HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference

HAARP and a timely connection to the COP 26 climate change conference
… Presently, much of the global weather activity is altered to a degree. With this kind of background the recent proclaimed global crisis can be in parts perceived as intended/planned or a result of geoengineering gone wrong. No matter how – we have very likely already reached a level in which we can not say with certainty what the weather/climate over the last decades really looks like. … Like with so many of these projects the first date and time of operation is nowhere to be found, so I had to follow a different lead. Reading about HAARP, one name that seems to be connected with the operation and inventions is the American physicist: Bernard J. Eastlund …

COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 – on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference – free content

COP 26 - on the road to nowhere, the UN climate change conference
No, it is not just another big All-Saints day gathering, even if its deeper roots pretty much resembles a meeting of the dead. 30.000 modern “witches and spell masters” meet for another one of those “altruistic” conferences that supposedly will rescue the world. I guess the world could already start breathing better if all those attendees would not fly in on their carbon spewing broomsticks. The world would not just breathe better – the world would even be better off without any of these conspiring events – since again, it will be another one of those meetings that are “oh so very important for the planet”, that again will happen behind closed doors. Isn’t it already sufficient enough that all the expenses of these events are paid by taxpayers? The public should at least be able to listen in on their oh so important decisions. …