G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 – Summit in St.Ives, Britain – free content

G7 - Summit in St.Ives, Britain - free content
The political “leaders” of the club of the rich have met again. This time the main points on the agenda of the illustrious group covered: leading global recovery from Covid 19, while strengthening resilience against future pandemics; promoting prosperity by championing free and fair trade; tackling climate change and preserving the planet’s biodiversity; and championing shared values. To give the entire meeting a more inclusive shine and appearance, political representatives from other countries – like Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa were invited. Like with so many of these kinds of meetings – the public coffers have to pay the exorbitant cost of these meetings – but their participation is left to the interpretations of the very likely weeks before honed statements of their press conferences. The discussed matters and decisions affect all of us and are clearly of public interest, but are still crafted and decided behind closed doors. In days of modern communication would it be a great deal to make those kinds of meetings public, via the internet, to prove their true public intent. Nonetheless, the scripted outcome and beforehand designed media statements are certainly …