degree. With this kind of background the recent proclaimed global crisis can be in parts perceived as intended/planned or a result of geoengineering gone wrong. No matter how – we have very likely already reached a level in which we can not say with certainty what the weather/climate over the last decades really looks like. … Like with so many of these projects the first date and time of operation is nowhere to be found, so I had to follow a different lead. Reading about HAARP, one name that seems to be connected with the operation and inventions is the American physicist: Bernard J. Eastlund …